While doing the necessary detective work can be tedious and time-consuming studying the strategies

whether entry barriers are high or low, the size of the pool or likely entry candidates andtheir resource capabilities, the expected reaction of industry members in defendingagainst new entry, and how attractive the industry's growth and profit prospects are topotential entry candidates.Competitive pressures stemming from the threat of entry are stronger whenentry barriers are low, the pool of entry candidates is large, and existing industrymembers are earning good profitsWhile doing the necessary detective work can be tedious and time-consuming, studyingthe strategies and situation of rival companies (most especially close rivals) well enoughto be able to anticipate many of their next moves has the big advantage ofenabling managers to prepare effective countermoves (perhaps to even beat a rival tothe punch) and take rivals' probable actions into account in crafting their own bestcourse of actionDriving forces analysis entailsidentifying what the driving forces are, assessing whether the drivers of change are, onthe whole, acting to make the industry more or less attractive, and determining what

In which of the following instances are industry members not subject to stronger competitive pressures from substitute products quizlet?

In which of the following instances are industry members not subject to stronger competitive pressures from substitute products? Buyers are dubious about using substitutes.

Which of the following is generally considered as a barrier to entry?

Common barriers to entry include special tax benefits to existing firms, patent protections, strong brand identity, customer loyalty, and high customer switching costs. Other barriers include the need for new companies to obtain licenses or regulatory clearance before operation.

Which one of the following conditions weakens the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry?

Which one of the following conditions weakens the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry? Buyer demand for the product is growing rapidly.

What is the best technique for revealing the different market or competitive position that rival firms occupy in the industry?

Strategic group mapping is a visual technique for displaying: C. the different market or competitive positions that rival firms occupy in an industry and for identifying each rival's closest competitors.