Which of the following would an IS auditor consider to be the most important when evaluating an organizations IS strategy that it?

Which of the following would an IS auditor consider to be the MOST important when evaluating an organization's IS strategy? That it:

A. has been approved by line management.

B. does not vary from the IS department's preliminary budget.

C. complies with procurement procedures.

D. supports the business objectives of the organization.

Which of the following does an is auditor consider to be most important when evaluating an organization’s it strategy? that it:

  1. was approved by line managemen.
  2. supports the business objectives of the organization.
  3. complies with procurement procedures.
  4. does not vary from the it departments preliminary budget.

Jawabannya adalah b. supports the business objectives of the organization.

Which of the following does an is auditor consider to be most important when evaluating an organization’s it strategy? that it supports the business objectives of the organization.

Penjelasan dan Pembahasan

Jawaban a. was approved by line managemen menurut saya ini salah, karena sudah menyimpang jauh dari apa yang ditanyakan.

Jawaban b. supports the business objectives of the organization menurut saya ini yang benar, karena sudah tertulis dengan jelas pada buku dan catatan rangkuman pelajaran.

Jawaban c. complies with procurement procedures menurut saya ini juga salah, karena setelah saya cek di situs ruangguru ternyata lebih tepat untuk jawaban pertanyaan lain.

Jawaban d. does not vary from the it departments preliminary budget menurut saya ini malah 100% salah, karena tadi saat coba cari buku catatan, jawaban ini cocok untuk pertanyaan lain.


Dari penjelasan dan pembahasan diatas, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa pilihan jawaban yang paling benar adalah b. supports the business objectives of the organization..

Jika masih ada pertanyaan lain, dan masih bingung untuk memilih jawabannya. Bisa tulis saja dikolom komentar. Nanti saya bantu memberikan jawaban yang benar.

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