Which one of the following should a sender consider while choosing a medium of communication?

Who among the following is a primary audience?

A. Jim, who attends a training session on personality development.
B. Sarah, who forwards an e-mail with interesting science facts to all her friends.
C. Cameron, who comes across a pamphlet containing a company's training modules.
D. Raj, who gives his clients a lecture on how to control stress.

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This article throws light upon ten main factors to be considered while selecting the means of communication. The factors are: 1. Nature of Message 2. Cost 3. Record 4. Distance 5. Scale of Organisation 6. Supporting Technology 7. Urgency 8. Secrecy 9. Safety 10. Relationship.

Factor # 1. Nature of Message:

The means of communication depends upon the nature of the message. Urgent, confidential, private and important messages should be distinguished from ordinary, routine, open and less important messages and the means of communication are to be chosen accordingly.

Factor # 2. Cost:

The cost of sending a message is also to be considered while selecting a mode of communication. The result obtained should justify the expenditure.

Factor # 3. Record:

If the record of the communication is important it should be written, otherwise oral communication is sufficient.

Factor # 4. Distance:

Distance is another factor for consideration. The mode of communication to be chosen depends on whether the message is to be sent to a nearby place or somewhere at a long distance.

Factor # 5. Scale of Organisation:

Means of communication in large-scale business is different from that in the small-scale. In small business most communication is oral while in large business it is written.

Factor # 6. Supporting Technology:

Both the sender and the receiver must have supporting technological communication tool to make communication through a particular medium. Suppose, A sends an e-mail to B. To get the e-mail B should have a personal computer.

Again, to get a fax message one should possess a fax machine. Therefore, while selecting a means of communication one has to consider whether supporting technological tool is available at the other end.

Factor # 7. Urgency:

Selection of the means of communication is to be made keeping in view the urgency of the communication. Time available is the main factor here. Higher cost may be justified for sending the message in time.

Factor # 8. Secrecy:

If the message to be communicated is secret or confidential, such means are required to be adopted that can maintain secrecy. A telephone call can be overheard, an e-mail or fax may not be appropriate, and an office memo may be less confidential. In such cases, face-to-face talking may solve the problem.

Factor # 9. Safety:

The sender has to be careful about the safety of the message. He/She has to decide whether the message would be sent by ordinary post or by registered post; through courier or messenger, etc.

Factor # 10. Relationship:

The relationship between the sender and recipient may be a decisive factor in the choice of the means of communication. Message of private nature may require personal contact whereas formal relationship demands official and conventional mode of communication.

Which one of the following should a sender consider while choosing a medium of communication?

What should you consider in selecting the most appropriate medium for your message?

What factors should you consider when choosing the most appropriate medium for your message?.
determine your primary audience..
size of your audience..
makeup of your audience..
level of your audiences understanding..
level of your audiences expectations..
audience members probable reactions..

What is the medium or method used to deliver a message?

A communication channel is the medium, mean, manner or method through which a message is sent to its intended receiver. The basic channels are written (hard copy print or digital formats), oral or spoken, and electronic and multimedia.

Which one of the following is true regarding the credibility of a speaker or sender?

Which of the following is true regarding the credibility of a speaker or sender? Credible speakers can distance themselves from emotional situations and look at all sides of an issue.

What seven factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message?

Importance of the message, amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required, necessity of permanent record, cost of the channel, degree of formality desired, confidentiality and sensitivity of the message, and receiver's preference and level of technical expertise.