Who stated that art came from the ancient Latin ARS which means a craft or specialized form of skill like carpentry or surgery?

by Jacob Hess

Part 4: All Life As A Work of Art

Last week I shared with you what I think are some defining principles of what it means to engage in art from a Christian perspective, but today I want to share with you the final aspect of my aesthetic:

All of us, whether a formal artist or not, have some creativity to share with the world. 

R.G. Collingwood in The Principles of Art explores the development of the term art in ways that I believe shed light on the innate creativity of any work, whether formally artistic or not. He writes, “Ars in ancient Latin, like τέχνη [technē] in Greek, means something quite different. It means a craft or specialized form of skill, like carpentry or smithying or surgery. The Greeks and Romans had no conception of what we call art as something different from craft.”[1] From Collingwood’s research it seems that what we typically consider as art today is far narrower in view than what was considered art in the past. The Greek and Latin terms simply refer to a specific “group of crafts,”[2] which included anything done with some skill and readily recognized by a larger audience. I think that this points to a fundamental truth: the essential creativity within every person. This call of creativity, to beauty in life, is not dependent upon skill in the traditional arts. 

All of us, made in the image of the Creator God, have been given a hint of creativity, a desire to make something good, something beautiful.[3]

Whether one is a homemaker, a computer programmer, or a painter, we can all use our gift of creativity in going about the work we have been given to do.  For the Christian, however, we have a special responsibility to echo God’s beauty, to reverberate back to Him the love that He so freely gives to us. I agree with Francis Schaeffer, in his book Art and the Bible that “the Christian’s life is to be an art work. The Christian’s life is to be a thing of truth and also a thing of beauty in the midst of a lost and despairing world.”[4] Good art is about starting a conversation; connecting with others in a way that is attractive and that somehow creates a bridge of understanding,[5] which is exactly what a good life does. Lives marked by genuine love, lives that echo back the grace given to us, can become signs of a beauty that extends far beyond us to the source of real and lasting beauty: God Himself.[6]

To summarize my Christian aesthetic one last time, it is threefold.
  • First, the Christian artist has a responsibility to bring the gospel to bear on her or his work,[7][8] creating things that are of quality[9] and that connect to the intended audience.[10]
  • Secondly, as Christian consumers of art we are called to both enjoy art for the sake of its creativity[11] and to interpret art “in light of the gospel.”[12]
  • Finally, every Christian has a calling to use the creativity she or he has been given by “our creator God”[13][14] to bring beauty into this dark and broken world.[15] 

This last point is really the most important, for from it all the others flow. 

To be good artists and good consumers of art we need, in reliance upon the power and guidance of the Spirit, to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ, the Beautiful One.

As we do, everything in our lives becomes that much more beautiful, reflecting the beauty of the One who gave away all to save us by no merit of our own. 


Jacob Hess is the Music and Media Minister of The Hallows Church, husband to Alexa and author of the book “The Bright Abyss.” (I, George San Miguel, added the link to his book. Everyone should check it out!)

[1] R. G., Collingwood. The Principles of Art. (Read Books Ltd.. Kindle Edition). 

[2] Ibid. 

[3] Francis A., Schaeffer. Art & the Bible: Two Essays. Revised ed. 51. 

[4] Ibid., 94. 

[5] R. G., Collingwood. The Principles of Art.

[6] Francis A., Schaeffer. Art & the Bible: Two Essays. Revised ed. 94. 

[7] Bret, Lott. Letters & Life: On Being a Writer, on Being a Christian. 42. 

[8] Mike, Cosper. The Stories We Tell: How TV and Movies Long for and Echo the Truth. 23. 

[9] Bret, Lott. Letters & Life: On Being a Writer, on Being a Christian. 84 

[10] Francis A., Schaeffer. Art & the Bible: Two Essays. Revised ed. 75. 

[11] Francis A., Schaeffer. Art & the Bible: Two Essays. Revised ed. 51. 

[12] Mike, Cosper. The Stories We Tell: How TV and Movies Long for and Echo the Truth. 214. [13] Bret, Lott. Letters & Life: On Being a Writer, on Being a Christian. 42. 

[14] Francis A., Schaeffer. Art & the Bible: Two Essays. Revised ed. 51. 

[15] Ibid., 94.

What word of art that comes from the ancient Latin which means craft or specialized from the skills?

Art versus artifact. The word “art” is derived from the Latin ars, which originally meant “skill” or “craft.” These meanings are still primary in other English words derived from ars, such as “artifact” (a thing made by human skill) and “artisan” (a person skilled at making things).

Who stated that the fine arts would come to mean not delicate or highly skilled arts but beautiful arts?

The fine arts would come to mean “not delicate or highly skilled arts, but 'beautiful' arts” (Collingwood, 1938). This is something more akin to what is now considered art. Assumptions of Art: Art is Universal – Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and continents through and through.

Who stated that the humanities constitute one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man?

“The humanities constitute one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man” (Dudley et al., 1960).

Who was the famous French philosopher who described the role of art as a creative work that depicts the world in another perspective?

Jean-Paul Sartre, a famous French philosopher of the twentieth century, described the role of art as a creative work that depicts the world in a completely different light and perspective, and the source is due to human freedom.