Which type of trauma center would the nurse consider to be most appropriate for a client who survived an accidental fire and has multiple injuries?

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What type of trauma center would the nurse consider to bemostappropriate for aclient who survived an accidental fire and has multiple injuries?1Level ICorrect2Level II3Level III

Level IVLevel II trauma centers provide care to the most injured clients. Level III trauma centersstabilize clients with multiple injuries. Level I trauma centers provide a full continuum oftrauma services for all clients. Level IV provides advanced life support and basic traumaclient stabilization.What steps would the nurse explain are to be followed for preventing post-traumaticstress disorder (PTSD) in hospital staff during a mass casualty event?Select allthat apply.

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The nurse is triaging clients arriving at the hospital after a large-scale disaster.Which condition ismostlikely to be categorized with a black tag?

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Open fracture with distal pulseBlack-tagged clients are those who are expected to die. Conditions such as massive headtrauma, extensive full-thickness body burns, or high cervical spinal cord injuries requiringmechanical ventilation are categorized with a black tag. Contusions are categorized with agreen-tag. Airway obstruction is categorized with a red-tag. An open fracture with a distalpulse is categorized with a yellow tag.Which emergency response team helps set up shelters for victims who lost theirhomes due to a disaster?BCD

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The American Red Cross sets up shelters for people who have lost their homes or have beenevacuated from their homes after an external disaster. A Disaster Medical Assistance Team(DMAT) provides medical equipment that is sufficient for at least 72 hours. InternationalMedical Surgical Response Teams (IMSuRTs) establish fully functional field surgical facilitieswherever they are needed in the world. Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams(DMORTs) manage mass fatalities at the disaster site.

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Which level of trauma center provides a full continuum of care for the trauma client?

A Level I trauma center provides the full continuum of trauma care.

Which unit in the hospital would be the priority for implementation and evaluation of a workplace violence protection plan as one component of a hospital disaster plan?

Which unit assumes priority for implementation and evaluation of this component to the plan? The Emergency Nursing Association (ENA) supports comprehensive workplace violence prevention plans to be included as a component of the organizational disaster plan.

Which service can be provided by Level II trauma care centers during mass casualty events?

What services can be provided by level II trauma care centers during mass causality events? Stabilize clients with major injuries. Provide care to most injured clients. Provide a full continuum of trauma services for all clients.

Which would the nurse consider to be an example of a potential internal disaster?

A fire in a hospital is an example of an internal disaster that can cause harm to the clients and the staff.