Which process seeks to avert misbehavior and to correct, rather than merely punish, misbehavior?

Explanation: Open-door policy is an organization’s policy of making managers available to hear complaints. This policy works only to the degree that managers who hear complaints listen and are able to act.


What is the simplest most direct and least expensive way to settle a dispute group of answer choices?

Typically, an organization’s ADR process begins with an open door policy, which is the simplest, most direct, and least expensive way to settle a dispute.

Which of the following types of employee misconduct is most likely to warrant discharge on the first incident?

Which of the following types of employee misconduct is most likely to warrant discharge on the first incident Jack damages a glass cutting machine at the work place to inconvenience his colleague who uses it

When the organization initiates the turnover often with employees who would prefer to stay the result is?

Term Employee turnoverDefinition when employees leave the organization
Term 2 types of turnovers Definition Voluntary turnover – turnover initiated by employees Often when the org would prefer to keep them Involuntary turnover: turnover initiated by employer Often with employees who would prefer to stay

Which of the following processes seeks to avert misbehavior and to correct rather than merely punish misbehavior group of answer choices?

outcome fairness. This process seeks to prevent misbehavior and to correct, rather than merely punish misbehavior. Identify the process.

What are the 5 methods of dispute resolution?

The five strategies for conflict resolution are avoiding, accommodating, compromising, competing, and collaborating. The parties can choose one or a combination of different types depending on what they need from the process and the perceived strength of their argument.

What is the best alternative dispute resolution?

Mediation should be considered when the parties have a relationship they want to preserve. So when family members, neighbors or business partners have a dispute, mediation may be the best ADR procedure to use. Mediation is also effective when emotions may get in the way of a solution.

How would you handle an employee who violates company policy?

You should take disciplinary action against an employee who violates company policies right away. … You should give your employee an opportunity to provide an explanation or justification for their behavior as this may have an impact on the way you discipline them.

Is suspension a disciplinary action?

Suspension is often part of an organisation’s disciplinary procedure, to allow an investigation to take place. Employees can be suspended for medical or health and safety reasons. You remain an employee and your employment rights continue while you are suspended.

How do you respond to a disciplinary action?

First, say nothing about the facts of your case to the person serving you with the notice. Sign that you received the Notice (this does not mean you agree with it) and politely leave. Do not engage in a question and answer session. This almost always hurts your case.

What is an example of an alternative dispute resolution method?

The most common examples of ADR include settlement following direct negotiation between opposing parties, mediation (negotiation mediated by a neutral third party), arbitration (where a neutral third party acts as an arbiter to issue a final decision regarding a dispute), conciliation, and facilitation.

Negotiation, mediation and arbitration – often called ADR or alternative dispute resolution- are the most well-known. Whether you are involved in a family or neighborhood dispute or a lawsuit involving thousands of dollars, these processes should be considered.

Which of the following is the most important aspect of work in terms of generating satisfaction?

The most important aspect of work in terms of generating satisfaction is the degree to which it is meaningfully related to core values of the worker.

What determines an organization’s job structure and pay levels?

An organization’s job structure consists of: the relative pay for different jobs within the organization. An organization’s job structure and pay levels: are policies of the organization.

Which statement is true of compensable factors quizlet?

Following and studying changes in the CPI helps employers prepare for changes in the demands of the labor market. Which statement is true of compensable factors? They are the characteristics of a job that a firm values and chooses to pay for.

Is the degree to which employees identify themselves with their jobs?

Organizational commitment is the degree to which employees identify themselves with their jobs. The key driving force behind all the different forms of job withdrawal is job satisfaction.

Which step ends the progressive discipline process?

The last and most serious step in the progressive discipline process is a recommendation to terminate employment.

What type of justice deals with people's perception in their judgment that fair methods were used to determine the consequences an employee receives?

Procedural justice speaks to the idea of fair processes, and how people's perception of fairness is strongly impacted by the quality of their experiences and not only the end result of these experiences.

What is the typical first response in the progressive discipline system?

What is a typical first response in the progressive discipline system? mediation.

Which principle of discipline holds that an organization's discipline should give a clear cut warning and follow up with consistent objective and immediate consequences?

Which of the following principles of discipline holds that an organization's discipline should give a clear-cut warning and follow up with consistent, objective, and immediate consequences? Hot-stove rule.