Which psychosocial developmental skill would the nurse anticipate in a 4-year-old child?

18. The nurse is observing children playing in the hospital playroom. She would expect to see 4 year-old children playing

a. Competitive board games with older children
b. With their own toys along side with other children
c. Alone with hand held computer games
d. Cooperatively with other preschoolers

18. Answer D. Cooperative play is typical of the preschool period.

13. The nurse is evaluating a new mother feeding her newborn. Which observation indicates the mother understands proper feeding methods for her newborn?

a. Holding the bottle so the nipple is always filled with formula.
b. Allowing her seven – pound baby to sleep after taking 1 ½ ounces from the bottle.
c. Burping the baby every ten minutes during the feeding.
d. Warming the formula bottle in the microwave for 15 seconds and giving it directly to the baby.

Answer A. Holding the bottle so the nipple is always filled with formula prevents the baby from sucking air. Sucking air can cause gastric distention and intestinal gas pains. A seven-pound baby should be getting 50 calories per pound: 350 calories per day. Standardized formulas have 20 calories per ounce. This seven-pound baby needs 17.5 ounces per day. 17.5 ounces per day divided by 6-8 feedings equals 2-3 ounces per feeding. A normal newborn without feeding problems could be burped halfway through the feeding and again at the end.

3. The nurse is assessing a six-month-old child. Which developmental skills are normal and should be expected?

a. Speaks in short sentences.
b. Sits alone.
c. Can feed self with a spoon.
d. Pulling up to a standing position.

Answer B. The child develops language skills between the ages of one and three. A six-month-old child is learning to sit alone. The child begins to use a spoon at 12-15 months of age. The baby pulls himself to a standing position about ten months of age.

4. While teaching a 10 year-old child about their impending heart surgery, the nurse should

a. Provide a verbal explanation just prior to the surgery
b. Provide the child with a booklet to read about the surgery
c. Introduce the child to another child who had heart surgery three days ago
d. Explain the surgery using a model of the heart

4. Answer D. According to Piaget, the school age child is in the concrete operations stage of cognitive development. Using something concrete, like a model will help the child understand the explanation of the heart surgery.

6. While giving nursing care to a hospitalized adolescent, the nurse should be aware that the MAJOR threat felt by the hospitalized adolescent is

a. Pain management
b. Restricted physical activity
c. Altered body image
d. Separation from family

Answer C. The hospitalized adolescent may see each of these as a threat, but the major threat that they feel when hospitalized is the fear of altered body image, because of the emphasis on physical appearance.

8. The nurse prepares for a Denver Screening test with a 3 year-old child in the clinic. The mother asks the nurse to explain the purpose of the test. The BEST response is to tell her that the test

a. Measures potential intelligence
b. Assesses a child’s development
c. Evaluates psychological responses
d. Diagnoses specific problems

Answer B. The Denver Developmental Test II is a screening test to assess children from birth through 6 years in personal/social, fine motor adaptive, language and gross motor development. A child experiences the fun of play during the test.

10. The nurse is planning care for an 18 month-old child. Which of the following should be included the in the child’s care?

a. Hold and cuddle the child often
b. Encourage the child to feed himself finger food
c. Allow the child to walk independently on the nursing unit
d. Engage the child in games with other children

Answer B. According to Erikson, the toddler is in the stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt. The nurse should encourage increasingly independent activities of daily living.

12. The nurse is assessing a four month-old infant. The nurse would anticipate finding that the infant would be able to

a. Hold a rattle
b. Bang two blocks
c. Drink from a cup
d. Wave “bye-bye”

Answer A. The age at which a baby will develop the skill of grasping a toy with help is 4 to 6 months.

Question 2 / 38
The mother of a 3-year-old is concerned because her child still is
insisting on a bottle at nap time and at bedtime.  Which of the
following is the most appropriate suggestion to the mother? A.  Do not allow the child to have the bottle B.  Allow the bottle during naps but not at bedtime C.  Allow the bottle if it contains juice D.  Allow the bottle if it contains water

D. A toddler should never be allowed to fall asleep with a bottle containing milk, juice, soda, or sweetened water because of the risk or nursing caries. If a bottle is allowed at nap time or bedtime, it should contain only water.

A 10-year-old fifth-grader enjoys having his artwork displayed on the family refrigerator. This behavior is indicative of which developmental stage as described by Erikson?
A.  Initiative versus guilt B.  Intimacy versus isolation C.  Industry versus inferiority D.  Identity versus role confusion

C, School children 6 to 10 years old are eager to work and play and thrive on their accomplishments and praise, a characteristic of the industry versus inferiority stage. The initiative versus guilt stage applies to children 3 to 6 years of age, when children begin to develop a conscience. The identity versus role confusion stage applies to young people at the time of puberty.

Which of the following is an example of development? A.  A 7-month-old infant pulls up to a standing position. B.  Two lower teeth appear in an 8-month-old infant. C.  The birth weight of an infant doubles by 6 months of age. D.  A young child uses words instead of crying to make his or her needs known.

A, An infant's pulling up to a standing position demonstrates the change in skill and function that is development. It occurs in a predictable manner (i.e., the child sits up, then pulls up, then stands). Changes in height and weight illustrate growth. Changes in teeth are also the result of growth. Finding new ways of dealing with situations represents maturation.

Question 5 / 38
Which of the following is a statement about normal growth and development on which effective nursing care is based? A.  Growth occurs at the same rates for individuals in the same stage B.  Development starts with complex tasks and progresses to simple tasks. C.  Individuals have unique patterns of growth and development that are difficult to predict. D.  Success in one phase of growth and development affects the ability to complete later phases successfully.

D, Repeated developmental failures can result in deficiencies in subsequent stages. The nurse should be alert to these developmental stages. Patterns of growth and development are predictable. The rate varies, but the pattern does not. Development progresses from simple to complex. Growth occurs at different rates in different individuals in the same developmental stage.

Question 6 / 38
The nurse caring for a hospitalized adolescent can best meet the adolescent's developmental needs by: A.  Providing diversion activities such as word puzzles B.  Providing privacy while the adolescent's significant other visits C.  Encouraging the parent to stay with the adolescent at all times D.  Explaining procedures and including the adolescent in decision making  

d,Adolescents need to participate in decisions regarding their care. They need to understand and are capable of understanding treatment issues. Providing diversions would be more appropriate for a school-aged child at the industry versus inferiority stage. Adolescents need parental presence but are also moving toward independence and separation from the family. A significant other is more relevant for a young adult, who is developmentally ready for intimacy.

A mother of a 3-year-old tells a clinic nurse that the child is rebelling constantly and having temper tantrums.  The nurse most appropriately tells the mother to: A.  Punish the child every time the child says “no”, to change the behavior B.  Allow the behavior because this is normal at this age period C.  Set limits on the child’s behavior D.  Ignore the child when this behavior occurs

C. According to Erikson, the child focuses on independence between ages 1 and 3 years. Gaining independence often means that the child has to rebel against the parents’ wishes. Saying things like “no” or “mine” and having temper tantrums are common during this period of development. Being consistent and setting limits on the child’s behavior are the necessary elements.

A 16-year-old is admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis, and appendectomy is performed.  Which interventions is most appropriate to facilitate normal growth and development? A.  Allow the family to bring in the child’s favorite computer games B.  Encourage the parents to room-in with the child C.  Encourage the child to rest and read D.  Allow the child to participate in activities with other individuals in the same age group when the condition permits

D. Adolescents often are not sure whether they want their parents with them when they are hospitalized. Because of the importance of the peer group, separation from friends is a source of anxiety. Ideally, the members of the peer group will support their ill friend. Options a, b, and c isolate the child from the peer group.

The parents of a 2-year-old child are concerned that the child wants to do everything by himself and seems to be rejecting their authority. The nurse's response should be based on which of the following? A.  The parents need to tighten their control on the child. B.  The need for autonomy is not usually seen until puberty. C.  Limiting choices and punishing the child will restore trust. D.  The independence displayed by the child is a normal result of maturation.

d,The child in this stage of development learns self-care activities and develops autonomy as part of the maturation process. Limiting choices or punishing the child can cause feelings of shame and doubt. Two-year-olds need supervision rather than strict control. The need for autonomy is typical of the 1- to 3-year-old child.

The mother of a toddler asks a nurse when it is safe to place the car safety seat in a face-forward position.  The best nursing response is which of the following? A.  When the toddler weighs 20 lbs B.  The seat should not be placed in a face-forward position unless there are safety locks in the car C.  The seat should never be place in a face-forward position because the risk of the child unbuckling the harness D.When the weight of the toddler is greater than 40 lbs

A. The transition point for switching to the forward facing position is defined by the manufacturer of the convertible car safety seat but is generally at a body weight of 9 kg or 20 lb and 1 year of age. Convertible car safety seats are used until the child weighs at least 40 lb. Options b, c, and d are incorrect

The nurse teaches parents how to help their children learn impulse control and cooperative behaviors. This would occur during which of the
stages of development defined by Erikson? A.  Trust versus mistrust B.  Initiative versus guilt C.  Industry versus inferiority D.  Autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt

B, The stage of initiative versus guilt occurs from ages 3 to 6 years, during which children develop direction and purpose. Teaching impulse control and cooperative behaviors during this stage help the child to avoid risks of altered growth and development. In the autonomy versus sense of shame and doubt stage, toddlers learn to achieve self-control and willpower. Trust versus mistrust is the first stage, during which children develop faith and optimism. During the industry versus inferiority stage, children develop a sense of competency.

A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the psychosocial development of the newborn infant.  Using Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, the nurse would instruct the mother to A.  Allow the newborn infant to signal a need B.  Anticipate all of the needs of the newborn infant C.  Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying D.  Attend to the newborn infant immediately when crying  

A. According to Erikson, the caregiver should not try to anticipate the newborn infant’s needs at all times but must allow the newborn infant to signal needs. If a newborn is not allowed to signal a need, the newborn will not learn how to control the environment. Erikson believed that a delayed or prolonged response to a newborn’s signal would inhibit the development of trust and lead to mistrust of others.

During which stage of cognitive development does the individual's
thinking move to abstract and theoretical subjects and possibly venture
into such topics as achieving world peace, finding justice, and seeking
meaning in life? A.  Sensorimotor B.  Pre-Operational C.  Formal Operations D.  Concrete Operations

C, During the formal operations stage of development, the individual's thinking moves from abstract to theoretical subjects. During the concrete operations stage, children achieve the ability to perform mental operations. During the sensorimotor stage, infants develop the schemas or action patterns for dealing with the environment. During the pre-operational stage, children learn to think using symbols and mental images.

A nurse is preparing to care for a 5-year-old who has been placed in traction following a fracture of the femur.  The nurse plans care, knowing that which of the following is the most appropriate activity for
this child? A.  Large picture books B.  A radio C.  Crayons and coloring book D.  A sports video  

C. In the preschooler, play is simple and imaginative and includes activities such as crayons and coloring books, puppets, felt and magnetic boards, and Play-Doh. Large picture books are most appropriate for the infant. A radio and a sports video are most appropriate for the adolescent.

A nurse is evaluating the developmental level of a 2-year-old.  Which of the following does the nurse expect to observe in this child? A.  Uses a fork to eat B.  Uses a cup to drink C.  Uses a knife for cutting food D.  Pours own milk into a cup

B. By age 2 years, the child can use a cup and can use a spoon correctly but with some spilling. By ages 3 to 4, the child begins to use a fork. By the end of the preschool period, the child should be able to pour milk into a cup and begin to use a knife for cutting.

Which of the developmental stages defined by Freud is a time of turbulence during which earlier sexual urges reawaken and are directed to an individual outside the family circle? A.  Anal B.  Genital C.  Latency D.  Phallic or oedipal

The genital stage is the final stage of psychosexual development and is a time of turbulence during which earlier sexual urges reawaken and are directed to an individual outside the family. The anal stage is the second stage in which the focus of pleasure changes to the anal zone. The phallic or oedipal stage is the third stage in which the genital organs become the focus of pleasure. The latency stage is the fourth stage during which sexual urges are repressed and channeled into productive activities that are socially acceptable.

A clinic nurse assesses the communication patterns of a 5-month-old
infant.  The nurse determines that the infant is demonstrating the
highest level of developmental achievement expected if the infant: A.  Uses simple words such as “mama” B.  Uses monosyllabic babbling C.  Links syllables together D.  Coos when comforted

B. Using monosyllabic babbling occurs between 3 and 6 months of age. Using simple words such as “mama” occurs between 9 and 12 months. Linking syllables together when communicating occurs between 6 and 9 months. Cooing begins at birth and continues until 2 months.

The parents of a 2-year-old arrive at a hospital to visit their child.  The child is in the playroom when the parents arrive.  When the parents
enter the playroom, the child does not readily approach the parents.  The nurse interprets this behavior as indicating that: A.  The child is withdrawn B.  The child is self-centered C.  The child has adjusted to the hospitalized setting D.  This is a normal pattern

D. The phases through which young children progress when separated from their parents include protest, despair, and denial or detachment. In the stage of protest, when the parents return, the child readily goes to them. In the stage of despair, the child may not approach them readily or may cling to a parent. In denial or detachment, when the parents return, the child becomes cheerful, interested in the environment and new persons (seemingly unaware of the lost parents), friendly with the staff, and interested in developing superficial relationships.

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the child aged 7 to 11 years demonstrates concrete operations when he or she: A.  Begins to think abstractly B.  Participates in parallel play C.  Is able to communicate with others on a simple level D.  Recognizes that friends may perceive things differently  

D,The concrete operations stage from 7 to 11 years is characterized by the child's ability to think through things without performing them and mentally understand a viewpoint different from his or her own. Parallel play is characteristic of a younger child, 2 to 7 years of age. Simple communication skills are typical up to 7 years of age. Then the child begins to add a mental element that shows further development of communication. Abstract thinking is typical of an older child, 11 years to adulthood.

One of the participants attending a parenting class asks the teacher
“what is the leading cause of death during the first month of life? A.  Congenital Abnormalities B.  Low birth weight C.  SIDS D.  Infection

Development of the ability of an individual to distinguish right from wrong and to develop ethical values on which to base his or her actions
is termed A.  Moral development B.  Cognitive development C.  Psychosocial development D.  Psychoanalytic development  

A, Moral development is the process by which the individual learns to distinguish right from wrong and acquires ethical values on which to base his or her actions. Cognitive development concerns knowledge and learning, whereas psychosocial development refers to the role of the individual in society. Psychoanalytic development is not correct.

During which stage of moral developmental identified by Kohlberg is the individual's moral reasoning based on personal gain? A.  Postconventional B.  Conventional C.  Preconventional D.  Instrumental relativist orientation

C, At the preconventional stage of moral development, the person reflects on moral reasoning based on personal gain. An individual with the instrumental relativist orientation recognizes that there is more than one right view. At the conventional stage of moral development, the person's moral reasoning is based on his or her personal internalization of societal and others' expectations. Postconventional reasoning focuses on social orientation and ethical principles.

What development is seen in a 15 months old?

6-10 words, 2 words together, scribble, up steps but not down, hugs toy, simple tasks

moro reflex disappears when?

At what age can you copy a circle?

At what age can you copy a square and string beads

At what age can you cut a line with scissors

At what age can you hop on one foot

What developmental milestone does the nurse expect to see in a 4 year old child?

From 4 to 5 years old, your child's gross motor skills (using their arms and legs to move and play) and their fine motor skills (working on crafts and puzzles) are still developing. Play time becomes increasingly imaginative and is an important part of children's growth.

What developmental skills do 4 year olds need?

Count 10 or more objects. Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes. Recognize some letters and possibly write their name. Better understand the concept of time and the order of daily activities, like breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner at night.

What is the social development of a 4 year old?

Your 4 year old will begin to organise games and make friends. They can be quite bossy with other children, and may still have a few tantrums when they don't get what they want. They can usually separate from you without getting upset, although not if there have been upsetting separations in the past.

Which developmental stage would the nurse expect for a preschooler?

The answer is A. A preschooler is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development. This stage includes children 2-7 years.


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