Which tool is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time?

A(n) ____ is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time.

A(n) ____ is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time.

a.responsibility assignment matrix
b.resource histogram
c.RACI charts
d.organizational breakdown structure

Answer: B

Learn More :

a.responsibility assignment matrixc.RACI chartsb.resource histogramd.organizational breakdown structure

Uploaded by: A_Hero111

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Which tool is a column chart that shows the number of resources?

A resource histogram is a stacked bar chart that is used for resource allocation in project management. It's basically a resource planning graph that displays the amount of time a resource is scheduled to work over a period of time.

Which diagrammatic representation is used to allocate resources to A activity?

Project Management Network Diagram Network diagrams are used by Project Managers to track the progress of activities during the course of the project. In other words, they represent the workflow of the project.

Which term refers to the amount of individual resources an existing schedule?

Time-phased resources. describes amount of individual resources an existing schedule requires during specific time periods.


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