Which teams use modern technology to unite group members for the purpose of achieving common goals?

Which teams use modern technology to unite group members for the purpose of achieving common goals?

Chapter 10 Understanding Work TeamsPage

Chapter 10

Understanding Work Teams


After studying this chapter, students should be able to:

10-1.Analyze the continued popularity of teams in organizations.

10-2. Contrast groups and teams.

10-3.Contrast the five types of teams.

10-4.Identify the characteristics of effective teams.

10-5.Explain how organizations can create team players.

10-6.Decide when to use individuals instead of teams.


Instructors may wish to use the following resources when presenting this chapter.

Text Exercises

An Ethical Choice: The Size of Your Meeting’s Carbon Footprint

Myth or Science?: “Team Members Who Are ‘Hot’ Should Make the Play”

Career OBjectives: Is It Wrong That I’d Rather Have Guys On My Team?

MyLab Management

oPersonal Inventory Assessments: Team Development Behaviors

oTry It!: Teams

oTry It!: Simulation: Virtual Teams

oTry It! Simulation: Innovation and Teams

oWatch It!: Teams (TWZ Role Play)

Point/Counterpoint: To Get the Most Out of Teams, Empower Them

Questions for Review

Experiential Exercise: Whether to Use Self-Managed Teams

Ethical Dilemma: When Your Cycling Skills Matter!

Text Cases

Case Incident 1: Trusting Someone You Can’t See

Case Incident 2: Smart Teams and Dumb Teams

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Which statement best reflects the relationship between the use of teams and an organization's costs?

Which statement best reflects the relationship between the use of teams and an​ organization's costs? Teams lead to increased costs and thus the benefits of using teams has to exceed the costs.

Which statement best describes work groups in an organization quizlet?

Which of the following statements best defines a work group? A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort.

Which of the following are ways to ensure fairness in the member roles and contributions in a group writing project quizlet?

Which of the following are ways to ensure fairness in the member roles and contributions in a group writing project? The group members should equally divide their contributions and time commitments. The group members should consider using a team charter to state the expectations for each member.

Which of the following is a characteristic of work teams but not work groups?

Which of the following is a characteristic of work teams but not work​ groups? They are symbiotic in member interaction.