Which one of the following advertising attempts to stimulate immediate action by the reader

ABSTRACT The major aim of embarking on this study was to examine the influence of pasta advertising on the buying pattern of parents using Indomie Noodles and Mimi Noodles as a comparative study. The research problem was delineated into six research questions which formed the basis of the study. Relevant literatures were reviewed and appropriate theories (uses and gratification, the hierarchy of effects and cognitive response theory) that support the study were used. To achieve the study objectives, the survey research method was utilized to gather data. The structured questionnaires served as the research instrument. 160 questionnaires were administered to the respondents. 140 of the questionnaires were adequately filled and returned representing 87.5 percent response rate. Among other things, the study found out that advertising influence the buying patterns of parent. It also discovered that apart from the advertisement other factors like: children’s choice, taste, variety of flavours, price, packaging, availability and ability to recall the advert of the product influence parents during purchase. Overall, children are the major factors that influence parents buying pattern of past and they(parents) also believe that advertisements have an impact on the choice of product they buy. However, the researcher believes that if all the factors are put into consideration when designing the advert message, there is bound to be improvement in the turnover of products. Since advertisers seek to influence consumers’ attitude towards the purchase of goods, they must arouse ways of satisfying these needs that are appropriate to the receivers situation when moved to take the desired response. The factors that are capable of affecting the buying pattern of consumers should not be left out while designing an advert campaign since it has been found out that other factors influence choice of goods.

38)Which one of the following is NOT part of a marketing plan?Select correct option:Allocation of resourcesIdentify ways to achieve targetsProvide assessment of current situation & positionSales force opinion

39)All of the following are the disadvantages of radio advertising, EXCEPT:

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40)Which of the following is the most significant disadvantage of publicity as apromotional tool?

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Publicity is not controllable by the company.Publicity is not believable to many people.Publicity is viewed as being biased.Publicity is expensive.41)RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) has sponsored 20/20 Cricket cup in Pakistan,which one of the following type of advertising they did for the bank to promotetheir ad for sponsorship?

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42)When 1st TV commercial was launched?Select correct option:1977197919801978 

43)RACE strategy is one of the oldest problem-solving techniques and it wasproposed by:

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Jerry HendrixE.K. Strong44)All of the following are code of ethics in advertising, EXCEPT:

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Page 8Power Girls ! Should not be directed towards any religious or political endExploit imaginative quality of children45)Which of the following components compare and measure the achievement of objectives in an advertising campaign?

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46)AIDA stands for awareness, ________, desire, _________.Select correct option:Interest and actionIntensity and Appeal

Involvement and ActionInvolvement and Appeal47)Which one of the following advertising attempts to stimulate immediate action bythe reader?

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48)Advertising can be used to sell:

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49)Which one of the following is NOT an ingredient of a Promotion mix?

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Which advertising is done to obtain immediate response of the audience?

Direct response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.

What marketing activities attempt to stimulate quick buyer action?

All marketing activities that attempt to stimulate quick buyer action or immediate sales of a product are known as ______________________
personal selling
sales promotion
Answer» d. sales promotion
All marketing activities that attempt to stimulate quick buyer action or ...mcqmate.com › discussion › all-marketing-activities-that-attempt-to-stimula...null

What are the 4 methods of advertising?

What are the 4 types of Advertising.
Display Advertising. ... .
Video Advertising. ... .
Mobile Advertising. ... .
Native Advertising..

Which one of the following refers to several times the audience is exposed to an advertisement message?

In advertising, the effective frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message before a response is made and before exposure is considered wasteful. The subject on effective frequency is quite controversial. Many people have their own definition on what this phrase means.


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