Which symptoms are associated with acute stress rather than chronic stress? check all that apply.

Mario is the editor of the school newspaper. He still has five articles and a feature to edit before the paper's release in two days. Mario is trying to decide whether he needs to push the release date. He has never pushed the release date before and does not really want to do it. Mario's classmates have noticed changes in Mario. The once mild-mannered editor has been quick to anger over the littlest things. Mario himself has noticed that he has been having stomach issues and episodes of acid reflux.

Which type of stress is Mario experiencing?

Which type of stressor is causing Mario's stress?

What is a sign that Mario is stressing about the looming release date of the school paper?

What is a physical symptom that indicates Mario is stressing about the looming release date of the school paper?

Which symptoms are associated with acute stress rather than chronic stress?

Like with acute stress disorder, the emotions are intense and not chronic..
Irritability or uncontrolled anger..
Rapid heartbeat..
Panic attack..
Heartburn and other gastrointestinal troubles..
Muscular pain and tightness..

What are 5 symptoms of acute stress?

What are the symptoms of an acute stress reaction?.
A 'thumping heart' (palpitations)..
A feeling of sickness (nausea)..
Chest pain..
Tummy (abdominal) pains..
Breathing difficulties..

How does acute stress differ from chronic stress?

Acute stress is short-term stress. Chronic stress is long-term stress. Examples of acute stress would be any stress you suffer from for a short period of time — like a traffic jam, an argument with your spouse, criticism from your boss or someone breaking into your house when you aren't there.

What are the symptoms of chronic stress?

What are the symptoms of chronic stress?.
Aches and pains..
Insomnia or sleepiness..
A change in social behavior, such as staying in often..
Low energy..
Unfocused or cloudy thinking..
Change in appetite..
Increased alcohol or drug use..
Change in emotional responses to others..