Which of the following was the most widely shared principle among the founders in 1787 Quizlet



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Terms in this set (60)

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention decided that the Constitution would take effect for ratifying states when _____ states approved it.


Another term for "inalienable rights" is _____ rights.


Goals of the framers of the Constitution included?

-Preserving the states as governing entities
-Creating a national government that could meet the nation's defense needs.
-Dividing power between the national government and the states

During the debate over ratification of the Constitution, what objections did the Anti-Federalist raise?

-Too much power being taken from the states and given to the national government
-The absence of a Bill of Rights

Which series of essays did James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote in support of the Constitution?

Federalist Papers

The different mechanisms that each branch uses to monitor and limit the other branches are called ________.

checks and balances

Which of the following are true of the Constitution?

-It accepts self-government but slows the momentum of popular majority ideas
-It grants the national government certain powers and denies it others
-It separates power among three branches of government

The branches of the federal government include the ______ branch, the ____________ branch, and the _____ branch.

legislative, executive, judicial

Why is the Senate considered less responsive to popular pressure than the House of Representatives?

Senate elections are less frequent than elections for Representatives.

The federal court case that established judicial review was?

Marbury v. Madison

Even if passed by two-thirds of both house of Congress, a constitutional amendment still must be _________ by three-quarters of the state.


Which of the following statements describe the term democracy and republic as understood by the farmers of the Constitution?

-In a democracy the power of the majority is unlimited.
-The government of a republic responds to the needs of the majority while protecting the minority
-The separation of powers is a characteristic of republican government

The Constitution was designed to?

Provide for a limited government

The founding fathers built the concept of separation of powers into the Constitution because they?

-Didn't want one person or faction taking control of government
-Wanted the power to govern to spread over three distinct branches of government

Which of the following events led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

-Shays's rebellion had shown the weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation.
-The Annapolis Convention did not have enough participants to revise the Articles of Confederation.
-Madison and Hamilton encouraged delegates at the Annapolis Convention to meet again revise the Articles of Confederation.

Why does our Constitution contain checks and balances?

To prevent the arbitrary use of power

To pass legislative policies and ratify treaties under the Articles of Confederation, ____ were required to vote for it.


In the farmers' view, a republican government?

-Reduces the likelihood of reckless, hasty actions.
-Adds constraints that protect the rights of individuals.
-Prevents tyranny of the majority.

One key risk ______ government is the potential for tyranny of the majority.


To make sure no single branch of the federal government dominated the others, the Constitution contained _____________ on each branch.

checks and balances

A governing form that is responsive to the majority but not captive to it is a?


The Three-Fifths Compromise stated that _________ would be counted for the purposes of representation and appointment, but only partially.


Anti-Federalists believed that?

The national government was going to have excessive power under the Constitution

The Philadelphia Convention was called to?

Revise the Articles of Confederation

Which of the following were features of the Virginia Plan for national government?

A bicameral legislature
States with the largest populations would have the most representatives

Which of the following were actions of the British government after the French and Indian War (1754-1763) that colonist found objectionable?

-Taxation without representation
-Passage of the Townshend Act
-Levying a tax on newspapers

The president's use of the veto can prevent a congressional bill from becoming law.
Direct results of the Boston tea Party included?

-Colonists refusing to pay for the destroyed tea
-A british naval blockade of Boston Harbor
-Britain asking the colonists to pay for the destroyed tea

The U.S. system of government created by the founders in 1787 can be described as which of the following?


Under the Constitution, Congress was prohibited until 1808 from taking which of the following actions regarding slaves?

Passing laws ending the slave trade

The key point of Madison's Federalist No. 10 is that governments need to be structured in order to _______________ factions.

balance and control

What is the method of selecting nominees for state and national offices that was introduced by Progressives and adopted by most states by the early 1900s?

The common people voted for nominees in primary elections.

The Great Compromise created?

A bicameral legislature with a lower house based on population and an upper house based on equal representation of the states.

Judicial power rests with the?

Supreme Court and lower federal courts

Which of the following are constitutional grants of power to the national government?

-Declaring war against another nation
-Raising an army

Which of the following statements about Shays' Rebellion are correct?

-Shays's followers were a large group of farmers.
-The primary purpose of the rebellion was to prevent land foreclosures.
-The rebellion was lead by a former captain in the American army.

Elected officials who act as _______ rely primarily on their own judgement in making decisions, while those who act as _______ vote strictly according to the wishes of their constituents.

trustees, delegates

Which of the following elements of the social contract that John Locke believe was the foundation of government?

-People submit to governmental authority in return for the protection it can provide, if it respects their rights.
-People are born with certain inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and property.
-If a government does not respect natural rights of the people, the people can rightfully rebel against it.

Name some of the core principles of the Declaration of Independence.

-All men are equal
-All men have fundamental rights
-The consent of the governed is fundamental.

In order to put more power into the hands of the people, Andrew Jackson urged states to allocate their _______ votes to the candidate that won the popular vote in their state.


The power of the federal judiciary to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the two branches of government and to declare their actions null and void is called?

Judicial review

Which British policy was the main source of dispute for the American colonists?

Taxation without representation

Goals of the First Continental Congress included?

-Seeking an end to the British military occupation in the colonies
-Requesting a guarantee of trial by local juries
-Asking British for their own councils for the imposition of taxes

Jefferson and Jackson ha different views concerning the branch of agreement that was best equipped to?

Represent the views of the majority

One of the missions of the executive branch is to?

Serve as a check on Congress

The New Jersey Plan?

-Designated that all states would have an equal vote in the legislature
-Called for a unicameral legislature

Which of the following are true of grants of power?

-The framers of the Constitution limited the national government by confining its scope to grants of power.
-Powers not granted to the national government are denied it unless they are needed to carry out the granted powers.
-They are powers granted to the national government.

Which of the following were features of the Virginia Plan for national government?

-A bicameral legislature
-States with the largest populations would have the most representatives

What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

-The national government did not have the power to regulate commerce between the states.
-The national government depended on the state for its funding and they often did not pay the full share.

The Articles of Confederation gave the most power?

To the individual states

A key concern for the group know as ________ was that the proposed Constitution lacked a bill of rights.

the Anti-Federalists

The proposal that tended to favor the less-populated states was called the?

New Jersey Plan

The northern-southern conflict over slavery resulted in which compromise?

Three-Fifths Compromise

In the debate over the U.S. Constitution, the Federalists?

Supported a strong national government

The concept of separation of powers was proposed by?


Powers specifically prohibited from belonging to the state and national governments in Constitutional are know as?

Denial of powers

Which of the following are reasons why the Constitution begins with the words "We the People"?

-The idea that the U.S. government ultimately derives its power from the people
-People need to exercise control over government

How did the views of average Americans differ from the voes of the framers of the Constitution?

-Average Americans felt the Constitution should allow for increased majority rule
-Average American began to challenge e restriction on majority rule
-Average Americans felt more strongly in favor of pure self-government

In choosing the president, the number of members of the House and Senate from a state determines the state's umber of?

Electoral votes

Which of the following are reasons that the system of government of the United States is in some ways seen as more democratic than those of many European countries?

-The U.S. system uses primary elections to select party nominees for office.
-The U.S. system elects representatives to its larger legislative chamber more frequently.

Historian Charles Beard describes the founding father who wrote our Constitution as?

A group of wealthy individuals whose main goal was to keep power in the hands of the wealthy.

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