Which term describes the movement of bones such as flexion and extension Nasm?

Isometric exercises are exercises that involve the contraction of muscles without any movement in the surrounding joints. The constant tension on the muscles may help improve muscle endurance and support dynamic exercises.

Most muscle strengthening exercises involve moving the joints, using the muscles to push or pull against resistance. However, isometric exercises involve holding static positions for long periods of time.

This article will discuss what isometric exercises are and provide some examples.

Isometric exercises place tension on particular muscles without moving the surrounding joints. By applying constant tension to the muscles, isometric exercises can be useful for improving physical endurance and posture by strengthening and stabilizing the muscles.

There are two types of muscle contraction: isotonic and isometric. Isotonic contractions occur when muscles become shorter or longer against resistance, and tension remains the same. Isometric contractions occur when tension increases but the muscle remains at a constant length.

Many strength building exercises involve concentric or eccentric movements, which are both isotonic contractions. Concentric movements cause the muscle to shorten, and eccentric movements lengthen the muscle.

Isometric exercises do not involve the muscles shortening or lengthening. During isometric exercises, the joints are still, and the muscles do not change shape or size. People will typically hold the isometric contraction for several seconds or minutes.

Some isometric exercises develop tension by holding the body in a certain position, while others may involve holding weights. Holding the muscle contraction allows the muscle tissue to fill with blood and create metabolic stress on the muscle. This can help improve strength and endurance.

An advantage of isometric exercises is that they are fairly easy to perform, usually do not require any equipment, and are easily incorporable into many weight lifting exercises.

Many exercise regimens will include some isometric movements, along with more dynamic exercises.

Some benefits of isometric exercises may include:

  • They are useful exercises for activating many muscle fibers at once.
  • They require less practice to perform exercises with good form compared with some dynamic movements, such as squats.
  • They are suitable for people with an injury or medical condition that restricts movement. For example, a 2012 study found that isometric exercises are suitable for people with osteoarthritis.
  • Some research suggests that isometric exercise training may be an effective way to lower blood pressure.
  • According to a 2015 study, these exercises can improve muscle stability and the ability to hold weight over longer periods.
  • Some research suggests that isometric exercises may help with pain relief for lower back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and neck pain.

In general, isometric exercises are less intense for major muscle groups than many dynamic movements. However, although they can be safer, isometric exercises may still cause or worsen existing injuries.

Performing isometric exercises with poor form can also lead to injury. For example, performing a plank without proper form can increase tension in the lower back, potentially leading to an injury.

If a person notices any pain or discomfort while performing an isometric exercise, they should stop immediately.

There are many types of isometric exercise, and each targets different muscle groups.

Some common isometric exercises include:

1. Plank

Image credit: Active Body, Creative Mind,

According to a 2016 study, performing plank exercises is an effective way of strengthening the core muscles. To perform a plank:

  1. Start in a pressup position.
  2. Bend the elbows so that the forearms are flat on the ground.
  3. Hold the body in a straight line, with the forearms underneath the shoulders, keeping the core muscles tight.
  4. Start with holding this position for 10 seconds, and build up over time.

2. Wall sit

Image credit: Active Body, Creative Mind,

The wall sit is a simple exercise for improving muscle endurance in the thighs without straining the lower back muscles. To perform a wall sit:

  1. Stand around 2 feet in front of a wall, with the feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly lower the body into a sitting position so that the back rests flat against the wall.
  3. Bend the knees to a 90-degree angle as if sitting on a chair, keeping tension in the core.
  4. Hold this position for as long as possible.

3. Glute bridge

Image credit: Active Body, Creative Mind,

The glute bridge exercise targets the gluteal muscles behind the quadriceps. To perform a glute bridge:

  1. Lie on the back with the knees bent upward so that the feet are planted flat on the floor. Extend the arms and face the palms upward.
  2. Engage the core muscles and lift the hips away from the ground until the torso is a straight line, using the arms for stability.
  3. Hold this position while keeping the core muscles active.

4. Dead hang

Image credit: Active Body, Creative Mind,

The dead hang will work the upper body, particularly the shoulders. To perform this exercise:

  1. Grab a pullup bar with the hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Cross the feet and lift them back off the ground so that the body is hanging in the air.
  3. Hold this position for as long as possible.

5. Isometric squat

Image credit: Active Body, Creative Mind,

This exercise is a variation of the traditional squat that builds endurance in the leg muscles. To perform this exercise:

  1. Stand with feet at least shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly bend the knees, push the hips backward, and lower into a squat position.
  3. At the bottom of the movement, move the arms forward to aid balance.
  4. Hold this position.

Isometric exercises place tension on muscles without causing movement in the surrounding joints. Performing these exercises can help build muscle endurance. Some examples of isometric exercises include planks and glute bridges.

They are suitable for people with a limited range of motion, such as due to an injury or medical condition.

Incorporating isometric exercises into an existing exercise routine can improve muscle performance.

Which term describes the movement of bones such as flexion and extension?

We use OSTEOKINEMATIC terms, such as abduction or adduction, flexion or extension, to name the movements that occur between bones at synovial joints. These terms describe the movements that occur around a center of rotation, namely the joint axis.

What is the term used to describe the primary muscle that shortens producing movement around a joint?

agonists. These muscles cause the movement to occur. They create the normal range of movement in a joint by contracting. Agonists are also referred to as prime movers since they are the muscles that are primarily responsible for generating the movement.

What is a drop set NASM quizlet?

An approach that involves performing a set to failure, then removing a small percentage of the load and continuing with the set.

Which characteristic is exhibited by type I muscle fibers Nasm?

Type I fibers produce less force and are slower to produce maximal tension (lower myosin ATPase activity) compared to type II fibers. But they are able to maintain longer-term contractions, key for stabilization and postural control (1,2). Remember: Small muscle fibers.


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