Who did the Second Continental Congress appoint as Commander in Chief of the colonial army quizlet?

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The Declaration of Independence is a document that Congress approved on July 4, 1776 declaring separation from the crown. The document has two parts, 1) exploration of John Locke's philosophies of life, liberty and property (pursuit of happiness), and 2) the retraction of American loyalty from British rule because of their failure to abide to the protection "contract." John Locke's philosophies stemmed out of the Enlightenment.

The document represented the sentiments of many Americans, a tangible, and revolutionary drift from Britain allegiance. It also brought to the surface the notion of "all men are created equal." Because of this formal declaration, many foreign countries supported America, and aided their fight for independence (largely France). After the Declaration, colonies began to call themselves "states," increasing the amount of independent assemblies. Many states followed their assemblies by producing self constitutions.

- The Patriots (Whigs) were those in America, during the American Revolution, loyal to the cause of the colonies breaking free from Britain.
- On the other hand were the Loyalists (Tories) who believed the colonies owed their allegiance to their sovereign, Britain.

The Patriots fought for and eventually attained independence from Britain; Patriots included the Founding Fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin, Samuel and John Adams, and George Washington, to name a few. The Loyalists, faithful to Britain, were able to provide Britain soldiers with small (though not extremely significant) advantages. In addition, since the Patriots' cause conflicted with that of the Loyalists' and Loyalists had no direct protection from Britain, Loyalists were often harassed by Patriots.

Shays' Rebellion was an armed rebellion led by Daniel Shays, a veteran of the American Revolution, against the government during 1786-1787. The rebels consisted mostly of poor farmers who couldn't pay the heavy taxes that the government imposed on them in order to pay back the debts for the American Revolution. As a result, these poor farmers became ridden with debt and were imprisoned. Their goal was to force the government to issue paper currency and lower taxes. The rebellion ultimately was crushed when General William Shepard's militia fired against them and the rebels were so shocked that their own men would fire against them and fled north. There they were disbanded by the government and imprisoned and tried, in which the majority were pardoned.

Historical Significance:
It was important because Shays' Rebellion demonstrated that the country was very unstable after the American Revolution, to the point where they couldn't even control their own people. Shays' rebels, or Shaysites, used the same tactics used in the American Revolution, since Shays was a veteran of the Revolution. The government did not have enough money after the war and its shaky economy forced it to tax its own people. Furthermore, the tax collectors went to drastic measures such as imprisoning the debtors or claiming their property. This resembled how divided and disorganized the country was between the 13 colonies and forced them to reconsider their situations and adjust to the new changes in order to make a better and more united America. Ultimately, it revealed the serious problems with the Articles of Confederation and led to the government's making of the Constitution to fortify the country and fix all the other problems.

Who was appointed the military commander of the army during the Second Continental Congress quizlet?

Terms in this set (7) the second congress voted to create the army in June 1775. George Washington appointed commander of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775. Washington was chosen because he was a good leader and he was good with working with people and figuring out ways to over come obstacles.

Who did the Second Continental Congress appoint?

New members of the Second Congress included Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. John Hancock and John Jay were among those who served as president. The Congress “adopted” the New England military forces that had converged upon Boston and appointed Washington commander in chief of the American army on June 15, 1775.

Who was the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army quizlet?

George Washington was Commander in Chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

Who was elected president of the Second Continental Congress to lead the Continental Army?

Washington was appointed commander of the Continental Army on June 14, 1775. On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress, responding to the growing crisis near Boston, directed that one of its own constituents – George Washington – take command of the newly designated Continental Army.


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