Which term is defined as the transmission of information and meaning from a sender to a receiver?


The process of transferring information between humans or agents. In these experiments, communication between team members was measured by counting conversational moves, an uninterrupted utterance of a team member that has a discrete problem solving function. Learn more in: Communications for Agent-Based Human Team Support


Communication is conveying information from person to person. Generally, the information is imagined to be expressed by language; however, humans have conveyed emotions before the emergence of language. The design of emotional channels in network-based communication is very important. Additionally, in a broad sense, communication can be understood as a kind of game, with the rules reflected in taking turns to speak, being focused on the context, exchanging useful information, saying something interesting, etc. Learn more in: Integration of Communication in a Game to Reflect and Discuss Dietary Habits among School Aged Children


A symbolic process whereby the social reality is produced, understood, maintained and updated in a given situation. Communication is the mediation that allows collective social action. Communication is contextualized information through pragmatics. Learn more in: Communication, Information, and Pragmatics


In virtual communities, communication refers to the formal and informal distribution of significant and updated information concerning the interest around which the community is developed Learn more in: Trust in Virtual Communities


It is the completion of the process by converting the emotions and thoughts of a sender into codes and transmitting the messages to the receiver through various channels and sending the responses of the recipient to this message in a similar way to the sender. Learn more in: Mass Media and Education


Complex process of exchange information from sender to receiver assuming common meaning. From the perspective of etymology, the idea of entrance of comprehension and understanding each other reflected in the term communication is derived from Latin word, ‘communis’, which means common and ‘to share’. Multiple typologies of definitions include conflicting perspectives: elusive phenomenon, emergent discipline, concept, skill/ capability, process, activity, scientific study of signs and symbols, etc. related to the discriminations between phenomena, concept and term. Learn more in: Communication and Social Dissonance: Alerts and Chronic Conditions Around the World


“…The process by which information is exchanged between communicators with the goal of achieving mutual understanding” (Osland, Kolb, Rubin, & Turner, 2007 AU11: The in-text citation "Osland, Kolb, Rubin, & Turner, 2007" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. , p. 195). Learn more in: Managing People as a Leader


Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas, and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication between levels, departments, and employees (Business Dictionary: http://www.businessdictionary.com/ ). Learn more in: Communicating Socially Responsible Initiatives: New Incentives to Sustainable Development


Represents a process of transmitting information, ideas, and feelings (attitudes, opinions) from one individual to another, from one individual to a social group, and vice versa. Communication is the process by which the exchange of meaning between people takes place (Ordache-Platis & Josan, 2009 AU25: The in-text citation "Ordache-Platis & Josan, 2009" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ). Learn more in: Engaging Graduate Students During a Pandemic: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration in Emergency Remote Learning


Communication is a process by which signals, data, information or knowledge is transferred from one location to another. Usually this involves a sending agent, a transmission mechanism and one or more receiving agents. Communication can take place between people - for example, one person talking to another. It can also take place between people and the various other types of object that they use - such as computers and mobile phones. Often, the use of technology to support communication between people is often referred to as technology-mediated communication. Communication can also take place between different types of machine - particularly, computers. Learn more in: Using Metanotation as a Tool for Describing Learning Systems


Basically, communication can be defined as the process of sharing information between individuals to reach mutual understanding. Communication includes preparation by a transmitter, (physical) transportation, and integration by a receiver. With regard to organizational knowledge communication, transmitter and receiver can be individuals, groups, organizations, and so on. Learn more in: KMmaster® for Collaboration and Knowledge Management


Access to postal services can be considered as proxy for good communication system. Better access to postal services helps to transport mail and small packages to destinations around the world. Also it involves providing domestic and international postal services-receipt, transport and delivery of mail and so on which are very important for economic activities to take place. Learn more in: Availability of Infrastructure Facilities in India: Prospects and Challenges


It is the ability to effectively transfer information in oral, written, and nonverbal forms. It is also to learn to communicate in a diverse range of purposes (for example, to inform, motivate, etc) and in a diverse environment (also considering multi-lingual). Learn more in: Educational Robotics: A Journey, Not a Destination


“The specific blend of promotion tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships” (Kotler & Armstrong, 2007 AU29: The in-text citation "Kotler & Armstrong, 2007" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. , p. 456). Learn more in: Advertising in the World of Social Media-Based Brand Communities


The process of sharing information between two or more individuals to reach a common understanding of the ideas or information being conveyed. In the context of this chapter, communication also includes information, or data, that is shared, or transmitted, between two or more actors. These actors may be human or machine. This sharing of information between human and human; machine and machine; or between human and machine is underpinned by the need for the information to be understandable to both parties. Learn more in: Back to Basics: Electronic Collaboration in the Education Sector


A transaction between two or more interlocutors requiring effort and the joint construction of meaning. There is no guarantee that what is understood will be the same as what is meant. Learn more in: Intercultural Communication

What is the transmission of information and meaning from a sender to a receiver?

Communication is defined as "the transmission of information and meaning from a sender to a receiver." The most important element of this definition is ____.

Is the transmission of information and meaning from one individual to another?

Communication has been defined in various ways. In one definition that frequently crops up in the literature of communication, communication has been described as the “transmission of information” or the “transfer of meaning.”

What is the term for the means by which a message gets from sender to receiver?

channel. the means through which a message gets from sender to receiver.

What is the information that has been transmitted by the sender during the communication process called?

The message or content is the information that the sender wants to relay to the receiver. Additional subtext can be conveyed through body language and tone of voice. Put all three elements together — sender, receiver, and message — and you have the communication process at its most basic.