Which would be the best response by the nurse who is interviewing a teenager who says I dont use many drugs?

Which child is in the stage of Presymbolic language development quizlet?

The sensorimotor stage is the stage in the child's cognitive development considered by Piaget before the age of two. A two-year-old child communicates largely nonverbally at this age, as symbols are not yet readily understood by him or her.

What is the primary purpose of interviewing a patient?

A patient interview is the primary method for obtaining comprehensive information about the patient so that effective patient-centered care can be provided, while the pharmacist provides expertise with respect to the medication history.

Which actions would the nurse take to communicate effectively with a patient?

  • Don't shout when you speak. Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Keep eye contact with each other.
  • If you are speaking with or listening to a patient, you should turn your face and body toward them, and sit next to them if possible.
  • Don't interrupt while you're listening and be active.
  • Which is a closed question that the nurse include in the interview to obtain subjective data?

    Patient data are being collected subjectively by the nurse. Is there a closed-ended question that the nurse asks ended question that the nurse includes in this interview? I'd like to hear a bit about you.

    What is a positive nonverbal behavior of an interviewer?

    Employers draw conclusions about applicants from their behavior in an interview. The behavior of smiling and leaning forward is associated with being perceived as more likable, trustworthy, credible, warm, qualified, motivated, competent, and socially adept than that of candidates who do not smile or lean forward.

    Which would be the best response by the nurse who is interviewing a teenager who says I don't use many drugs?

    A teenage patient tells the nurse, "I don't use many drugs." What would be the best response? ? In order to clarify, the nurse should ask the patient to state how the drugs are currently being used without being accusatory.

    Which message would the nurse who is keeping arms and legs uncrossed during a conversation portray to the patient?

    Nurses should maintain an open posture with arms and legs that are not crossed, indicating that they are "open" to what the patient has to say. When crossed arms indicate a defensive attitude, such a posture conveys a closed position.

    Which strategy would the nurse use to communicate with patients who are cognitively impaired?

    No matter how limited the patient's capacity for cognitive function may be, you should address him or her directly. Grab the attention of the person. Be sure to sit in front of, and at the same level as, the individual you are speaking with. Maintain eye contact, and speak clearly and at a normal pace.

    Which form of communication is appropriate to assess understanding and clarify misinterpretation when the nurse is teaching a patient about a health concern?

    Nurses and other people often engage in one-on-one interpersonal communication in a face-to-face setting. A patient's understanding can be assessed and misinterpretations clarified using this technique when teaching about a health issue. Alternatively, self-talk can be described as a form of communication.

    Which nursing action best represents the role of collaboration with others for the patients plan of care?

    According to you, which nursing action best represents collaboration with others for the patient's h nursing action best. represents the role of collaboration with others for the patient's plan of care? Provides guidance to patients in establishing goals by consulting the health care provider.

    Which pieces of data are considered subjective?

    A patient's subjective information is gathered by what he or she tells you that cannot be measured physically. Unless a patient tells you directly that he or she has had diarrhea for the past two days, there is no way to obtain that information other than to hear them say that.

    Which section would the nurse place subjective and objective data?

    The problem, intervention, and evaluation (PIE) chart contains both subjective and objective data. As the nurse begins to describe a case history in a clinical conference, she pauses.

    Which characteristics of linguistic development is likely to be used by an 18 month old child?

    Children at this age recognize about 200 words, and they can use these words to form two- or three-word sentences such as "More milk, please" and "No, mine!" Other typical language milestones include: Asking for help using words or gestures. Tell the child 20 words (they dont have to be clear) by the age of 18 months.

    Which statement or behavior by the patient supports the nurse's suspicion that the patient has recently used a hallucinogenic drug?

    Generally, a public distance above 12 feet is considered to be safe. A nurse observes a patient using hallucinogenic drugs during an interview with him. of the following behaviors of nurse's suspicion? The hallucinogens on which hallucinations and delusions are based cause hallucinations.

    Which would be the best response by the nurse who is interviewing a teenager who says I don't use many drugs quizlet?

    What is the best response the nurse can give to the teenager who says, "I don't use much ould be the best response by the nurse who is interviewing a teenager who says, "I don't use many drugs"? You have mentioned using drugs in the past. Tell me about your current use of drugs. As a nurse, what distance would you e patient when assessing posture?

    What is the purpose of interview in nursing?

    As part of the nursing process, the interview and history set the stage for all subsequent phases. Incorporating information gathered from an interview with the results of the physical examination is helpful. nurse should plan the interview in such a way that the nurse understands how the patient’s adaptive processes work.

    What is the purpose of a health interview?

    To clarify the purpose of a health interview in the employment process, it is structured in a certain way. It is explained to the employee that the health information will be used for his placement and introduction to the workgroup. In this case, his abilities as an employee, including his health, are highlighted.

    What does it mean to interview a patient?

    As a fundamental element of the medical interview, it is a conversation whereby the physician maintains a clear focus on his or her goals and priorities. A patient and doctor's perspectives are reflected in its direction.

    What are the three primary functions of the medical interview quizlet?

  • The process of gathering information.
  • It is important to build relationships.
  • Education of the patient.
  • Which question would be most relevant when the nurse is seeking more specific information about an area?

    Whenever you need more information about a specific issue, you should ask a patient open-ended and focused questions. It is beneficial to ask open-ended questions regarding a topic in order to get specific information.

    Which is a closed question that the nurse includes in the interview to obtain subjective data?

    Patient data are being collected subjectively by the nurse. Is there a closed-ended question that the nurse asks ended question that the nurse includes in this interview? I'd like to hear a bit about you. "How do you feel are you feeling today?

    In which ways can a nurse encourage a patient to provide more information when conducting a health history?

    A back-channeling technique such as saying, "I see," "all right," encourages the patient to provide more details by reinforcing the nurse's interest in what the patient has to say. It is also crucial to maintain good eye contact and show interest to back-channel.

    Which information would the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient and the interviewer while teaching?

    The nurse educator should emphasize remaining equal in status with both the patient and the interviewer when teaching nursing students interviewing techniques.

    When interviewing a patient what is the key to obtaining accurate information and what should you avoid?

    What should you do in order to obtain accurate information from a patient when interviewing him or her? ? QUESTIONS MUST BE OPEN ENDED. One of the main reasons relationships fail is the lack of communication. How does trust physician and the patient?

    Which statement by the nurse represents background when using the SBAR situation background assessment recommendation technique?

    According to SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation), which statement by the nurse represents "background"? ? There is a history of congestive heart failure in the patient. How would a nurse whose arms and legs are not crossed during a conversation convey a message would the nurse who is keeping arms and legs uncrossed during a conversation portray to the patient?

    Which action would the nurse perform to practice active listening skills?

    The use of nonverbal and verbal cues, such as nodding and saying "I see," helps nurses encourage patients to speak more. In order to engage with patients actively, you need to show attention to what they have to say, acknowledge that you are listening, and respond to them in an open and honest way throughout the discussion.

    What are the techniques used for communicating effectively during a health history assessment?

    ("I understand") and nonverbal (such as offering tissues to the patient if they cry).

    Which technique best encourages a patient to tell his or her full story?

    In back channeling, the nurse shows that he or she is interested in what the patient has to say. In addition to fostering a patient's ability to tell their story and actively describe their health status, open-ended questions encourage them to tell their own stories.

    What sources can the nurse use for obtaining data for information about the client?

    Nursing staff can gain a better understanding of the client's health status based on previous medical reports and diagnostic reports. A record of a person's education or employment can also contain valuable information about their health. Client or guardian permission is required for the collection of these data.

    Which are the goals of obtaining a patients health history?

    gathering a health history is to gain subjective information about a patient and/or his family that will allow the health care team and the patient to develop a plan that promotes health, addresses acute problems, and minimizes chronic illnesses.

    Which information should a nurse obtain when conducting a health history for a patient during an annual exam?

    A comprehensive health history includes a patient's medical condition, their present health status, their past health records, their current lifestyle, their psychosocial status, and their family history, according to AMN Healthcare Education Services.

    Which of the following will help you establish a good rapport with a patient during the interview process?

  • It's important to keep eye contact when communicating care and compassion...
  • You must show empathy to the patient by understanding their situation, perspective, and feelings...
  • Communications that are open and honest.
  • You can make it personal if you try.
  • A listening strategy that involves active participation.
  • Mirroring is a great way to practice.
  • Make sure you keep your word.
  • Watch which type of question encourages a patient to focus on specific information video


    Which action would the nurse take when interviewing a patient who is answering an open ended question?

    Which action would the nurse take when interviewing a patient who is answering an open-ended question, then pauses and looks at the nurse? Lean forward slightly.

    Which action by the nurse would be of concern when interviewing a psychotic patient quizlet?

    Accept the patient's differences in beliefs. Which action by the nurse would be of concern when interviewing a psychotic patient? The nurse closes the door of the interview room.

    Which actions would the nurse take to make the communication more successful?

    Speak loudly while communicating with the patient. Use contractions while communicating with the patient. Use any words that the nurse might know in the patient's language. Ask whether a person in the patient's family could serve as an interpreter.

    Which information would the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient and the interviewer?

    What information should the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient and the interviewer? The interviewer should stand in front of the patient. The interviewer should sit facing the patient across a desk.


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