Which one of the following strategies is most consistent with the textbooks recommendations for dealing with rule infractions?

Which one of the following teacher statements is most consistent with the recommendation that classroom rules and procedures should be presented in an informational (rather than controlling) manner?

When you write your compositions, remember that I can read what you've written more easily and can give you more useful feedback if you write clearly.”

Stanley pokes his pencil point in Sharon's arm. The teacher catches Stanley's eye and shakes her head, and he quickly puts his pencil back in his desk. The teacher's behavior is an example of:

Some of the 7- and 8-year-old children in Ms. Crockett's second-grade class are quite energetic and a bit distractible, whereas others are quieter and more attentive. Which one of the following alternatives is most consistent with the textbook's recommendations for how best to think about such diversity in classroom behavior?

Recognize that such differences may be due to built-in temperamental differences that aren't necessarily within students' control.

Three of the following strategies are recommended for conducting effective parent-teacher conferences. Which strategy is not necessarily recommended?

Emphasize that the student's education is

ultimately your responsibility rather than that of parents.

Which one of the following statements is consistent with the textbook's recommendation regarding how to deal with students' feelings about classroom assignments and activities?

"It isn't always fun to rewrite something you've already written once, but practice in editing will help you become better writers.”

Gang-related activity is increasing at the high school at which you teach. At a faculty meeting, the school principal voices her concern that hostile interactions among members of rival gangs are escalating. You think about the textbook's recommendations for addressing gang violence and suggest that the school:

Convene representatives of each gang;

encourage these students to air their grievances and work together to address the problem.

In which one of the following situations is cueing an appropriate means of dealing with misbehavior in the classroom?

When the behavior interferes with learning but is not serious in nature

Which one of the following is consistent with the textbook's recommendations regarding the best approach to setting limits for classroom behavior?

Begin with a few basic rules and procedures; as the year goes on, involve students in decision making about additional issues that arise

Mr. Finke is concerned about Ruth, a sullen, argumentative third grader who shows little interest in school subject matter and classroom assignments. She is so rude and defiant that Mr. Finke finds himself speaking to her only to chastise her for wrongdoings. Mr. Finke realizes that his relationship with Ruth has gotten off to a bad start and vows to remedy the situation. Which one is not consistent with its recommendations?

Hold Ruth to less stringent rules for behavior

until she and Mr. Finke can form a more

productive relationship.

Intervention strategies for students at risk for aggression and violence are most effective when they:

are tailored to students' unique characteristics and needs.

Which one of the following does the textbook suggest as a strategy teachers can use to demonstrate that they care for and respect their students?

Greet each student with a smile as he or she

enters the classroom at the beginning of the day or class period.

Which one of the following strategies is most consistent with the textbook's recommendations for dealing with rule infractions?

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, all students should be treated consistently when they break a rule.

Which one of the following examples is most consistent with educators' view of an effective classroom climate?

Ms. Sommarstrom encourages her fifth graders to express their opinions about various topics, even though their opinions may sometimes differ from her own

The textbook recommends that when a teacher talks with a student about a chronic pattern of misbehavior, he or she should do so in private rather than in front of classmates. Why?

Because calling attention to the behavior in front of classmates may be reinforcing

Which one of the following issues is usually most important to consider when a student behaves in an unacceptable fashion in the classroom?

How much the behavior disrupts learning

From a classroom management standpoint, which one of the following alternatives describes the most suitable physical arrangement of a classroom?

One that minimizes distractions and facilitates teacher-student interactions

Four students are sitting in the cafeteria describing their new teachers. From the perspective of the textbook, which student is describing the most effective classroom climate?

Darren says, "Marianne came in late yesterday looking really upset. My teacher stopped for a minute to talk quietly with her but didn't give her too much static about being late for class.”

Which one of the following examples is consistent with what the textbook means by giving students a sense of control in the classroom?

Lonnie knows he can demonstrate his mastery of an instructional objective in his history class in either of two ways–by taking an exam or

completing a project.

When we compare beginning teachers with experienced teachers in terms of how they think about student misbehaviors, we find that experienced teachers are more likely to:

Consider how to change instruction to avert

future problems.

Vygotsky's concept of scaffolding provides a strategy for structuring classroom activities. Which one of the following best describes scaffolding?

Providing considerable structure for activities early in the school year, then gradually reducing it as students become more skilled.

Which one of the following best illustrates collective self-efficacy of teachers?

The teachers at West Middle School confer

weekly about students who they believe are at risk for academic failure, and they are confident that by working together, they can help these students be successful at school.

Many students in Ms. Janklow's class seem to have little intrinsic motivation for learning math, science, or social studies. Their minds are more apt to be on peer relationships (who the "popular kids" are, who bullies whom on the playground, etc.) than on their studies. Without knowing anything else about Ms. Janklow's students, your best guess would be that they are:

Three of the following are accurate statements about typical group differences in students' classroom behavior. Which statement is not accurate?

Many students from poor families have little or no interest in maintaining good relationships with their teachers.

Three of the following are recommended strategies for getting students' parents involved in school activities. Which one is not recommended?

Ask that visits to class be limited to immediate family members.

Challenging tasks are more likely than easy ones to promote students' learning and cognitive development. Yet students sometimes resist such challenges. Which one of the following strategies is consistent with the textbook's recommendation for how to incorporate challenging activities into the classroom curriculum?

Start the year with relatively easy tasks that give students a sense of success, then gradually

increase the difficulty level of assignments.

Three of the following practices are associated with reduced violence in schools. Which one is not associated with reduced school violence?

Expectations for behavior that are implied rather than explicitly stated

Students are especially likely to misbehave during transitions from one activity to another. Which one of the following high school teachers is handling a transition in a recommended fashion?

Mr. Chinn's students know that as soon as they get to class, they should copy the outline and key concepts written on the chalkboard.

Ms. Girardi, a sixth-grade teacher, is explaining an assignment. She notices two students passing notes to one another. While continuing to discuss the assignment, she moves toward the students and confiscates the written notes. Then she walks back to the front of the class, still continuing her explanation, and asks Mark, who is daydreaming, to answer a question. This scenario best illustrates which one of the following classroom management skills?

Ms. Parisi, a fifth-grade teacher, wants all of her students to be able to see her easily. She has learned from one of her professional journals that the students nearest the teacher are more likely to pay attention and learn in class. So as she arranges her classroom at the beginning of the year, she puts her desk in the center of the room and puts the students' desks in three concentric circles around her. With the textbook's discussion about arranging the classroom in mind, identify the biggest problem with Ms. Parisi's arrangement.

Ms. Parisi will not be able to see the entire class from where she is seated.

Three of the following are examples of self-regulation as a means of addressing classroom misbehaviors. Which one is not a good example of self-regulation?

A student tries hard to earn the reinforcer his teacher has told him he will get for good


In which one of the following situations would it be best to ignore a student's behavior?

Mary asks a classmate to clarify an assignment and then returns to her work.

Three of the following are common roots of aggression and violence in schools. Which one of the following is least likely to be a cause of aggression and violence?

Persistence of concrete operational thinking into adolescence

Teachers who model their classroom management strategies on authoritative parenting are most likely to do which one of the following?

Explain why certain behaviors are unacceptable

Three of the following students show warning signs of possible violent behavior. Which student does not?

Brenda rarely arrives at school before 10:00,

despite repeated disciplinary actions by the

assistant principal.

The textbook recommends that teachers coordinate their efforts with people in the community at large. Which one of the following examples most clearly illustrates the spirit of its recommendation?

Mr. Deyermond consults with a parole officer about how they might work together to keep several at-risk students in school.

From the textbook's perspective, which one of the following classroom management strategies is probably most important for students from diverse ethnic backgrounds?

Creating a supportive climate

Students are most likely to follow classroom rules if they understand the reasons behind the rules. Below are four possible ways through which we might help students learn why we establish certain rules for classroom behavior. Which one is most consistent with recommendations offered in the textbook?

Have students discuss problems that arise in the classroom and develop possible ways of solving them.

Three of the following strategies can help promote a sense of community in the classroom. Which strategy is least likely to promote this sense of community?

Publicly praising students who show the highest academic achievement

In three of the following situations, ignoring a student's misbehavior might be the best approach to take. Considering the textbook's discussion of this strategy, in which situation would ignoring not be advisable?

Anita has whispered a juicy (and apparently very amusing) piece of gossip to her friend, who in turn is passing it along to two others.

One strategy for maintaining a productive classroom environment is to keep students productively engaged at all times. Three of the following practices reflect this strategy. Which one does not reflect this strategy?

Ms. Barnard takes time out from her math

lesson to help Sam with a difficult concept until he thoroughly understands it.

Planned, systematic interventions are most often recommended as means of dealing with misbehaviors when:

The behavior continues to interfere with a

student's classroom performance despite other interventions.

Mr. Jacobs is speaking privately with Alicia, who has obviously been having trouble paying attention in class over the past two weeks. Three of the following strategies are appropriate things for Mr. Jacobs to do. Which strategy is not recommended for a private conference with a student?

Mr. Jacobs should stress to Alicia that he is

ultimately the person who is in charge in the classroom.

As a teacher, you are apt to find that the parents of a few of your students will have little involvement in their children's education. Three of the following statements are accurate with regard to such parents. Which statement is not accurate?

Their lack of involvement usually reflects a lack of interest in their child's academic performance.

Three of the following teacher behaviors are consistent with the textbook's suggestions for communicating caring and respect for students. Which one is not consistent with its suggestions?

Mr. Banyard gives assignments that he knows students can complete independently with little effort.

Under what circumstances should teachers confer with parents about a student's misbehavior?

When a chronic problem has implications for a student's success over the long run

Three of the following strategies are recommended when teachers confer with a student's parents about a chronic behavior problem. Which one is not recommended?

Point out that the parents are somewhat

responsible for the misbehavior.

Which one of the following examples is most consistent with the textbook's definition of a misbehavior?

Blake is using a rubber band as a slingshot

during music.

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes aggression and violence in U.S. schools?

Mild forms of aggression are common at school; violent crime is rare and has declined in recent years.

Three of the following describe recommendations that the textbook offers for helping students with special needs. Which statement is inconsistent with the textbook's recommendations?

When students have social or behavioral

problems, vary the classroom routine

considerably from one day to the next.

Which one of the following best describes a sense of school community as educators define the term?

A shared understanding that teachers and

students are all working together to promote learning

As the textbook points out, we must consider cultural differences when we deal with inappropriate classroom behavior. More specifically, we should remember that:

Some behaviors we think are inappropriate may be perfectly acceptable in another culture.

Which one of the following is the best example of cognitive behavioral therapy as a means of helping a student acquire effective social skills?

Modeling effective interpersonal behaviors and reinforcing the student for using them with peers

From the perspective of the textbook, which one of the following classrooms best illustrates effective classroom management?

Ms. Demaine's students are busily working on their math assignments in groups of three or four students each. The classroom gets a bit noisy at times when a group disagrees about how to do a problem.

Which one of the following does the textbook suggest as a strategy teachers can use to demonstrate that they care for?

Which one of the following does the textbook suggest as a strategy teachers can use to demonstrate that their care for and respect their students? Greet each student with a smile as he or she enters the classroom at the beginning of the day or class.

Which of the following strategies is consistent with the textbook's recommendations for helping students with cognitive or academic difficulties succeed in the classroom?

Only one of the following strategies is consistent with the textbook's recommendations for helping students with cognitive or academic difficulties succeed in the classroom. Which one is consistent? Spend time clarifying instructions and expectations, and check to make sure students know what they are supposed to do.

Which one of the following teaching strategies best reflects the textbooks definition of multicultural education?

Which one of the following teaching strategies best reflects the textbook's definition of multicultural education? b) considering the perspectives of different cultural groups regularly throughout the school year.

Which one of the following teaching strategies best illustrates many educational psychologists belief that in some situations less is more?

Which one of the following teaching strategies best illustrates many educational psychologists' belief that, in some situations, less is more? C. Teach fewer topics, but teach each one more thoroughly.


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