Which stage of the strategy formulation framework includes an IFE matrix and competitive profile matrix?

The Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework

Important strategy-formulation techniques can be integrated into a three-stage decision-making framework, as shown in Figure 6-2. The tools presented in this framework are applicable to all sizes and types of organizations and can help strategists identify, evaluate, and select strategies.

Figure 6-2

The Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework

Stage 1 of the strategy-formulation analytical framework consists of the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix, and the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). Called the input stage ...

4.Which stage of the strategy-formulation framework involves the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix?

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5.Which stage of the strategy-formulation framework includes an IFE Matrix and the Competitive Profile

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6.The match an organization makes between its internal resources and skills and the opportunities andrisks created by its external factors can be defined as strategy.7.

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8.Which section of the SWOT Matrix involves matching internal strengths with external opportunities?

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9.Which strategies aim at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities?

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10. Which strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding external

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11. How many cells are in a SWOT Matrix? Nine

12. Steps involved in constructing a SWOT MatrixA)List the firm's key external threats.B)Match internal strengths with external opportunities, and record the resultant SO strategies in theappropriate cell.C)Match internal strengths with external threats, and record the resultant ST strategies.D)List the firm's external opportunities.13. Strengths-opportunities strategies are based on using a firm's internal strengths to take advantage ofexternal opportunities.14. All are a SPACE Matrix quadrant:A) AggressiveB) DefensiveC) CompetitiveD) Conservative15. The two positive-rated dimensions on the SPACE Matrix are FP and IP.16. What type of strategies would you recommend when a firm's SPACE Matrix directional vector has the

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17. In the SPACE analysis, what does a (+6, +3) strategy profile portray? A strong industry position

18. Market penetration can be classified as either a conservative, aggressive, or competitive strategy whenusing the Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix.19. Conservative strategies in a SPACE Matrix most often include product development, marketdevelopment, market penetration, and related diversification.

  • School University of Economics and Bussiness - VNU
  • Course Title BUSINESS NOT KNOW
  • Pages 114
  • Ratings 100% (6) 6 out of 6 people found this document helpful

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Which stage of the strategy-formulation framework includes an IFE Matrix and aCompetitive Profile Matrix?A) Input

B) MatchingC) DecisionD) PenetrationE) ResearchA) InputWhich stage of the strategy-formulation framework contains the IFE Matrix?The match an organization makes between its internal resources and skills and the

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opportunities and risks created by its external factors can be defined as

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Which section of the SWOT Matrix involves matching internal strengths with externalopportunities?Which strategies aim at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external

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opportunities?A) SOB) WOC) SWD) STE) WTB) WOWhich strategies use a firm's strengths to avoid or reduce the impact of external

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Which strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weaknesses andavoiding external threats?

How many cells are in a SWOT Matrix?

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Which of the following is NOT one of the steps involved in constructing a SWOT Matrix?A) List the firm's key external threats.B) Match internal strengths with external opportunities, and record the resultant SOstrategies in the appropriate cell.C) Match internal weaknesses with external threats, and record the resultant WTstrategies.D) List the firm's external weaknesses.E) List the firm's external opportunities.D) List the firm's external weaknesses.

Which of the following is a limitation associated with a SWOT Matrix?Which of these is NOT a SPACE Matrix quadrant?

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Which stage of the strategy formulation framework includes the IFE matrix and the competitive profile matrix?

Stage 1 of the strategy-formulation analytical framework consists of the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix, and the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM).

Which stage of the strategy formulation framework consists of the quantitative strategic planning matrix?

The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), which comprises Stage 3 of the strategy-formulation analytical framework, objectively indicates which alternative strategies are best.

What are the stages of strategy formulation framework?

Techniques of strategy formulation can be integrated into a decision making framework. Strategies can be identified, evaluated and selected by this framework that includes three stages: (1) input stage, (2) matching stage, and (3) decision stage (Figure 1) (David, 2007).

Which matrix is included in the decision stage?

Stage three, called the decision stage, involves a single technique, the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). A QSPM uses input information from stage one to objectively evaluate feasible strategies identified in stage two.


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