Which of the reinforcement Theory components below does this scenario describe

BUS 100 Introduction to Business Unit 3 Milestone Sophia Course

Published on Jun 5, 2020

BUS 100 Introduction to Business Unit 3 Milestone Sophia Course Click below link for Answer //www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/206996-bus-100-introduction-to-business-unit-3-milestone //www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/206996-bus-100-introduction-to-business-unit-3-milestone 1 Which of the following exemplifies a corporate strategy?  A gourmet dessert maker wins an award for outstanding customer service.  A gourmet dessert maker starts a rewards program for sales clerks who provide excellent customer service.  A gourmet dessert maker decides to enter the dried fruit business in addition to making desserts.  A gourmet dessert maker promotes how its ingredients are fresher than those used by other dessert makers. CONCEPT Levels of Strategy 2 Which of the following is an example of telecommuting?  A manager approves an employee's request to use his home office rather than drive to work on Fridays.  A manager approves an employee's request to extend his hours on Monday through Thursday so h

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Milestone Tips

Remember that Milestones are open-book the Practice Milestone before taking the Milestone. Take the Milestone at a time and in a place where you can be focused and undisturbed for the entireMilestone time limit. 1 Ryan wanted to talk to his supervisor, Beth, about a new idea for managing the inventory at the store. However, he was reluctant to go to Beth since she was not very receptive to new ideas and changes in theirdepartment. Which of the following personality traits describes Beth? Low openness Low extroversion High agreeableness High conscientiousness


“Big Five” Personality Traits Report an issue with this question

Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 2 An employee reported a safety violation at her workplace. Her supervisor tried to force the employee to quitby reducing her work hours and cutting wages. Which form of discrimination below does this scenario illustrate? Quid pro quo Hostile work environment Age discrimination Sexual harassment


Legal Considerations with Employees Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 3 When Sharon was hired for her new sales position, she was provided a laptop to take with her when she traveled. She would be able to work and meet potential clients while away from her office. Which of the following virtual options does this scenario illustrate?

Telecommuting Flextime Extranet Portable office


Virtual Options in Business Today

Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 6 A manager helped one of his team leaders resolve an issue he was having with the new online performanceappraisal system their company implemented. Which management skill is described in this scenario? Time management Conceptual Technical Decision making


Management Skills Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 7 Sebastian required his employees to work overtime to meet a deadline on a project. The following week, he gave each employee a gift card to a local restaurant. Which type of reinforcement below does this scenario illustrate?

Positive punishment Positive reinforcement Negative punishment Negative reinforcement


HRM Toolkit

Report an issue with this questionReported. Thanks for your feedback. 8 The management for a company formally agrees to pay its employees a set overtime wage whenever an employee works more than 40 hours in one work week. One month after making this agreement, a supervisorrefuses to pay an employee overtime pay. The employee notifies the company management and his union. Which of the following does this scenario illustrate? Collective bargaining Grievance Hostile work environment Mediation


Labor Unions Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 9 Jenny is a high school senior who wants to someday be a lawyer. Which of the following is an intermediate goal? Jenny hopes to earn her Bachelor's degree and be admitted to law school. Jenny hopes to attend law school at a top-rated university after finishing a Bachelor's of Arts inphilosophy. Jenny hopes to someday become a federal judge. Jenny hopes to major in philosophy at a private university next fall.


Compensation in the Workplace Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 12 Which of the following is a first line manager? Vice President of Research for a pharmaceutical company Manager of Vaccine Development in a pharmaceutical company Technical Team Lead for diabetes product testing in a pharmaceutical company CFO of a pharmaceutical company


Managers Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 13 Connor gave one of his employees a poor rating on a performance appraisal. The employee met all of her listed goals, but Connor felt she did not interact well enough with her team members. Which of the following does this scenario describe?

Error due to flawed objective measures Error due to unequal emphasis Error due to recency effect Error due to gender bias


Appraisals and Their Impact in HR and Training Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 14 Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective delegation? A manager decides to set a standard for quality rather than expect perfection. A manager fears his employees will make a critical mistake.  A manager is concerned he will lose control by empowering his staff.  A manager envies his staff members' abilities.


Decision Making Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 15 Which of the following is an advantage of workforce diversity?

Communication is usually easier within a large group of diverse people. Managers may feel pressure to recruit people with diverse backgrounds. The company can increase its creativity by encouraging diverse opinions and perspectives. The company has to make many accommodations to meet the needs of the diverse group of people.


Workforce Diversity

Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 18 Girard, who managed a group of graphic artists, provided the tools and resources his staff needed to work onproject and then allowed them the freedom to make decisions on their own. A few deadlines were occasionally missed, but the employees expressed high job satisfaction. Which management approach below does Girard utilize?

Democratic Autocratic Contingency Free rein


Management Styles Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 19 Dina managed the development of a new training program at her company. She determined the goals for thetraining as well as planned the tasks needed to create the training course. What step of those below will Dina perform next in the management process? Evaluate the results Control the work Organize the activities Lead the team


Management Process and Corporate Culture Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 20 Which of the following is a disadvantage to using tests as a hiring method for potential employees? Test results can be inaccurate due to applicants experiencing test anxiety. Most tests only evaluate skills and not applicant personality traits. Most applicants refuse to take tests as a part of the employment process. It is easier to evaluate skills using application forms.


Acquiring the Employees Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback. 21 Which of the following types of departmentalization can result in a company duplicating the equipment it uses to create a product? Customer Product Functional Process


Getting Organized Report an issue with this question

24 Which of the following is defined as the commonly held beliefs, ideals and values within an organization? Corporate culture Motivation factors Mission statement Management style


Management Process and Corporate Culture Report an issue with this question Reported. Thanks for your feedback.

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What are 4 types of reinforcement theory?

There are four types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and punishment.

What are the 3 basic elements of reinforcement theory?

Reinforcement theory has three primary mechanisms behind it: selective exposure, selective perception, and selective retention.

What is the example of reinforcement theory?

A key idea in the reinforcement theory of motivation is that positive reinforcement with rewards reinforces desired behaviors. For example, providing an employee with extra days off for good performance in their job.

What is reinforcement theory of learning?

Reinforcement theory was first recognized in the work of psychologist Ivan Pavlov (behavioral conditioning) and B. F. Skinner (operant conditioning). Reinforcement theory says that behavior is driven by its consequences. As such, positive behaviors should be rewarded positively.


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