Which white matter structure carries information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum?

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    Three paired cerebellar peduncles contain the information flow to and from the cerebellum: the superior (a.k.a. brachium conjunctivum, SCP), the middle (a.k.a. the brachium pontis, MCP) and the inferior cerebellar peduncles (a.k.a. restiform body, ICP).

    From: Neurology Secrets (Sixth Edition), 2017

    Clinical neuroanatomy

    Anne Lingford-Hughes, Nicola Kalk, in Core Psychiatry (Third Edition), 2012

    Connections of the cerebellum

    The cerebellar peduncles contain the afferent and efferent tracts of the cerebellum. The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains four afferent tracts (posterior spinocerebellar, vestibulocerebellar, olivocerebellar and reticulocerebellar) and one efferent tract (the cerebellovestibular tract). The middle cerebellar peduncle is the largest and contains only afferent fibres from the pontine nucleus. This pontocerebellar tract provides an important connection between the cerebral cortex and cerebellum and modulates skilled activities of hands and fingers. The superior cerebellar peduncle contains one afferent, anterior cerebellar tract and one efferent tract from the cerebellar nuclei to the red nucleus, thalamus and medulla.

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    URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780702033971000021

    Volume 1

    Tae-Young Jung, James T. Rutka, in Schmidek and Sweet Operative Neurosurgical Techniques (Sixth Edition), 2012

    Invasion of the Brain Stem and Cerebellar Peduncle

    Invasion of the brain stem and cerebellar peduncle is found in up to 40% of newly diagnosed medulloblastoma.4,42 In another study, brain stem or peduncle involvement is identified in 34% of cerebellar pilocytic and diffuse astrocytomas.43 Cerebellar peduncle involvement is suggested by an ill-defined border on the affected side on postcontrast MRI (Fig. 55-5). On MR midsagittal images without/with contrast infusion, a cerebrospinal fluid space between the tumor and the floor of the fourth ventricle may be found, which can indicate that there is no invasion of the floor of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 55-1C and D). However, absence of a cerebrospinal fluid space does not always indicate the invasion of tumor. As such, it is difficult to affirm unequivocally that the tumor is compressing or invading the floor of the fourth ventricle by imaging studies alone.

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    URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781416068396100553

    Neurological physiotherapy

    Christine Smith, ... Louise Connell, in Tidy's Physiotherapy (Fifteenth Edition), 2013


    The optic nerve, cervical cord, brainstem and cerebellar peduncles are most commonly affected. Frequently at onset the first feature is of optic neuritis of varying severity. Pain is felt behind the affected eye with some element of visual disturbance occurring. In 58% of cases acuity is affected without pain. However, overall more than 90% of cases recover the majority of their visual acuity. Later on, other symptoms affecting eye movement are dysmetria, nystagmus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia (slowing of adduction) and occular flutter. Diplopia might be experienced.

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    URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780702043444000262

    The Cerebellum

    D.E. Haines, G.A. Mihailoff, in Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications (Fifth Edition), 2018

    Cerebellar Peduncles

    The cerebellum is connected to the brainstem by three pairs of cerebellar peduncles (Fig. 27.1A-C). The inferior cerebellar peduncle is composed of a larger part, the restiform body, and a smaller portion, the juxtarestiform body (Fig. 27.1B, C). The restiform body is the large ridge on the dorsolateral aspect of the medulla rostral to the level of the obex. This bundle contains mainly fibers that arise in the spinal cord or medulla. The juxtarestiform body is located in the wall of the fourth ventricle. This bundle is composed primarily of fibers that form reciprocal connections between the cerebellum and vestibular structures (Table 27.1).

    The basilar pons, which is located inferior to the exiting roots of the trigeminal nerve, is continuous into the middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis), which is located superior (dorsal) to the exiting roots of the fifth cranial nerve (Figs. 27.1A-C and 27.2). These exiting roots represent the boundary between the basilar pons and the middle cerebellar peduncle. This large peduncle mainly conveys pontocerebellar fibers arise from the pontine nuclei of the basilar pons and enter the cerebellum.

    The superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) sweeps rostrally out of the cerebellum and penetrates into the midbrain just caudal to the exit of the trochlear nerve (Fig. 27.1A-C). Within the midbrain, these fibers cross the midline as the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle at the level of the inferior colliculus. This bundle contains predominantly cerebellar efferent fibers that originate from neurons of the cerebellar nuclei and distribute to the diencephalon and brainstem.

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    Alexander de Lahunta DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVP, Eric Glass MS, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology), in Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology (Third Edition), 2009


    The cerebellum consists of a central median region, the vermis, named for the wormlike contortions it presents caudally and a hemisphere laterally on each side of the vermis (Figs. 13-8, 13-9). The cerebellum is divided into two disproportionate regions: (1) the large body of the cerebellum and (2) the small flocculonodular lobe. These two regions are separated by the uvulonodular fissure (see Fig. 13-9). The flocculonodular lobe, also known as the archicerebellum or vestibular cerebellum, is confined to the ventral aspect of the cerebellum near its center. The nodulus is the most rostral part of the caudal vermis that is adjacent to the fourth ventricle. It connects laterally by a peduncle on each side to the flocculus, which is a small lobule on the ventral aspect of the cerebellar hemisphere. The much larger body of the cerebellum, consisting of the vermis and two hemispheres, is divided into rostral and caudal lobes by the primary fissure. Within each lobe, the folia are grouped into named lobules that reside in different portions of the vermis and hemispheres.

    The cerebellum is attached to the brainstem by three groups of neuronal processes on each side of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 13-10). These processes are the cerebellar peduncles (see Figs. 2-9 through 2-14Fig 9Fig 14). Although arranged in a medial to lateral plane, they are named from rostral to caudal based on their connections with the brainstem. The caudal cerebellar peduncle connects the spinal cord and medulla with the cerebellum. It contains primarily afferent processes projecting to the cerebellum. The middle cerebellar peduncle connects the transverse fibers of the pons with the cerebellum, which is entirely afferent to the cerebellum. The rostral cerebellar peduncle connects the cerebellum with the mesencephalon and contains mainly efferent processes passing out of the cerebellum.

    When the cerebellum is sectioned transversely or longitudinally, an extensive area of white matter is visible in the center. This area is the cerebellar medulla, which should not be confused with the medulla (oblongata) of the brainstem. The cerebellar medulla has extensions of white matter into the overlying folia. As a group, these extensions appear similar to tree branches and are called the arbor vitae. Individually, each is the white lamina of a folium. The arbor vitae are covered by the three layers of the cerebellar cortex. In the cerebellar medulla are situated collections of neuronal cell bodies that comprise the cerebellar nuclei (see Fig. 2-13). These cell bodies are organized into three nuclei on each side of the median plane. From medial to lateral, these nuclei are the fastigial, interposital, and lateral cerebellar nuclei. For some reason, students have difficulty with this concept of cerebellar nuclei embedded in the white matter of the cerebellar medulla. This arrangement of cerebellar nuclei is directly comparable to the cerebrum, where the neuronal cell bodies are located either on the surface in the cerebral cortex or deep to the surface in basal nuclei. Their arrangement in both the cerebellum and cerebrum is determined by the degree and pattern of migration of the cells from the germinal layer.

    The cerebellar cortex, which is composed of three layers, forms the outer portion of each folium and is similar throughout the cerebellum (Fig. 13-11). The folial and sulcal surfaces in the adult are covered by the leptomeninges. Adjacent to these leptomeninges is the most external of the three cortical layers, the relatively cell-free molecular layer. It is composed mostly of the axons and telodendria of granule neurons and the dendritic zones of the Purkinje neurons and a small population of interneurons and astrocytes. The molecular layer covers the middle layer that is a narrow single layer of large flask-shaped neurons, which comprise the Purkinje neuron layer. The deepest of the three layers is the granule neuron (granular) layer. This layer is thick and is composed of a remarkably large number of small neuronal cell bodies and their dendritic zones. This cell layer varies from 5 to 6 neurons thick where the cortex is continuous from one folium to another at the depth of a sulcus to 15 to 20 neurons thick at the top of a folium. Figs. 13-12 through 13-19 illustrate gross and microscopic features of the cerebellum.

    The cerebellar cortex is uniquely organized for the distribution of afferent information (see Fig. 13-11). Two major types of afferents to the cerebellum exist based on the morphology of their telodendrons: mossy fibers and climbing fibers. The more abundant mossy fibers have a widespread origin in the brainstem and spinal cord. As they pass into the cerebellum, collaterals of these axonal processes synapse on the cell bodies and dendritic zones of neurons in the cerebellar nuclei. The main axon continues through the cerebellar medulla into the white lamina of a folium and enters the granular layer, where it terminates on the dendritic zones of the granule neurons. These synapses are sometimes called glomeruli. They are adjacent to the small neuronal cell body of the granule neuron. The axon of this granule neuron projects externally through the Purkinje neuronal layer into the molecular layer, where this axon forms two branches that course in opposite directions parallel to the longitudinal axis of the folium. The dendritic zone of the Purkinje neuron is arranged in the molecular layer as a maze of branched axons that are oriented in a flat plane transverse to the axis of the folium. By this arrangement in the molecular layer, the axon of the granule neuron traverses the dendritic zone of numerous Purkinje neurons. Synapse occurs between these processes. This network can be likened to telephone wires (granule neuronal axons) coursing from one telephone pole (dendritic zone of Purkinje neurons) to another. Climbing fibers are the axons of olivary neurons that enter the cerebellum through the caudal cerebellar peduncle.34 Collaterals of these axons synapse on neurons in the cerebellar nuclei. The main axon continues through the cerebellar medulla into a white lamina of a folium and passes through the granule neuronal layer and the Purkinje neuronal layer into the molecular layer, where it entwines around the dendritic zone of the Purkinje neuron and terminates there in synapses.

    The mossy and climbing fibers are facilitory at their synapse with neurons of the cerebellar nuclei and the granule and Purkinje neurons, respectively.58 Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter released at the synapses of the mossy fibers and aspartate at the synapses of the climbing fibers. The granule neurons are facilitory to the Purkinje neurons with glutamate released at the synapses. Within the molecular layer are stellate neurons (outer and basket) that are inhibitory to the Purkinje neurons. Large stellate neurons (Golgi) are scattered through the granular layer. These neurons are inhibitory to granule neurons.56 The only axon that projects from the cerebellar cortex (an efferent axon) is that of the Purkinje neuron. These axons pass through the granular layer into the folial white matter lamina and continue into the cerebellar medulla. The majority of these terminate on the dendritic zones of the neurons in the cerebellar nuclei. A small population of Purkinje neuronal axons, the cell bodies of which are primarily located in the flocculonodular lobe, leave the cerebellum through the caudal cerebellar peduncle and terminate on the dendritic zones of neurons in the vestibular nuclei. At all of the telodendria of these Purkinje neurons, the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid is released.29 With the exception of these direct cerebellovestibular Purkinje neuronal projections, the efferent axons that project from the cerebellum to the brainstem are all from the cerebellar nuclei.54 This anatomy supports a major role of the cerebellar cortex in modulating the continual facilitation of the neurons in the cerebellar nuclei via Purkinje neuronal inhibition.

    The cerebellum plays a major role in the control of motor activity. Therefore, logically, it must receive afferent information to provide it with knowledge of where the head, neck, trunk, and limbs are in space via connections with the general and special proprioceptive systems. It also needs information on what voluntary motor activity is to occur, and therefore it must receive afferents from the upper motor neuron (UMN) systems. The cerebellum is often called the great regulator of movement.

    Cerebellar Afferents

    General Proprioception

    An abundance of spinocerebellar tracts enter the cerebellum primarily through the caudal cerebellar peduncle; a small group enters via the rostral cerebellar peduncle. Cuneocerebellar tracts from the neck and thoracic limbs enter through the caudal cerebellar peduncle.

    Special Proprioception

    Vestibulocerebellar axons enter directly from the vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII or indirectly from the vestibular nuclei via the caudal cerebellar peduncles. Most of the proprioceptive neurons project to the folia of the cerebellar vermis or the adjacent paravermal folia.

    Special Somatic Afferent—Visual and Auditory

    Tectocerebellar axons enter the cerebellum directly by way of the rostral cerebellar peduncle and project to the head region of the vermis. In addition, axons from the visual and auditory areas of the cerebral cortex project to the pons and synapse on pontine neurons. The axons of these pontine neurons cross in the transverse fibers of the pons and enter the cerebellum through the contralateral middle cerebellar peduncle.

    Upper Motor Neuron

    The projection of UMN information to the cerebellum is diffuse and complex. Brainstem nuclei involved in this cerebellar projection include the red, pontine, and olivary nuclei and the reticular formation. Many of these nuclei receive projections from the telencephalic basal nuclei and the areas of the cerebral cortex involved with motor function. The red nucleus is the source of rubrocerebellar axons that enter the cerebellum through the rostral cerebellar peduncle. Reticulocerebellar axons enter through the caudal cerebellar peduncle. Many of the extrapyramidal system nuclei of the telencephalon and brainstem project to the cerebellum via the olivary nuclei. The olivary nuclei are located in the ventrolateral portion of the caudal medulla (see Figs. 2-14 and 2-15). They extend rostrally to just caudal to the facial nucleus and caudally to a level just caudal to the obex. The olivary nuclei consist of three components on each side, all of which vary in size throughout the length of the nuclei. Where they are most developed, they have the appearance of three fingers oriented obliquely from dorsomedial to ventrolateral just dorsal to the pyramid and medial lemniscus. The hypoglossal axons course along their lateral border. The axons of the neurons in the olivary nuclei cross the midline and join the contralateral caudal cerebellar peduncle. These axons are the major source of the climbing fibers that enter the cerebellum. The olivary neurons are activated by both the neurons of the UMN system and the spinal cord afferents. The pontine nucleus serves as a major relay nucleus for projection axons from all areas of the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. This cerebropontocerebellar pathway serves for many functions in addition to the UMN system. The axons of the projection neurons in the cerebral cortex enter the corona radiata of the gyrus where the cortical neurons are located. They continue through the centrum semiovale into the internal capsule, crus cerebri, and longitudinal fibers of the pons. The axons in the cerebropontocerebellar pathway leave the longitudinal fibers of the pons to synapse on ipsilateral pontine neuronal cell bodies. The neuronal cell bodies of the pontine nucleus surround the longitudinal fibers of the pons as the latter courses caudally dorsal to the transverse fibers of the pons (see Figs. 2-9 and 2-10). The axons of the neuronal cell bodies of the pontine nucleus cross the midline where they form the transverse fibers of the pons. They continue into the cerebellum via the contralateral middle cerebellar peduncle. This peduncle projects axons primarily to the folia in the cerebellar hemisphere. A direct relationship exists between the evolution of skilled motor function and the degree of development of the cerebral motor cortex, the pons, and the cerebellar hemisphere. In animals such as the human, who have highly skilled motor activity of the digits, the transverse fibers of the pons are so numerous that they extend caudally and cover the trapezoid body, and the vermis of the cerebellum is partly buried beneath the expanded cerebellar hemispheres (see Figs. 13-23, 13-27, 13-31).

    Cerebellar Efferents

    Cerebellar Cortex

    Purkinje neuronal axons derived mostly from the flocculonodular lobe project directly to the vestibular nuclei via the caudal cerebellar peduncle.

    Cerebellar Nuclei

    The neurons in the fastigial nucleus project to the vestibular nuclei and reticular formation by way of the rostral cerebellar peduncle. The neurons in the interposital nucleus project to the red nucleus and the reticular formation by way of the rostral cerebellar peduncle. The neurons in the lateral cerebellar nucleus project to the red nucleus, the reticular formation, the pallidum, and the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus, all by way of the rostral cerebellar peduncle.

    When the axons in the rostral cerebellar peduncle enter the caudal mesencephalon, most of these cerebellar efferents cross in the ventral tegmental decussation (see Fig. 2-8), occurring at the level of the caudal colliculi caudal to the rubrospinal decussation. These axons cross to terminate in the contralateral red nucleus, ventral lateral thalamic nucleus, or the pallidum. These collections of nuclei participate in a feedback circuit to the cerebral cortex. The most direct pathway is from the neurons in the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus, the axons of which enter the internal capsule via the thalamocortical fibers. They continue through the centrum semiovale into a corona radiata to terminate in an area of the cerebral cortex. A circuitry occurs between the cerebral cortex and the cerebellar cortex that provides immediate feedback from the cerebellum to the cerebrum at the moment when activity is generated in the cerebral cortex. The following example illustrates the structures that participate in this circuitry (Fig. 13-20): Motor cortex of the frontoparietal lobe, corona radiata, centrum semiovale, internal capsule, crus cerebri, longitudinal fibers of the pons, pontine nucleus, CROSS in the transverse fibers of the pons, middle cerebellar peduncle, cerebellar medulla, folial white lamina, granular layer neurons, Purkinje neurons, folial white lamina, cerebellar medulla, lateral cerebellar nucleus, rostral cerebellar peduncle, CROSS in ventral tegmental decussation, ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus, thalamocortical fibers, internal capsule, centrum semiovale, corona radiata, and motor cortex of frontoparietal lobe. This model reflects the intimate relationship between the cerebellum and cerebrum and the important role the cerebellum plays in many functions of the cerebrum.

    Very few efferent cerebellar axons project to the spinal cord to influence the lower motor neuron (LMN) activity. The cerebellum controls motor activity by its influence on the UMN neuronal cell bodies in the brainstem, the axons of which descend into the spinal cord to regulate LMN activity.

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    The Cat

    Gerardo De Iuliis PhD, Dino Pulerà MScBMC, CMI, in The Dissection of Vertebrates (Second Edition), 2011

    Key Terms: Brain and Cranial Nerves

    abducens nerve

    accessory nerve

    anterior commissure

    arachnoid mater

    arbor vitae

    central canal

    cerebellar hemispheres

    cerebellar peduncle, anterior, middle, and posterior


    cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius)

    cerebral hemispheres

    cerebral peduncle


    corpora quadrigemina

    corpus callosum


    dura mater


    facial nerve

    flocculonodular lobe




    glossopharyngeal nerve

    gyrus (plur., gyri)


    habenular commissure

    hypoglossal nerve



    inferior colliculi


    intermediate mass (massa intermedia)

    interventricular foramen (foramen of Munro)

    lamina quadrigemina

    lamina terminalis

    lateral olfactory stria

    lateral ventricle

    longitudinal cerebral fissure

    mammillary body

    medial olfactory stria

    medulla oblongata

    medullary velum

    meninx (plur., meninges)



    oculomotor nerve

    olfactory bulbs

    olfactory tract

    optic chiasm

    optic nerves

    pia mater

    pineal body

    pineal gland

    piriform lobe


    posterior commissure


    rhinal sulcus

    septum pellucidum


    sulcus (plur., sulci)

    superior colliculi


    tela choroidea of diencephalon

    tela choroidea of myelencephalon



    third ventricle

    trapezoid body

    trigeminal nerve

    trochlear nerve

    trunk of corpus callosum

    tuber cinereum

    vagus nerve

    ventral fissure


    vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory nerve, octaval nerve)

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    Trigeminal nerve

    Jean-Pierre Barral, Alain Croibier, in Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves, 2009

    14.1 ANATOMY

    14.1.1 Origin

    The origin of the trigeminal nerve is the annular protuberance at the limit of the cerebellar peduncles. It emerges from the pons by two roots of unequal size: a small motor root and a large sensory root (Fig. 14.1).

    The large sensory root is made up of about 50 fascicles.

    The small root, the motor root of Wrisberg, is composed of six or seven fascicles.

    14.1.2 Pathway

    From the annular protuberance the two roots course anteriorly, laterally and cephalad towards the fibrous trigeminal cave (of Meckel) (Fig. 14.2). The cave is a recess between two layers of the dura mater of the middle cranial fossa lodged near the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone. This recess envelops the roots of the trigeminal nerve and the posterior part of its sensory ganglion.

    14.1.3 Trigeminal ganglion

    Formerly known as the ganglion of Gasser, the trigeminal ganglion nestles in the trigeminal cave, where it divides into three branches (Fig. 14.3):

    the ophthalmic nerve (VI), the most slender

    the maxillary nerve (V2)

    the mandibular nerve (V3), the most substantial.

    The small motor root extends along the medial side of the large sensory root as far as the trigeminal cave. It then runs under the trigeminal ganglion and merges with the mandibular nerve.

    The trigeminal ganglion is shaped rather like a very flat bean. Its anterolateral surface is intimately linked to the dura mater, to which it strongly adheres. This anatomical connection is important for manipulations. We will look at a technique aimed at the ganglion where mechanical tension is created through the dura mater.

    The trigeminal ganglion sends fibers to the dura mater, the sphenotemporal region and the petrosal sinus.

    Important relationships

    At its medial extremity, the trigeminal ganglion relates to the carotid artery; a single fibrous plate separates them. The ganglion receives sympathetic filaments from the carotid plexus.

    Terminal branches

    The terminal branches of the trigeminal ganglion are:

    the opthalmic nerve

    the maxillary nerve

    the mandibular nerve.

    The trigeminal ganglion also has some fibers that go to the dura mater in the sphenotemporal region and to the petrosal sinuses.

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    Retrosigmoid Approach to Tumors of the Cerebellopontine Angle

    Robert K. Jackler, David W. Sim, in Otologic Surgery (Third Edition), 2010

    Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Syndrome

    Brainstem infarction may occur after damage to the AICA, the vascular supply to the pons and cerebellar peduncle. Mechanisms of injury include disruption, cauterization, and arteriospasm with thrombosis. A full-fledged AICA syndrome is extremely serious and is often fatal because it results in the loss of respiratory center control.48 Partial interruption of flow in the AICA system, avulsion of one or more of its branches, or obstruction of a nondominant AICA may result in an incomplete AICA syndrome.17 More recently, we have recognized several patients operated on for acoustic neuromas greater than 3 cm in diameter in whom gadolinium-enhanced MRI detected an infarction in the region of the middle cerebellar peduncle. These patients had unilaterally impaired cerebellar function and required prolonged physical therapy rehabilitation.49

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    Cerebellar Disease

    Eugene C. Lai MD, PhD, in Neurology Secrets (Fifth Edition), 2010

    4 What are the principal afferent and efferent pathways of the cerebellum?

    The afferent and efferent pathways to and from the cerebellum course through three pairs of tracts (cerebellar peduncles) that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem:


    The inferior cerebellar peduncle (restiform body) consists of mainly afferent fibers. A single efferent tract, the fastigiobulbar tract, goes to the vestibular nucleus from the flocculonodular lobe. Afferent fibers enter the inferior cerebellar peduncle from at least five sources, including: (1) the vestibulocerebellar tract, (2) the olivocerebellar tract, (3) the dorsal spinocerebellar tract, (4) the cuneocerebellar tract, and (5) the reticulocerebellar tract.


    The middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis) consists almost entirely of crossed afferent fibers from the pontine nuclei that transmit impulses from the cerebral cortex to the intermediate and lateral zones of the cerebellum (corticopontocerebellar tract).


    The superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) consists principally of efferent projections from the cerebellum. Rubral, thalamic, and reticular projections arise from the dentate and interposed nuclei. The fastigiobulbar tracts run with this peduncle for a short distance before it enters the inferior cerebellar peduncle. Afferent fibers include the ventral spinocerebellar tract and the trigeminocerebellar and tectocerebellar projections.

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    Neuromotor Control of Speech

    Wanda G. Webb PhD, CCC-SLP, in Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist (Sixth Edition), 2017

    Cerebellar Peduncles and Pathways

    The cerebellum is connected to the rest of the nervous system by three pairs of peduncles, or feet. The cerebellar peduncles anchor the cerebellum to the brainstem. All afferent and efferent fibers of the cerebellum pass through the three peduncles and the pons to the other levels of the nervous system. The pons, which means bridge, is aptly named; it is literally a bridge from the cerebellum to the rest of the nervous system (Fig. 6-8).

    The inferior cerebellar peduncle, or restiform body, carries primary afferent fibers from the structures close to it: the medulla, spinal cord, and cranial nerve VIII. Thus spinocerebellar, medullocerebellar, and vestibular fibers pass through the inferior peduncle.

    The middle cerebellar peduncle, or brachium pontis, connects the cerebellum with the cerebral cortex by the pathways that traverse it. The middle peduncle is easily recognized; it is the largest of the three peduncles and also conveys the largest number of fibers from the cerebral cortex and pons. It carries pontocerebellar fibers as well as the majority of the corticopontocerebellar fibers. These fibers convey afferent information from the temporal and frontal lobes of the cerebrum to the posterior lobe of the contralateral cerebellum.

    The superior cerebellar peduncle, or brachium conjunctivum, conveys the bulk of efferent fibers that leave the cerebellum. The primary efferent fibers arise from an important nucleus deep in the cerebellum called the dentate nucleus. The rubrospinal and dentatothalamic pathways, along with several other tracts, leave by way of the superior peduncle and terminate in the contralateral red nucleus and ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus. From here impulses are relayed to the cerebral cortex.

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    The white matter of the cerebellum is known as: vermis.

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    At the level of gross anatomy, the cerebellum consists of a tightly folded and crumpled layer of cortex, with white matter underneath, several deep nuclei embedded in the white matter, and a fluid-filled ventricle in the middle. ... Anatomy of the cerebellum..

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    superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) is a paired structure of white matter that connects the cerebellum to the midbrain.

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    The anterior spinothalamic tract transports course touch and pressure sensation. It is located in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord. The lateral spinothalamic tract carries pain and temperature sensations. It is found in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord.


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