Which one of the following statements best reflects behaviorists notion of tabula rasa blank slate

  • Q12:

    Which one of the following statements best describes the view of early behaviorists about how learning can best be studied? A) Psychologists can determine how learning occurs only if they can identify its physiological basis. B) Introspection-reporting what and how one is thinking-is likely to yield the most accurate results. C) To study learning scientifically, researchers must confine their investigations to animal research in a laboratory setting. D) The study of learning will be more objective and scientific if only observable events are considered.

    Which one of the following statements best reflects behaviorists notion of tabula rasa blank slate
  • Q13:

    Jacob is suffering from a mild case of flu and, as a result, is feeling a bit nauseous. He decides that he needs to eat something to keep up his strength, so he gets out of bed, puts on a heavy sweater to keep himself warm, heats up a bowl of leftover chili, and settles down in an easy chair to watch a television game show while he eats. A few days later, after Jacob has recovered from the flu, one of the stimuli in the situation just described elicits a feeling of nausea. With the phenomenon of associative bias in mind, choose the stimulus that is most likely to elicit nausea. A) The sweater B) The chili C) The easy chair D) The television game show

  • Q14:

    Which one of the following statements best reflects behaviorists' notion of tabula rasa "blank slate")? A) Organisms inherit few predispositions to behave in particular ways; instead, the behaviors they exhibit are largely the result of environmental experiences. B) Stimuli that occur after responses are made are usually more influential on an organism's learning that stimuli that occur before responses are made. C) The things that organisms learn in a new situation largely override the things that they've learned in previous situations; as a result, newly learned behaviors often replace previously learned behaviors. D) Learning is more a function of what the environment does to the organism than of what the organism does to the environment; in other words, the organism plays a relatively passive role in the learning process.

  • Q15:

    Classical conditioning typically occurs when: A) A response is followed by two stimuli B) A response is followed by a single aversive stimulus C) Two stimuli are presented at about the same time D) Two responses occur usually coincidentally) at about the same time

  • Q16:

    Which one of the following responses is most likely to be learned through classical conditioning? A) Feeling anxious around horses B) Taking a walk on a nice day C) Doing homework D) Waving to a friend

  • Q18:

    Which one of the following educational practices is most clearly derived from behaviorist principles? A) Having students make overt responses B) Teaching students how to apply information C) Asking students to generate questions about what they read D) Presenting information in a logical sequence that stresses interrelationships among idea

  • Q19:

    When behaviorists describe an organism as a "black box," they mean that: A) Many stimuli have no noticeable effect on the organism. B) Learning processes occurring within the organism cannot be studied scientifically. C) Learning is, by its very nature, something that takes place outside the organism. D) An organism makes many responses even in the absence of any observed external stimulus.

  • Q20:

    David is addicted to a drug that increases his blood sugar level, temporarily giving him more energy. David always takes this drug in the bathroom. He finds that he becomes tired when he enters the bathroom and also that he needs more and more of the drug to maintain the same high energy level. From the perspective of classical conditioning, which one of the following is the most likely explanation of David's increasing addiction to the drug? A) Lowering blood sugar level to counteract the effect of the drug has become a conditioned response to the "bathroom" stimulus. B) David has learned to respond to some drugs but not to others through the combined processes of stimulus discrimination and higher-order conditioning. C) Taking the drugs provides negative reinforcement, in that David no longer feels tired. D) Associative bias has predisposed David to associate the bathroom with fatigue.

  • Q21:

    Mr. Loosigian is worried about Jerri, a girl who is struggling in his seventh grade class. He thinks about several different reasons why she might be having so much difficulty with her schoolwork. Which one of the possible reasons that he considers is consistent with a behaviorist perspective of learning? A) "Maybe she isn't paying attention as much as she should be." B) "Maybe I don't praise her enough when she does something well." C) "Maybe she has trouble understanding the things she reads." D) "Maybe she has trouble remembering things from one day to the next."

  • Q22:

    Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are two learning paradigms within the behaviorist tradition. A major difference between these two paradigms is that: A) Classical conditioning deals almost exclusively with stimuli, whereas operant conditioning deals almost exclusively with responses. B) Classical conditioning deals almost exclusively with responses, whereas operant conditioning deals almost exclusively with stimuli. C) Classically conditioned responses are voluntary, whereas responses learned through operant conditioning are elicited by specific stimuli. D) Classically conditioned responses are elicited by specific stimuli, whereas responses learned through operant conditioning are voluntary.

Which one of the following statements best describes the view of early behaviorists about how learning can best be studied?

Which one of the following statements best describes the view of early behaviorists about how learning can best be studied? The study of learning will be more objective and scientific if only observable events are considered. You just studied 28 terms!

Who among the following philosophers put forward the notion that a newborn's mind is a blank slate?

In Locke's philosophy, tabula rasa was the theory that at birth the (human) mind is a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences.

Who among the following behaviorists proposed the notion of reciprocal determinism?

Figure 1. Bandura proposed the idea of reciprocal determinism: Our behavior, cognitive processes, and situational context all influence each other.

Who among the following behaviorists emphasized the distinction between learning and performance?

It recognizes the distinction between learning and performance, Bandura's interpretation of the theory is more closely aligned to Tolman's approach than Hull's approach to behaviorism, It assigns an important role to self-referent thoughts.