Which one of the following best describes the contribution of Porters theory of competitive advantage quizlet?

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The practice of mercantilism rested on three essential pillars. Which of the following sets identify these three​ pillars?
a. Colonialism, maximize​ production, and product standardization
b. Trade​ surpluses, government​ intervention, and colonialism
c. Free​ trade, subsidizing​ export, and banning imports
d. Free​ trade, government​ intervention, and colonialism
e. Free​ trade, colonialism, and strict government intervention

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  3. International Economics

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Terms in this set (19)

Which of the following statements BEST describes the new trade​ theory?

There are gains to be made from specialization and increasing economies of scale.

Which one of the following statements BEST explains the benefits of international trade to​ nations?

International trade is an important engine for job creation.

Which one of the following trade conditions occurs when a country is unable to produce a good more efficiently than other​ nations, but produces the good more efficiently than it does any other​ good?

Comparative advantage

Country X specializes in the production of corn more efficiently than any other nation and buys rice which it produces less efficiently than corn from Country​ Z, despite the fact that Country Z produces rice less efficiently than Country X. Which one of the following international trade theories agrees with Country​ X's decision to buy rice from Country​ Z?

Comparative advantage

Which one of the following is a component of​ Porter's diamond?

Firm​ strategy, structure, and rivalry

Which one of the following represents the core of the national competitive advantage​ theory?

A​ nation's competitiveness in an industry depends on the capacity of the industry to innovate and upgrade.

As the world becomes even more like a global​ village, countries become dependent on trade with each other to sustain their own economies.​ However, the dangers of trade dependency become apparent when​ _______________

a nation experiences economic recession or political turmoil

​________ says that a company will begin by exporting its product and later undertake foreign direct investment. The theory also says​ that, for a number of​ reasons, a​ country's export eventually becomes its import.

The product life cycle theory

There has been a persistent pattern of merchandise trade among nations. Trade between which economies of the world represents the highest level of total world merchandise​ trade?

Trade between the​ world's high-income economies

Trade in services accounts for around 22 percent of total world trade. Although the importance of trade in services is growing for many​ nations, it tends to be relatively more important for the​ world's ___________ countries.


The international product life cycle theory follows the path of a good through its life cycle in order to determine where it will be produced. Which one of the following BEST defines the standardized product​ stage?

Competition pressures companies to lower prices in order to maintain sales levels.

Which one of the following trade theories indicates that government may play a role in assisting its home companies and that government involvement has always been widely accepted in undertakings such as space exploration for national security​ reasons?

New trade

The ability of the theory of the product life cycle to accurately depict the trade flow of nations is being challenged. This is due to the fact that​ ________.

more companies are operating in international markets from their inception

Which one of the following of​ Porter's diamond components supports the concept that companies that belong to a​ nation's internationally competitive industries do not exist in​ isolation, rather, supporting industries spring up to provide the inputs required by the​ industry?

Related and supporting industries

Mercantilism advocates that governments should actively intervene in international trade to maintain a trade surplus. Which of the following tools have mercantilist nations used to support this​ policy?

Subsidize​ export, ban​ import, and impose tariff charges and quotas.

The practice of mercantilism rested on three essential pillars. Which of the following sets identify these three​ pillars?

Trade​ surpluses, government​ intervention, and colonialism

Which​ agencies/departments/organizations in most countries record the destination of​ exports, the source of​ imports, and the physical quantities and values of goods crossing their​ borders?


The difference between the comparative advantage theory and the factor proportions theory is that the factor proportions theory​ ________.

states that a country specializes in producing and exporting goods using the factors of production that are most abundant and thus cheapestlong dashnot the goods in which it is most productive

International product life cycle theory says that a company will begin by exporting its product and later undertake foreign direct investment as the product moves through its life cycle. Which of the following BEST defines the maturing product​ stage?

Exports begin to account for an increasingly greater share of total product sales.

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