Why are Texas college students required to take a course in Texas politics quizlet?

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    Why are Texas college students required to take a course in Texas politics?
    A. Most states require college students to take a course in state politics.
    B. Federal law requires that states require a course in state politics.
    C. Because of Texas pride, the Texas legislature requires a course in Texas politics.
    D. After the Civil War, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that a course in Texas politics was necessary for college graduation.


    The word politics simply refers to __________.
    A. the actions of politicians
    B. how people view their government
    C. the relationship between the people and their government
    D. how you interact with the people around you


    When speaking about government, someone is really speaking about __________.
    A. politics
    B. public institutions
    C. economics
    D. sociology


    Which of the following groups was first to settle Texas?
    A. Native Americans
    B. Spanish
    C. Mexicans
    D. French


    In what year did the French claim Texas?
    A. 800
    B. 1684
    C. 1776
    D. 1824


    6. How did Spain establish dominion over the Texas territory?
    A. Spain built more than 40 forts throughout the territory.
    B. The Spanish eradicated the Native American population.
    C. Spain waged war to take the territory from the French.
    D. Spain established missions and attempted to convert Native Americans to Catholicism.


    The official church of Mexico during the time Anglos settled in Texas was __________.
    A. Calvinist
    B. Baptist
    C. Catholic
    D. Pagan


    What drew Anglos to settle Texas?
    A. Texas's temperate climate
    B. Texas's sandy beaches
    C. plentiful open land
    D. reception of the native Hispanic population


    From which country did Texas win its independence?
    A. Spain
    B. Mexico
    C. France
    D. Great Britain


    At the time of Texas independence, the people of Texas were known as __________.
    A. Texicans
    B. Texans
    C. Tejanos
    D. Mexicans


    Which slogan was inscribed on a banner at the battle of San Jacinto?
    A. Long Live the Revolution
    B. Freedom for All
    C. Remember San Jacinto
    D. Come and Take It


    Which of the following was a factor in Texas benefitting from its agricultural products?
    A. ports
    B. automobile
    C. refrigerated rail cars
    D. well-established cattle trails


    Which of the following is something Texas has that draws industry to Texas?
    A. a strong unionized workforce
    B. a strong regulatory environment
    C. a moderate level of taxes
    D. cheap space


    Frankie was at a bar and met a girl. He asked her, in English, if she was Latino. She said yes, and so Frankie began speaking Spanish to her. However, she did not understand him and so Frankie asked, again in English, if she was from Latin America. She said yes. Based on information in the textbook, which country would you say the girl was from?
    A. Colombia
    B. Peru
    C. Venezuela
    D. Brazil


    Younger people who move into Texas are __________ groups that came in the past.
    A. more homogenous
    B. older
    C. about the same in age as
    D. more diverse than


    According to the latest Census numbers, which of the following groups has the highest median income?
    A. Anglos
    B. Blacks
    C. Hispanics
    D. Asians


    Which part of Texas has the highest poverty rates?
    A. North Texas
    B. West Texas
    C. South Texas
    D. Central Texas


    Which part of Texas has the lowest poverty rates?
    A. North Texas
    B. West Texas
    C. South Texas
    D. Central Texas


    In terms of percentage of college graduates, where does Texas rank among all states?
    A. very low compared to other states
    B. about 25th
    C. in the top 10 percent
    D. in the top 5 percent


    Which of the following is considered reflective of Texas conservative values?
    A. trust in government
    B. support for ethics changes for government officials
    C. concern for the needs of the community
    D. resistance to change


    The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that __________.
    A. is best viewed as allowing state governments to do whatever they want
    B. is best viewed as allowing the national government to do whatever it wants
    C. grants state and national governments delineated authority
    D. does not allow the national and state governments to share in funding programs


    If the U.S. Supreme Court rules that a state law is unconstitutional, which level of government is it affirming as supreme?
    A. national
    B. state
    C. local
    D. city


    Steven has strong feelings about the need for more governing power to reside at the state level. How can Steven realize this goal?
    A. run for Congress so he can then pass legislation to change the U.S. Constitution
    B. work to pass a constitutional amendment that grants the states more authority
    C. advocate for laws at the state level that will void federal laws
    D. sue the governor for capitulating to federal authority


    Which political institution has the power of judicial review?
    A. the executive branch
    B. the legislative branch
    C. the judicial branch
    D. government bureaucracies


    Frankie wants to protest a recent law that was passed by the Texas legislature, but he is unsure whether he can legally do so. If he asked you where he can find evidence of such a right, where would you tell him to search in the U.S. Constitution?
    A. You would tell him to read the First Amendment.
    B. You would tell him to read the Fifth Amendment.
    C. You would tell him to read the Tenth Amendment.
    D. You would tell him to read the Twenty-fourth Amendment.


    The national government can control the states by __________.
    A. threatening military law if the states do not comply with congressional laws
    B. forcing the members of a state's congressional delegation to vacate their offices
    C. suspending state elections
    D. providing or withholding money


    George works for a U.S. senator and is asked to determine whether Congress has a certain power. If you were asked, where would you tell George to begin his research?
    A. in Article I of the U.S. Constitution
    B. in Article IV of the U.S. Constitution
    C. in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights
    D. in the Third Article of the Bill of Rights


    The struggle between the national and state governments over which has the authority to do something is ultimately decided by __________.
    A. the U.S. Congress
    B. the attorney general of Texas
    C. the president
    D. the U.S Supreme Court


    Under the delineated authority that states possess under the federal system, state constitutions tend to contain many legislative provisions, each creating a __________ government.
    A. very powerful
    B. highly restrictive
    C. somewhat powerful
    D. somewhat restrictive


    Which Texas constitution was amended to include precepts of Jacksonian democracy?
    A. Coahuila y Tejas
    B. 1836 constitution
    C. 1845 constitution
    D. 1861 constitution


    Which of the following Texas constitutions was adopted after Texas seceded from the United States?
    A. 1836 constitution
    B. 1845 constitution
    C. 1861 constitution
    D. 1869 constitution


    Which of the following Texas constitutions was adopted after Texas reentered the Union?
    A. 1845 constitution
    B. 1861 constitution
    C. 1869 constitution
    D. 1876 constitution


    Who was E. J. Davis?
    A. a World War II hero that ran for governor of Texas
    B. the founder of Dallas
    C. the Democratic governor during the 1960s who oversaw the integration of African Americans into Texas schools
    D. Republican governor of Texas during the Reconstruction Era


    Which of the following Texas constitutions gave the governor significant appointment power?
    A. 1845 constitution
    B. 1861 constitution
    C. 1869 constitution
    D. 1876 constitution


    Which statement best characterizes the 1869 Texas constitution?
    A. It was well written.
    B. It concentrated power in the counties.
    C. It centralized power.
    D. It made a corrupt administration of the Texas government more probable.


    Which of the following attended the constitutional convention of 1875 looking to establish a cheap and weak government?
    A. Radical Republicans
    B. E. J. Davis
    C. Democratic Party leaders
    D. Texas Grange


    In what year was the current Texas constitution written?
    A. 1869
    B. 1876
    C. 1901
    D. 1974


    Which of the following was a populist farmers' alliance that was influential in the creation of the 1876 Constitution?
    A. Radical Republicans
    B. Jacksonian Democrats
    C. Democratic Party
    D. Texas Grange


    Under the 1876 Constitution, the legislature meets __________.
    A. every year
    B. twice a year
    C. once every two years
    D. every year all year long


    What was the most significant change to the powers of the governor from the 1869 constitution to the 1876 constitution?
    A. The governor's powers to appoint a cabinet were dramatically increased under the 1876 Constitution.
    B. The governor's powers to appoint a cabinet were taken away.
    C. The governor was given the power to appoint judges to the Texas supreme court.
    D. The governor was denied the ability to call special sessions of the legislature.


    Under the 1876 constitution, the Texas governor's power was __________.
    A. further increased from the previous constitution
    B. kept about the same as under the previous constitution
    C. was reduced a little from what the governor had under the previous constitution
    D. was reduced significantly from what the governor had under the previous constitution


    The Texas Bill of Rights provides __________ than the U.S. Bill of Rights.
    A. significantly fewer rights
    B. about the same amount of rights
    C. just a couple more rights
    D. significantly more rights


    To amend the Texas constitution, __________ of both houses and __________ of voters must approve.
    A. half; two-thirds
    B. two-thirds; a majority
    C. three-quarters; two-thirds
    D. majority; majority


    To amend the Texas constitution, the Texas legislature proposes __________.
    A. a bill with a simple majority and then the governor must sign it
    B. an amendment with a two-thirds vote of both chambers and the people of Texas must vote for it
    C. an amendment with a two-thirds vote and the governor must sign it
    D. an amendment with three-fifths vote, the Texas Supreme Court rules on it, and then the people of Texas must vote for it


    Which of the following is not involved in approving amendments to the Texas constitution?
    A. governor
    B. senate
    C. house
    D. voters


    Approximately how often has the Texas constitution been amended?
    A. fewer than 30 times
    B. between 50 and 75 times
    C. almost 500 times
    D. more than 750 times


    The current Texas constitution can be characterized as being __________.
    A. a model for the rest of the nation's states to follow
    B. poorly designed
    C. a model for governmental efficiency
    D. as well written as the U.S. Constitution


    The best opportunity for Texas to have adopted a new constitution was in ___________.
    A. 1946 after World War II
    B. 1963 after the assignations of President Kennedy
    C. 1968 with the election of President Nixon
    D. 1972 after the Sharpstown political scandal


    According to the textbook authors, why do state leaders not want to revise the Texas constitution?
    A. Certain groups now in power could potentially lose that power with a revision.
    B. It would cost too much money.
    C. It is not really needed, as the state operates at a high level of efficiency.
    D. A new constitution would have to be approved by the U.S. Congress and they do not want the Texas Constitution to undergo federal scrutiny.


    Which statement is the best description of the current Texas constitution?
    A. The Texas constitution is viewed as well constructed.
    B. The Texas constitution is viewed as not well suited for today's society.
    C. The Texas constitution is a concise document similar in length and powers of government established by the U.S. Constitution.
    D. The Texas constitution is well tailored to the values of modern Texans.


    Today, voting rights in Texas are __________.
    A. almost universal for all adult citizens
    B. highly restricted in Texas
    C. denied to any person that has had a felony conviction
    D. eagerly exercised by a high percentage of Texans


    While Texas was under martial law after the Civil War, the right to vote was extended to __________.
    A. all of the former freed slaves
    B. African American males
    C. white women
    D. all adult citizens


    In the United States, women were granted the right to vote by __________.
    A. the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
    B. the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
    C. a law passed by the Texas legislature
    D. an amendment to the Texas Constitution of 1876


    Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases upheld the white primary based on the logic that political parties are private organizations and as such can determine the conditions for membership?
    A. Texas v. United States
    B. Smith v. Allwright
    C. Nixon v. Herndon
    D. Grovey v. Townsend


    Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court cases overturned a Texas law that prevented African Americans from voting in the Democratic primary?
    A. Texas v. United States
    B. Smith v. Allwright
    C. Nixon v. Herndon
    D. Grovey v. Townsend


    Imagine a moderately affluent African American female in 1926 who wanted to vote in the Texas primary elections of that year. The most dauting barrier for her to vote was __________.
    A. the poll tax
    B. lack of suffrage
    C. the dominance of the Republican Party in the state electoral process
    D. the white primary


    The notion that political parties are essentially "agencies of the state" comes from the legal logic that__________.
    A. political parties are not private organizations because disputes within them during primary elections can be reviewed by state courts
    B. members of the Texas legislature are affiliated with political parties
    C. state governments could not exist without political parties
    D. democracy requires political parties to function properly


    The poll tax was primarily initiated to __________.
    A. have a means of paying for state government's cost of holding elections
    B. keep the poor and minorities from participating in elections
    C. to keep women from participating in election
    D. to comply with the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


    The __________ ended the state poll tax in Texas.
    A. Texas legislature
    B. U.S. Congress
    C. U.S. Supreme Court
    D. Democratic Party


    If the Texas legislature were to draw political districts in a way that dilutes the voting potential of minority groups, it would be in violation of __________.
    A. political gerrymandering
    B. the rules of both political parties
    C. the Texas Constitution
    D. the Voting Rights Act


    The voting rights of an African American living in Texas in 2018 are significantly more secure than that of an African American living in Texas in 1960 because __________.
    A. the poll tax has been eliminated
    B. the population of African Americans has increased
    C. the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965
    D. the number of liberal Democrats in the Texas legislature has increased


    David, a university student, moved from Tarrant County to Hays County in August of the academic school year in an election year. For David to vote in the upcoming November election in Hays County, he must __________.
    A. re-register with his new address at least 30 days before the election
    B. have voted in the preceding primary election
    C. call the local political party of his choice to obtain a ballot at least 30 days before the election
    D. send a registered letter to the elections division of Tarrant County notifying them of his move at least 30 days before the election


    George just moved to Texas and wants to vote in the next election. Which statement describes the process he should now undertake in order to vote do so?
    A. He should be prepared to pay a fee when submitting his application and, if he is a convicted felon, he must ask the governor for a pardon.
    B. He will be registered when he obtains a driver's license at his new address.
    C. He will be required to register each year.
    D. He must be 18 years old by election day and be a U.S. citizen.


    __________ requires certain state agencies to register a voter when asked to do so by the voter.
    A. State law
    B. Federal law
    C. A Texas Supreme Court decision
    D. A U.S. Supreme Court decision


    In which of the following elections did Texas see the largest number of votes cast in its history?
    A. 2010 gubernatorial election
    B. 2012 presidential election
    C. 2014 gubernatorial election
    D. 2016 presidential election


    Turnout is defined as the percentage of __________ who cast ballots.
    A. the voting age population
    B. the voting eligible population
    C. total population
    D. registered voters


    Differences in voter turnout rates by race and ethnicity can be primarily explained by looking at the differences in __________ levels.
    A. marriage
    B. labor participation
    C. education
    D. income


    Which group's share of the total vote in Texas in 2016 best reflected its percentage of the total Texas population?
    A. Non-Hispanic whites
    B. Hispanics
    C. African Americans
    D. Asian Americans


    Which group's share of the total vote in Texas in 2016 overrepresented its percentage of the total Texas population?
    A. Non-Hispanic whites
    B. Hispanics
    C. African Americans
    D. Asian Americans


    The __________ a person is, the __________ they are to vote.
    A. younger; more likely
    B. older; more likely
    C. older; less
    D. younger; more


    Which of the following characteristics is the best indicator of who will vote?
    A. race
    B. education
    C. family tradition
    D. income


    It can be generally stated that __________ then __________.
    A. the angrier a voter is about an issue, the more likely he or she is to vote
    B. the angrier a voter is about an issue, the less likely he or she is to vote
    C. if a state has a history of a traditionalistic political culture, voter turnout tends to be higher
    D. if a state has a history of a moralistic political culture, voter turnout tends to be lower


    Primary elections in Texas are __________.
    A. partisan
    B. a rare occurrence
    C. held in November
    D. held for all political parties


    If Miguel considers himself a Republican, when does he make a formal statement about his partisan affiliation?
    A. He identifies as a Republican when he registers to vote.
    B. He does so when he votes during a general election.
    C. He does so when he votes during a special election.
    D. He does so when he votes during a primary election.


    If you want to become a state representative, you will first have to __________.
    A. win the general election for the position
    B. win a special election for the position
    C. win a primary election for the position
    D. get the blessing of a political party's leadership


    In a primary election, if the candidate who got the most votes did not garner more than
    50 percent of the votes, then a __________ is held.
    A. special election
    B. general election
    C. runoff election
    D. election for governor


    How are office holders chosen?
    A. through a primary election
    B. during a party convention
    C. through a general election
    D. through a special election


    To win office, a candidate must receive __________.
    A. 33 percent of the votes
    B. a majority of the votes
    C. at least half of the votes
    D. a plurality of the votes


    Which Texas governor won office without receiving a majority of the vote?
    A. Gregg Abbott
    B. Rick Perry
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Ann Richards


    What determines which political party's candidates will be listed first on the ballot for each race?
    A. the drawing of straws each decennial
    B. the party that controls the Legislature for each biennial session
    C. the party that wins a coin toss after each U.S. Census
    D. the party that won the most recent governor's race


    If a state legislator leaves office before the end of his or her tenure, how is a new person chosen to fill out the remaining term of office?
    A. The governor selects a person.
    B. A primary election is held.
    C. A general election is held.
    D. A special election is held.


    If the Texas legislature proposes a constitutional amendment, a(n) __________ can be called to determine its fate.
    A. off-year election
    B. primary election
    C. general election
    D. special election


    A school board decides that it needs to build new schools and must sell bonds to finance them. The school board __________.
    A. will have to wait until the next off-year election
    B. will have to wait until the next national election
    C. will have to wait until the next gubernatorial election
    D. can call a special election


    According the textbook, recent special elections in Texas have had a turnout rate of __________.
    A. less than 10 percent
    B. 25 percent
    C. 50 percent
    D. super majority level


    Because the Republican Party has controlled state-wide races for so many years, most campaign spending __________.
    A. is done for the primary election
    B. is actually very low
    C. is done for the general election
    D. has been limited by the Texas Legislature for legislative races


    An individual who wants to give money to candidates for office in Texas is __________.
    A. limited on how much they can give per candidate
    B. limited on the total amount given to all candidates during any calendar year
    C. not limited on any of the races
    D. not limited as to how much they can give to candidates except in judicial races


    To view how a candidate spends his or her campaign contributions you can visit the __________ website.
    A. Secretary of State's
    B. Texas Ethics Commission's
    C. governor's
    D. candidate's


    To better identify potential supporters, candidates rely on __________.
    A. data mining
    B. the political parties
    C. the door knocking survey technique
    D. mail advertisements


    According to the textbook authors, which of the following governors created a strong social media presence?
    A. Gregg Abbott
    B. Rick Perry
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Ann Richards


    Texas corporations __________.
    A. can give campaign contribution directly to candidates
    B. can only give campaign contributions to judicial candidates
    C. cannot spend money on politics
    D. can give money to PACs for political purposes


    In 2013, many incumbents in the Texas legislature lost their seats during __________.
    A. the general election
    B. the party convention
    C. the primary election
    D. a special election


    What is the main objective of a political party?
    A. to manipulate public opinion
    B. to control interest groups
    C. to raise money for candidates
    D. to win elections


    Since __________, the Rep. Party has had a majority in both the Texas house and senate.
    A. 1978
    B. 1981
    C. 1994
    D. 2003


    Which of the following political parties now controls state government in Texas?
    A. Libertarian
    B. Republican
    C. Democratic
    D. Green


    In which year did the Republicans begin to dominate state-wide elections?
    A. 1978
    B. 1981
    C. 1994
    D. 2003


    Which of the following is an alliance of groups and individuals?
    A. coalition
    B. interest group
    C. plutocracy
    D. aristocracy


    For a political party to have automatic ballot access, it must receive __________ of the vote for any of its state-wide candidates.
    A. 3 percent
    B. 5 percent
    C. 7 percent
    D. 20 percent


    What is the remuneration for serving as a party's state chair?
    A. no salary
    B. $7,200/year
    C. $72,000/year
    D. $150,000/year


    A __________ is the formal meeting of a political party where it selects its leadership.
    A. platform
    B. primary
    C. convention
    D. coalition


    The members of a party's state executive committee are __________.
    A. appointed by the party's chair
    B. elected during the party's convention
    C. elected in a statewide vote during the primary election
    D. elected in a statewide vote during the general election


    How many members are there on a party's state executive committee?
    A. 31
    B. 62
    C. 150
    D. 435


    Which level of a party is the basic or grassroots level?
    A. precinct level
    B. county level
    C. state level
    D. national level


    A party's state chair is chosen __________.
    A. by the voters of a county during the general election
    B. by a party's primary voters
    C. by the party's state executive committee
    D. by the party's state convention delegates


    A political party's county chairs are selected __________.
    A. by the voters of a county during the general election
    B. by a party's primary voters
    C. by the party's state executive committee
    D. by the party's state convention delegates


    What is the basic unit of the Texas political system?
    A. state-wide office
    B. Texas House District
    C. Texas county
    D. precinct


    Precinct chairs are selected __________.
    A. by the voters of a county during the general election
    B. by a party's primary voters
    C. by the party's state executive committee
    D. by the party's state convention delegates


    The term of office for a county chair is __________.
    A. 2 years
    B. 4 years
    C. 5 years
    D. 6 years


    What is the remuneration for serving as county chair?
    A. no salary
    B. $7,200/year
    C. $72,000/year
    D. $150,000/year


    When did the Democratic Party formally organize in Texas?
    A. 1846
    B. 1876
    C. 1961
    D. 1978


    For most of Texas history, the Republican Party was associated with __________.
    A. business conservatives
    B. social conservative
    C. African Americans
    D. northern unionists


    By the early 1900s, political conflict was occurring in Texas between __________.
    A. liberal Democrats and liberal Republicans
    B. conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans
    C. progressive Republicans and conservative Republicans
    D. progressive Democrats and conservative Democrats


    Which of the following Texas politicians eventually became president of the United States?
    A. Sam Rayburn
    B. Ralph Yarborough
    C. Lyndon Johnson
    D. Bill Clements


    Which of the following Texas politicians became the first Republican governor in 105 years?
    A. Sam Rayburn
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Bill Clements


    Which of the following groups moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party?
    A. progressive Democrats
    B. liberal Democrats
    C. conservative Democrats
    D. African Americans


    The Republican Party has controlled state politics in Texas for the last __________.
    A. 15 years
    B. 25 years
    C. 40 years
    D. 105 years


    The Republican Party's primary constituency group for the first 30 years after Reconstruction was __________.
    A. business conservatives
    B. banking and commercial interests
    C. progressives
    D. African Americans


    The modern Republican Party in Texas began with the election of ___________.
    A. E. J. Davis
    B. John Tower
    C. Bill Clements
    D. George W. Bush


    Which of the following races would be considered a down-ballot race?
    A. president
    B. governor
    C. U.S. senator
    D. lieutenant governor


    In what year did Texas become a two-party state?
    A. 1961
    B. 1978
    C. 1988
    D. 1994


    It is generally understood that __________.
    A. African Americans are now discovering the historical roots of the Republican Party and are voting for Republicans at higher rates than 15 years ago
    B. increasingly larger numbers of white voters vote for the Republican Party
    C. Hispanics have steadily become more Republican over the past 15 years
    D. Asian Americans vote for Republican Party candidates more than Democratic Party candidates


    The textbook authors state that __________.
    A. the Libertarian Party will soon reach 20 percent of the vote
    B. the Republican Party will continue to dominate state politics well into the next 25 years
    C. the Green Party is increasingly taking Democratic Party votes
    D. the Democratic Party can simply wait until demographics make it the majority party in Texas


    Which of the following is most significant in determining the future of the Democratic Party in Texas?
    A. demographics
    B. education levels of Anglos
    C. voting patterns of Anglos
    D. voting patterns of African Americans


    Which of the following characteristics best describes a social conservative?
    A. supports governmental regulation of big business
    B. supports government regulation of moral issues
    C. supports governmental programs for the poor
    D. is highly secular


    Which of the following characteristics best describes a Libertarian?
    A. supports governmental regulation of big business
    B. opposes government regulation of moral issues
    C. supports governmental programs for the poor
    D. opposes abortion right


    Which of the following is a description of the Tea Party?
    A. a new political party established in 2008
    B. more conservative than populist
    C. the same as the Trump wing of the Republican Party
    D. opposed to the business wing of the Republican Party


    Today, the most prominent factional rift in the Democratic Party is between __________ and __________.
    A. liberals; conservatives
    B. African Americans; Hispanics
    C. progressives; liberals
    D. Anglos; African Americans


    Which statement best describes how partisanship is used to organize the Texas legislature?
    A. Power in the legislature is structured along strict party lines.
    B. Power in the legislature is based on equal partisanship control of committee chairs.
    C. The Texas house tends to be more bipartisan than in the Texas senate.
    D. The Texas senate tends to be more bipartisan than in the Texas house.


    An important role of lobbyists in the legislative process is to provide __________.
    A. campaign funds
    B. candidates for office
    C. a counterbalance to political parties
    D. information


    Interest groups primarily __________ while political parties __________.
    A. seek to influence elected officials; seek to nominate candidates to run for office
    B. do not support candidates with campaign contributions; do support candidates with campaign contributions
    C. seek to influence a wide range of policy areas; have a narrowly tailored policy agenda
    D. take a stance on a wide range of issues; focus on a few policy areas


    The Texas Taxpayer and Research Association is a(n) __________ interest group.
    A. ethnic-based
    B. labor-based
    C. business
    D. single issue


    MALDEF is a(n) __________ interest group.
    A. ethnic-based
    B. labor-based
    C. business
    D. single-issue


    If you wanted to join an interest group that seeks to protect the environment, you would join a(n) __________ interest group.
    A. economic
    B. public
    C. private
    D. business


    An animal rights group is considered a(n) __________ interest group.
    A. economic
    B. public
    C. private
    D. business


    The League of Women Voters is considered a(n) __________ interest group.
    A. economic
    B. public
    C. private
    D. women's equal rights


    Interest groups provide __________, the life blood of the legislative process.
    A. money
    B. information
    C. networking
    D. trust


    In the Texas legislature, almost all of the __________ bills passed in every session are passed during the __________ of the proceedings.
    A. 7,500; last 60 days
    B. 1,250; last 30 days
    C. 800; last 20 days
    D. 150; last 40 days


    If you are working on behalf of an interest group and serve as a point of contact between the group and policy makers, you are __________.
    A. a lobbyist
    B. a partisan
    C. a political operative
    D. the bureaucratic staff


    How does an interest group typically try to sway the opinion of a legislator to either support or oppose a bill?
    A. threaten to run an opponent against the legislator during the next election
    B. offer campaign contributions
    C. write a position paper on the bill and give it to the legislator
    D. get the governor to call the legislator about the bill


    If a lobbyist cannot schedule a meeting with a legislator, that lobbyist's next best option is to__________.
    A. run an ad in the local newspaper informing the legislator's constituents that the legislator is not doing his or her job
    B. ask the speaker of the house to help schedule a meeting
    C. ask the governor's chief of staff to intervene
    D. buy lunch for the legislator's staff


    Which of the following oversees lobbyist activities?
    A. secretary of state
    B. attorney general
    C. governor's Commission on Lobbyists
    D. Texas Ethics Commission


    The target of interim oversight is __________.
    A. the legislative staff
    B. the governor
    C. the bureaucracy
    D. the Texas Supreme Court


    If a group has difficulty getting positive results from the legislative or executive branch, its next best option is to __________.
    A. file litigation
    B. provide campaign contributions to the Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor
    C. march on Austin
    D. mobilize membership


    The two key assets interest groups provide to candidates are __________.
    A. information and campaign contributions
    B. personnel to man campaign offices and coordinated campaign advertisement
    C. insight to constituency opinions and partisan support
    D. partisan support and public opinion survey research


    Most interest groups rely on __________ to fund their internal operations.
    A. rich benefactors
    B. corporate donations
    C. membership dues
    D. fundraisers


    Interest groups rely on __________ to provide campaign contributions to candidates.
    A. individual contributions from members
    B. political action committees
    C. coordination with the major political parties
    D. direct corporate donations to candidates


    Which of the following types of interest group PACs had the most cash on hand in 2017?
    A. energy
    B. real estate
    C. medical
    D. agriculture


    Which interest group PAC had the most cash on hand in 2017?
    A. Texas Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization PAC
    B. Occidental Petroleum Corporation Political Action Committee
    C. Texas And Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association State PAC
    D. Atmos Energy Corporation PAC


    During the legislative session, __________.
    A. a legislator can receive campaign contributions from an interest group
    B. a legislator cannot receive campaign contributions from an interest group
    C. a legislator can receive campaign contributions from an interest group only if he or she reports it to the presiding officer of their chamber


    Most PAC money goes __________.
    A. to the challenger
    B. to the incumbent
    C. equally to the incumbent and challenger
    D. to the political party with which the PAC is affiliated


    An interest group's campaign contributions are meant to __________.
    A. buy the votes of legislators
    B. influence party leaders
    C. ensure access to legislators and executive officials
    D. ensure their party affiliation is secure


    Legislators are vulnerable to interest group influence because __________.
    A. the legislature is understaffed
    B. most legislators come from the membership of interest groups
    C. campaigns are understaffed & interest groups provide the personnel to man campaign offices
    D. they need help resisting the power of the governor


    What has been the 30-year trend in media consumption in Texas?
    A. Newspaper readership has increased significantly.
    B. Newspaper readership has declined significantly.
    C. Cable news viewing has decreased significantly.
    D. Newspapers have refused to establish an online presence.


    Which source of political information broke newspapers' monopoly on news?
    A. radio
    B. television
    C. cable
    D. news conglomerates


    Which of the following governors had been a newspaper reporter?
    A. E. J. Davis
    B. William Clements
    C. William Hobby
    D. Mark White


    Most newspapers in late-eighteenth-century Texas __________.
    A. promoted a pro-business agenda
    B. promoted a pro-labor agenda
    C. promoted a pro-farmer agenda
    D. promoted a pro-Union agenda


    Which of the following statements best explains newspaper ownership throughout the 1930s?
    A. Most newspapers were owned by national conglomerates.
    B. Most newspapers were owned by Hearst and Pulitzer syndicates.
    C. Most newspapers were owned by local businessmen.
    D. Most newspapers were controlled by the state government.


    Which statement best describes newspaper political endorsements during the 1920s?
    A. Newspaper endorsements were split between endorsing Democrats and Republicans.
    B. Newspapers were exclusively endorsing Democratic candidates.
    C. Newspapers were exclusively endorsing Republican candidates.
    D. By the 1920s, newspapers were no longer engaged in political endorsements.


    Which of the following agencies regulates public airways in Texas?
    A. Texas Radio Communication Agency
    B. Federal Communications Commission
    C. Texas Attorney General Office
    D. Texas Commission on Public Airways


    Who was the most influential individual in making radio a major force in Texas?
    A. Walter Dealey
    B. Joseph Pulitzer
    C. William Randolph Hearst
    D. Bill Hobby


    When did radio reach its peak in popularity?
    A. 1900s to the early 1920s
    B. 1920s to the early 1930s
    C. 1930s to the 1940s
    D. 1940s to the 1950s


    A local radio station sold air time to a candidate who was running for office. This candidate's rival was told by the radio station it would not in turn sell radio time to the rival. Which statement best describes the options the rival has for dealing with the radio station's refusal?
    A. Sue the station under the National Ant-Bias Act.
    B. Sue the radio station under the Doctrine of Media Fairness.
    C. Sue the radio station under the Fairness Doctrine.
    D. There is not much the rival can do, because radio stations are privately owned and can refuse service to anybody under the Doctrine of Freedom of the Press.


    How long is the typical news broadcast?
    A. 30 minutes
    B. 1 hour
    C. 1 hour and 30 minutes
    D. 2 hours


    Which statement best reflects how the mainstream media covers political news?
    A. The mainstream media's news coverage tends to be in-depth and exhaustive.
    B. The mainstream media's news coverage tends to be fake.
    C. The mainstream media's news coverage tends to be primarily focused on fringe candidates.
    D. The mainstream media's news coverage tends to be focused on who is winning and losing.


    Coverage of local and state news by the mainstream media is generally _________.
    A. very in-depth
    B. about the same as national news
    C. superficial
    D. nonexistent


    From which of the following media platforms do most U.S. adults get their news?
    A. television
    B. print newspaper
    C. radio
    D. online


    The least popular source of news among U.S. adults is __________.
    A. television
    B. print newspaper
    C. radio
    D. online


    Local newspapers' political coverage tends to focus on __________.
    A. national stories
    B. local stories
    C. state stories
    D. international stories


    Between 1940 and 2010, circulation of weekday newspaper editions__________.
    A. showed tremendous growth
    B. grew slowly but steadily
    C. showed no growth
    D. showed an extreme downturn


    Compared to weekday newspaper circulation, the circulation of Sunday editions between 1940 and 2010 __________.
    A. showed tremendous growth
    B. grew slowly but steadily
    C. showed no growth
    D. showed a downturn, but remained higher than that of weekday editions


    Which statement best explains how a tracking poll works?
    A. A tracking poll compares similar question from two polling organizations over time.
    B. A tracking poll compares the same questions from the same polling organization over time.
    C. A tracking poll compares how push polls have affected public opinion of a particular candidate over time.
    D. A tracking poll determines the accuracy of similar questions from many organizations doing exit polls for a particular set of races over time.


    A(n) __________ poll is one that seeks to influence how a voter thinks about a candidate.
    A. public
    B. tracking
    C. push
    D. exit


    You are a lobbyist for an interest group, and you are asked to get a bill passed within a 10-year period. How many sessions of the Texas legislature will occur in that ten-year period?
    A. 20 sessions
    B. 10 sessions
    C. 5 sessions
    D. 2 sessions


    Which statement best describes the salary of a Texas legislator?
    A. Legislators earn a salary of $42,500 per year.
    B. Legislators earn a salary of $72,000 per year.
    C. Legislators earn a salary of $7,200 per year.
    D. Legislators earn a salary of $6,000 per year.


    The terms of office for members of the Texas legislature is __________.
    A. four years for house members and six years for members of the senate
    B. two years for house members and four years for members of the senate
    C. two years for house members and six years for members of the senate
    D. two years for house members and two years for one-third of senate members and four years for the rest


    Assume that the legislature is not going to have enough time to pass an important bill before the end of a session. Which of the following is one way of ensuring that a bill does get passed?
    A. The presiding officers of the house and senate order a special session to pass the bill.
    B. The two chambers pass a resolution to extend the session.
    C. The committees that oversee the bill in both chambers pass the bill over the summer break and send the bill to the governor to be signed.
    D. The governor calls the legislature into special session with instructions to pass the bill.


    Which statement best explains why so few bills are passed during a legislative session?
    A. The governor tends to veto almost 80 percent of the bills that the legislature passes.
    B. The legislative sessions are limited in time.
    C. Senate and house members serve terms of the same length—4 years—and this reduces motivation to pass bills.
    D. The legislature meets on a biannual basis, and this works to reduce motivation to pass bills.


    George is 25 years old and wants to become a legislator. Under the Texas constitution, __________.
    A. George can run for either the house or senate based on his age and must have lived in the districts for these positions for 1 year
    B. George can run for the senate based on his age and must have lived in his district for
    five years
    C. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for
    five years
    D. George can run for the house based on his age and must have lived in his district for
    one year


    Which statement best describes who can serve as a member of the legislature?
    A. A "common person" can serve in the legislature because the per diem is so high during legislative sessions that it amounts to a high annual income.
    B. The legislature is considered a great place for a career because the salary is so high.
    C. Most people that serve in the legislature have another source of income and don't have to rely on the legislative salary.
    D. Many members of the legislature are well off and don't need the legislative salary or work for a business that will continue to pay their salary while they are away on state business.


    As a Texas legislator, Frank is immune from arrest __________.
    A. for a crime he may have committed before a legislative session
    B. for a crime he may have committed during a legislative session
    C. for a crime associated with his role as a Texas legislator committed at any time, even outside the legislative session
    D. during the legislative session or in travel to the session, except for a felony or treason


    Which statement best explains why the Texas legislature redraws district lines every 10 years?
    A. Redistricting is required by the U.S. Supreme Court.
    B. Redistricting is required by the U.S. Constitution.
    C. Redistricting is required by the Texas Supreme Court.
    D. Redistricting is required by the Texas Constitution.


    What is the primary consideration when redrawing district lines?
    A. gerrymandering
    B. racial gerrymandering
    C. one person, one vote
    D. contiguous borders


    Which statement best describes the redrawing of district lines for the Texas legislature?
    A. The house draws the lines for house districts, and the senate draws the lines for senate districts.
    B. The house draws the lines for senate districts, and the senate draws the lines for house districts.
    C. Both house and senate defer to the district plans created by Legislative Redistricting Board.
    D. District lines are initially created by a commission that is composed of the speaker of the house, lieutenant governor, governor, and state chairs of the two major political parties.


    After a Census, Republicans are the majority party of both houses of the Texas legislature. To ensure that they keep their majority status after the next election cycle, they should __________.
    A. make sure to weaken the voting power of Hispanics and African Americans, as those groups tend to vote Democrat
    B. first, do partisan gerrymandering to give their party an advantage in all districts, and, second, protect their incumbents
    C. create as many noncontiguous partisan districts as possible to increase the voting strength of Republican voters
    D. gerrymander district lines without consideration of race or political advantage, which is the legal standard they must follow


    Which of the following is the most important function of the legislature?
    A. redistricting
    B. oversight
    C. creating a budget
    D. representing the people


    The lieutenant governor's power is primarily due to __________.
    A. his or her role as a member of the executive branch, second in line to become governor
    B. the times he or she becomes governor when the sitting governor leaves the state or is otherwise incapacitated
    C. his or her ability to make a strong political partnership with the governor
    D. his or her leadership role in the senate


    The lieutenant governor's salary is __________.
    A. set at the beginning of the legislative session
    B. dependent on how many days he or she attends the legislative session
    C. the same as that of a member of the legislature
    D. more than that of the speaker of the house


    Membership on senate committees is __________.
    A. established by seniority
    B. based on the chronological order of senators' requests and number of seats available
    C. determined by the drawing of straws from an envelope
    D. set by the lieutenant governor


    Michael has high political aspirations and has set a goal of becoming the person in the state of Texas that exerts the most power over policy. Which political office should Michael set his sights on?
    A. governor
    B. lieutenant governor
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. speaker of the house


    How is the speaker of the house chosen?
    A. The speaker is chosen in same way as the lieutenant governor is, through a statewide vote.
    B. The governor consults party leaders throughout the state and nominates a speaker with senate approval.
    C. The members of the house choose the speaker.
    D. The house and senate pass a concurrent resolution that determines the speaker.


    The Legislative Budget Board is co-chaired by the lieutenant governor and __________.
    A. the governor
    B. a person established by members of the senate
    C. the president pro tempore of the senate
    D. the speaker of the house


    How are members of house committees determined?
    A. Membership on committees is determined by seniority and the speaker.
    B. The speaker has the power to appoint all members of committees.
    C. All members of committees are determined by seniority.
    D. The majority party determines membership of committees.


    Which committee is the only one exempted from the rules governing membership appointments?
    A. Transportation
    B. Ways and Means
    C. Appropriations
    D. Public Education


    The role of a __________ is to revise the differences between house and senate versions of a bill.
    A. standing committee
    B. special committee
    C. conference committee
    D. interim committee


    Those members of the legislature who are appointed as committee chairs tend to __________.
    A. be members of the majority party
    B. have seniority on their committees
    C. have support from fellow committee members
    D. be loyal to the presiding officers of their committees


    How would the state of Texas ratify a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
    A. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution.
    B. The Texas legislature would pass a joint resolution.
    C. The governor would call a special session to deal with it.
    D. The Texas legislature would pass a concurrent resolution and send it to the governor for his or her signature.


    Which parliamentary tradition influenced the establishment of the Texas legislative process?
    A. Greek
    B. Roman
    C. Spanish
    D. British


    It is most difficult to amend a piece of legislation during __________.
    A. subcommittee hearings
    B. the full committee hearings
    C. the second reading
    D. the third reading


    In the Texas senate, what procedure must be used to get almost every bill to the floor?
    A. tagging
    B. the filibuster
    C. suspension of the rules
    D. placement by the calendar committee


    The __________ is/are responsible for working out the differences in a bill.
    A. speaker and lieutenant governor
    B. speaker, lieutenant governor, and governor
    C. interim committee
    D. conference committee


    The majority of bills reach the governor's desk __________.
    A. with relatively weak support from both the house and senate
    B. during the end of the legislative session
    C. right at the mid-point of the legislative session
    D. without the signatures of the presiding officers of the legislature


    If a governor does not sign or veto a bill within 10 days of receiving it, the bill __________.
    A. dies
    B. goes back to the committee of the chamber that sponsored the bill after an additional 20 days
    C. will become law if the 10 days fall within the session or will become law after an additional 20 days if the bill was received by the governor within the last 10 days of the session
    D. will die if the bill was received within the last 10 days of the session and if it is not signed during the 20 days after the end of the session


    Which statement best describes the salary of the governor?
    A. The Texas governor is one of the highest paid governors in the nation.
    B. The Texas governor's salary is a little above the national average.
    C. The Texas governor's salary is a little below the national average.
    D. The governor's salary is the same as that of the lieutenant governor.


    Which of the following Texas governors was the first to be elected to two consecutive four-year terms?
    A. William Clements
    B. E. J. Davis
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Rick Perry


    The powers of the Texas governor are considered to be __________.
    A. extensive compared to the powers of a third of other state governors
    B. weak compared to the powers of other state governors
    C. about the same as those of 80 percent of all state governors
    D. about the same as those of most state governors


    The primary role of the executive branch of Texas government is to __________.
    A. say what the law is
    B. carry out laws
    C. make laws
    D. interpret the law


    Most people who work in Texas government acquire their positions as a result of __________.
    A. patronage
    B. the merit system
    C. political considerations
    D. nepotism


    Frank is an alumnus of UT at Austin and has made a lot of money in the oil and gas industry. He always wanted to serve as a UT Board of Regent, a gubernatorial appointment. To improve his chances to receive the appointment, Frank can __________.
    A. work hard on a person's gubernatorial campaign
    B. pay his dues and start doing political party work, such as block walking
    C. make a significant campaign contribution to the candidate most likely to win the governor's race
    D. make a significant campaign contribution to his political party


    Which of the following Texas governors had the most ethnically diverse group of appointees?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    __________ serves as an informal check on the Texas governor's appointment powers.
    A. Overlapping terms of board members
    B. The requirement of gaining approval of two-thirds of the senate
    C. The inability of a governor to remove a prior governor's appointees
    D. Senatorial courtesy


    Which statement best describes the governor's appointment powers?
    A. A governor can remove his appointees with approval of two-thirds of the senate.
    B. A governor can remove his appointees and the appointees of prior governors with approval of two-thirds of the senate.
    C. With approval of two-thirds of the senate, a governor can only remove his predecessor's appointees but not his own.
    D. A governor can remove his own appointees with only a simple majority vote of the senate.


    The power of the governor to institute martial law in response to insurrection or natural disaster is based on the governor's constitutional __________ power.
    A. military
    B. law enforcement
    C. legislative
    D. message


    Which statement best describes the power of the governor to call a special session?
    A. The governor can only call a special session two times between legislative sessions.
    B. The governor must get the approval of the speaker of the house and lieutenant governor before calling a special session.
    C. The governor can call an unlimited number of special sessions.
    D. The governor cannot keep the legislature in special session more than 90 days in any calendar year.


    Which statement best describes the Texas governor's use of the veto over the past 75 years?
    A. Almost 80 percent of governors' vetoes have been overridden by the legislature.
    B. Governors have rarely used the veto power.
    C. Only once has a governor's veto been overridden by the legislature.
    D. There has been about a 50-50 split between sustained vetoes and veto overrides.


    Which of the following Texas governors allowed the largest number of bills to become law without his or her signature?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    During economic hard times, governors have found it necessary to transfer or withhold funds from an agency. Whose approval must a governor obtain before this can happen?
    A. the lieutenant governor
    B. the speaker of the house
    C. both the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house
    D. the Legislative Budget Board


    Why does the governor have significant influence over the judiciary?
    A. The governor is the top elected official and can sway public opinion about the judiciary.
    B. The governor is head of the state party and in that role can endorse judicial candidates for office.
    C. The governor can raise much more money than any judicial candidate can, he or she can donate money to judicial candidates.
    D. The governor has the power to fill judicial vacancies at the district level and above.


    Which of the following Texas governors introduced graft into the pardoning process, resulting in the removal of significant clemency powers from the governor?
    A. Miriam Ferguson
    B. Bill Clements
    C. George W. Bush
    D. Ann Richards


    Which of the following best describes the relationship between clemency power and the governor's office?
    A. The governor only has clemency power to release a person from jail for good cause.
    B. The governor only has clemency power to pardon a convict.
    C. The governor only has clemency e power to parole a convict.
    D. The governor only has clemency power to issue a 30-day reprieve in death penalty cases


    When did the Republican Party take control of both Texas's governorship and its legislature for the first time since Reconstruction?
    A. 1978
    B. 1994
    C. 2002
    D. 2010


    Governor __________ ran for president in 2012.
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    Which governor was the first to establish an online presence?
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    Governor _________ is known for having integrated himself/herself into the legislative process.
    A. Ann Richards
    B. George W. Bush
    C. Rick Perry
    D. Greg Abbott


    With which of the following countries does Texas enjoy a special relationship?
    A. Great Britain
    B. Canada
    C. Japan
    D. Mexico


    Which of the following is a factor in the strong trade relationship between Texas and Mexico?
    A. a free trade deal
    B. Texas oil companies' control of Mexico's oil resources
    C. the historical and cultural ties between the two countries
    D. Rick Perry visits to Mexico to confer with its leaders


    Which Mexican president was angry that Texas executed a Mexican citizen?
    A. Enrique Peña Nieto
    B. Felipe Calderón
    C. Vicente Fox
    D. Ernesto Zedillo


    Which of the following countries did Governor Abbott visit, to the consternation of fellow Republicans?
    A. Mexico
    B. Cuba
    C. El Salvador
    D. Venezuela


    The framers of the Texas constitution envisioned that the governor would__________.
    A. be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office
    B. not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the office
    C. grow the power of the office over time
    D. work closely with legislative leaders


    Which of the following reflects the informal power of the governor?
    A. vetoing a bill
    B. calling the legislature into special session
    C. appointing someone to a commission
    D. building on the perception of the governor as the state leader


    How many appointees does the governor make to boards, commissions, and judicial vacancies?
    A. about 3,000
    B. about 5,000
    C. about 7,000
    D. about 10,000


    Richard worked on Greg Abbott's winning reelection campaign. After the election, the governor approached Richard, asked him to work in the governor's office, and, if so, in what area he would like to work. Richard studied communications in college, where he became interested in the movie industry. Given Richard's interest, which organization should Richard ask to be appointed to?
    A. Policy Office
    B. Administrative Office
    C. Texas Film Commission
    D. Legislative Office


    Which of the following offices is responsible for ensuring that the Texas governor's policies are implemented?
    A. Policy Office
    B. Legislative Office
    C. Administrative Office
    D. General Service Commission.


    Executive power is the power to __________.
    A. carry out the laws of the state
    B. say what the laws are
    C. make state laws
    D. interpret the state's laws


    Which of the following executive officials is not elected by voters?
    A. attorney general
    B. secretary of state
    C. agriculture commissioner
    D. land commissioner


    In Texas, __________ top executive officials are elected independently of the governor.
    A. 5
    B. 10
    C. 15
    D. 31


    Of the top elected officials in Texas, the office of __________ is viewed as the most powerful position in Texas.
    A. governor
    B. lieutenant governor
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. attorney general


    Which of the following of Texas's elected executive officials is responsible for collecting child support payments?
    A. attorney general
    B. secretary of state
    C. agriculture commissioner
    D. land commissioner


    The Consumer Protection Division is housed in the __________.
    A. attorney general's office
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. office of the comptroller of public accounts
    D. General Land Office


    Frank is upset that his local school board voted on a measure without public deliberation. He has asked the school district about the transcripts of any deliberations trustees of the board undertook but has not received a reply. Where would Frank go to seek an order that makes the school district produce the transcripts?
    A. Office of the Attorney General
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. General Land Office


    Which of the following people was elected attorney general in 2014?
    A. Rick Perry
    B. Greg Abbott
    C. George P. Bush
    D. Ken Paxton


    Which office collects business taxes in Texas?
    A. Office of the Attorney General
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. office of the comptroller of public accounts
    D. state treasurer's office


    Which elected position did Ann Richards occupy before she became governor of Texas?
    A. attorney general
    B. secretary of state
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. state treasurer


    Jill had to leave Texas in a hurry to take care of a family emergency. She was gone for 13 months before returning. Upon her arrival she remembered that she has a large amount of expensive jewelry in a safe deposit box at a bank. She went to the bank to get her jewelry but was told it had been sent to the state as unclaimed property. Which agency will Jill have to go to in order to reclaim her jewelry?
    A. Office of the Attorney General
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. office of the comptroller of public accounts
    D. state treasurer's office


    The budget cycle for Texas covers a _________-year cycle.
    A. one
    B. two
    C. four
    D. five


    Which agency generates economic data on Texas?
    A. Office of the Attorney General
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. General Land Office


    Which of the following elected executives is responsible for the Permanent School Fund in Texas?
    A. attorney general
    B. secretary of state
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. commissioner of the General Land Office


    Jorge Sanchez just retired from the U.S. Army and is considered a Texas veteran. He wants to buy land and heard that there was a state loan program that helped veterans make such purchases. Which of the following agency heads oversees the board that would provide Jorge with the loan?
    A. attorney general
    B. secretary of state
    C. comptroller of public accounts
    D. commissioner of the General Land Office


    Which agency was established by statute?
    A. Texas Department of Agriculture
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. office of the comptroller of public accounts
    D. the General Land Office


    Antonio has an assignment to report on five recent regulations instituted by any agency. From which agency can he obtain a publication of state regulations?
    A. Office of the Attorney General
    B. secretary of state's office
    C. office of the comptroller of public accounts
    D. General Land Office


    Texas's governor is considered the highest-ranking state military leader. The next in line of authority is the __________.
    A. attorney general
    B. adjutant general
    C. lieutenant governor
    D. speaker of the house


    Texas has more than __________ state employees.
    A. 200,000
    B. 1,000,000
    C. 3,000,000
    D. 3,200,000


    In Texas, the highest paid state employee in 2016 was a __________.
    A. university professor
    B. president of a university
    C. chancellor of a university system
    D. football coach


    Most functions of Texas government are overseen by __________.
    A. the governor
    B. elected executives
    C. the Texas legislature
    D. boards and commissions


    How many boards and commissions oversee Texas government?
    A. 50
    B. 150
    C. 250
    D. 359


    Which of the following Texas agencies is overseen by an elected three-person body?
    A. State Board of Education
    B. Texas Railroad Commission
    C. Texas Water Development Board
    D. Health and Human Services Commission


    Maria Hernandez is passionate about public education policy and is considering running for an office in Texas that would have the greatest impact on determining the curriculum for public education. Which position should she run for?
    A. governor
    B. lieutenant governor
    C. member of the State Board of Education
    D. speaker of the house


    The Texas Water Development Board is primarily concerned with __________.
    A. keeping Texas rivers and lakes free of pollution
    B. ensuring that farmers have enough water
    C. overseeing conservation of water resources
    D. ensuring that urban areas have enough water


    Which of the following Texas agencies is overseen by an 11-member council?
    A. Texas Water Development Board
    B. Parks and Wildlife Department
    C. Health and Human Services Commission
    D. State Board of Education


    Which of the following Texas agencies can trace its origins back to 1917?
    A. Texas Water Development Board
    B. Parks and Wildlife Department
    C. Health and Human Services
    D. Department of Transportation


    The __________ oversees all higher education in the state.
    A. University of Texas Board of Regents
    B. Texas A&M Board of Regents
    C. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
    D. Legislative Budget Board


    How does the legislature ensure that an agency is still needed?
    A. The legislature waits for the governor to send a request to eliminate an agency.
    B. The legislature waits for the agency heads to request the elimination of their agency.
    C. The legislature does an analysis of cost of keeping an agency open versus benefits to society.
    D. The Sunset Advisory Commission, whose members are appointed by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house, conducts a research and review process on that agency.


    How many courts are there in Texas?
    A. about 1,200
    B. about 2,000
    C. about 3,400
    D. about 9,300


    How was the Texas court system established?
    A. by the 1869 Texas constitution
    B. by the 1876 Texas constitution
    C. by the U.S. Constitution
    D. by an amendment to the 1876 Texas constitution


    Which statement best describes the authority of courts in Texas?
    A. All Texas courts can hear either criminal or civil cases.
    B. A court's authority to hear a case is its jurisdiction.
    C. All Texas courts can hear all levels of criminal cases.
    D. All Texas courts can hear all levels of civil cases.


    Gregg claims to have been wronged and is bringing a lawsuit. He will be the __________ in that suit.
    A. plaintiff
    B. prosecutor
    C. adjunct
    D. defendant


    If you are being sued for causing an injury, you are considered the __________ in the lawsuit.
    A. plaintiff
    B. prosecutor
    C. adjunct
    D. defendant


    Frank is being sued for an injury he caused in an auto crash. What is the injured party's burden of proof in this suit?
    A. beyond a reasonable doubt
    B. a preponderance of evidence
    C. prohibitive
    D. capital


    The legal standard of guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt, is used __________.
    A. in criminal cases only
    B. in civil cases only
    C. in both criminal and civil cases
    D. only in cases in which the remedy is more than $2 million


    What types of cases are initiated by a prosecutor?
    A. criminal
    B. civil
    C. divorce
    D. both civil and criminal


    Municipal courts have the authority to hear __________ cases.
    A. Class C misdemeanors
    B. Class B misdemeanors
    C. Class A misdemeanors
    D. felony cases


    Texas's justice courts have jurisdiction over __________.
    A. Class C misdemeanors
    B. Class B misdemeanors
    C. Class A misdemeanors
    D. both Class A and B misdemeanors


    What are the two kinds of county courts in Texas?
    A. constitutional county courts and county courts at law
    B. misdemeanor courts and felony courts
    C. district courts and courts of criminal appeals
    D. primary and secondary jurisdiction courts


    Which of the following courts were created by the Texas legislature?
    A. justice courts
    B. county courts at law
    C. Texas Supreme Court
    D. Texas Court of Criminal Appeals


    Which of the following courts requires judges to be licensed attorneys?
    A. justice courts
    B. municipal courts
    C. county courts at law
    D. constitutional county courts


    Which of the following is the original jurisdiction of constitutional county courts?
    A. civil claims of no less than $200
    B. felony cases
    C. Class A and B misdemeanors
    D. violations of municipal ordinances


    What jurisdiction does a probate court have?
    A. Class A and B misdemeanors
    B. Class C misdemeanors
    C. felony cases
    D. disposal of the personal and real property of an estate


    Mitch wants to get divorced. In which court must he file his petition?
    A. justice court
    B. constitutional county court
    C. county court at law
    D. district court


    Original jurisdiction over matters of child custody resides with the __________.
    A. Texas Supreme Court
    B. district courts
    C. county court at law
    D. justice of the peace courts


    How are most criminal cases resolved in the district courts?
    A. jury trial and conviction
    B. bench trial
    C. remanded
    D. plea bargaining


    Which court requires candidates to be between the ages of 25 and 74?
    A. Texas supreme court
    B. court of criminal appeals
    C. court of appeals
    D. district courts


    Which of the following judges are elected for six-year terms?
    A. justice court judges
    B. constitutional county court judges
    C. probate court judges
    D. court of appeals judges


    The Texas court of criminal appeals __________.
    A. has appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases
    B. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases
    C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases
    D. can hear appeals for divorces


    The Texas supreme court __________.
    A. can try any type of felony case
    B. has appellate jurisdiction over civil cases
    C. has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases
    D. can hear death penalty appeals


    How many justices sit on the Texas supreme court?
    A. 5
    B. 7
    C. 9
    D. 13


    In which Texas city did a high school district's superintendent ban high school cheerleaders from displaying Bible verses at football games, which led parents to file a lawsuit against the district?
    A. Killeen
    B. Kilroy
    C. Kountze
    D. Austin


    __________ is the philosophy that the courts are to be engaged in public policymaking.
    A. Judicial restraint
    B. Precedent
    C. Judicial activism
    D. Original intent


    The Texas supreme court ruled that the state's education finance system was unconstitutional because _________.
    A. it kept property taxes too high
    B. it was not providing equal per-pupil funding
    C. it forced school segregation based on race
    D. it was not equitable


    Which statement best describes how judges in Texas are chosen?
    A. Trial court judges are elected, and appellate level judges are appointed.
    B. Trial court judges are appointed, and appellate level judges are elected.
    C. Texas supreme court justices are elected in nonpartisan races and all other judges are appointed.
    D. All judges in Texas are elected.


    Which of the following groups has an issue with the at-large method of selecting justices for the highest courts?
    A. business interests
    B. Anglos
    C. labor unions
    D. minority groups


    Why did Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Phillips say that Texas has "the most expensive judicial races in the world and the most politicized judicial races in the world"?
    A. His intent was to explain why so few people wanted to run for judicial office in Texas.
    B. His intent was to explain why, when mixing money and politics, judges must dodge accusations that a decision was improperly influenced by a donor rather than by the law or facts of a certain case.
    C. He wanted to support the idea that the system ensures that qualified judges get elected.
    D. He wanted to show that the system provides equal opportunity to minority groups and whites because all one needs is to raise enough money and be a member of the right political party.


    Which of the following reforms was passed in Texas and will be in place in the 2020 elections?
    A. Judges are to be elected in nonpartisan races.
    B. Judges are to be appointed by the governor and approved by a two-thirds vote of the senate.
    C. Judges will be appointed by the appropriate legislative bodies.
    D. Straight-ticket voting was eliminated so voters will be forced to choose candidates over party affiliations.


    Which level of government offers Texans the most control over their own lives?
    A. national
    B. federal
    C. state
    D. local


    Advanced degrees in __________ offer government leaders professional training.
    A. accounting
    B. public administration
    C. political science
    D. sociology


    Where is most of Texas's population growth occurring?
    A. cities
    B. towns
    C. rural counties
    D. suburbs


    Which of the following Texas cities experienced the fastest population growth between 2015 and 2016?
    A. San Antonio
    B. Houston
    C. McKinney
    D. Frisco


    Which of the following Texas cities added the most people between 2015 and 2016?
    A. Houston
    B. San Antonio
    C. Frisco
    D. Dallas


    What form of government can do anything its charter authorizes but cannot conflict with existing state or federal law?
    A. special district government
    B. general law city
    C. home rule city
    D. school district


    Which form of local government must be approved by voters in municipalities of 5,000 or more people?
    A. home rule
    B. general law
    C. special districts
    D. county government


    Which of the following Texas cities is the largest city in the state to use the mayor-council form of municipal government?
    A. Houston
    B. San Antonio
    C. Dallas
    D. El Paso


    Which form of municipal government is most widely used by small cities?
    A. strong mayor-council
    B. weak mayor-council
    C. council-manager
    D. commission


    Which form of municipal government is used by most medium-sized Texas cities?
    A. strong mayor-council
    B. weak mayor-council
    C. council-manager
    D. commission


    In which type of city government does the mayor and city council select a person to be the chief administrator?
    A. strong mayor-council
    B. weak mayor-council
    C. council-manager
    D. commission


    How much do city council members earn for their service?
    A. $600 per month
    B. between $110 and $150 per council session
    C. between $90 and $100 per council session
    D. between $10 and $50 per council session


    Why do most people run for city council?
    A. It pays a nice salary.
    B. It is a great stepping stone to a higher office.
    C. They have been angry at the city for something it did or did not do.
    D. They want to fulfill a sense of civic duty.


    Which of the following is the largest source of most Texas cities' revenues?
    A. sales tax revenue
    B. federal transfer payments
    C. state funding
    D. property taxes


    Juliet is a member of her city council and has been worried about the condition of public education. She wants to create an after-school program that she believes will help improve student performance. However, there are not enough current funds in the city budget and she will instead have to seek a different revenue source for the program. Based on this information, what is she most likely to propose to the city?
    A. She will need to seek funding assistance from the federal government.
    B. She will need to state funding for the program.
    C. She will need to seek approval from the city's voters to create a special tax to fund the program.
    D. She will need to establish an economic development tax to fund the program.


    The City of Austin needs to improve the streets and sidewalks along a major thoroughfare. This will require a large expenditure of monies that the city does not have. What is the best way the city can borrow the money for the project?
    A. It can issue revenue bonds.
    B. It can borrow money from a commercial bank.
    C. It can issue general obligation bonds.
    D. It can borrow money from the state.


    The city of Hurst needs to widen a road to accommodate increased traffic caused by development. However, one side of the street has a number of homes that are in the way of this expansion. What can the city do to complete this project?
    A. The city can ask the state for authority to confiscate the homes from their owners.
    B. The city can ask the federal government for the authority to confiscate the homes from their owners.
    C. The city can use its police force to confiscate the homes.
    D. The city can condemn the homes but must compensate the owners.


    Most Texas cities begin the yearly budget process in __________.
    A. January
    B. May
    C. August
    D. October


    Which of the following are called the "administrative arms of state government" by the Texas constitution?
    A. special districts
    B. cities
    C. counties
    D. secretary of state's office


    As part of his job, Ryan keeps track of sexually transmitted infections. He probably works at the __________ level of government.
    A. special district
    B. city
    C. county
    D. national


    Which statement best describes the power of counties compared to that of cities?
    A. Counties have a lot more power than cities do.
    B. Counties have about the same amount of power as cities do.
    C. Counties have a little less power than cities do.
    D. Counties are relatively weak compared to cities.


    Which of the following has primary responsibility for providing medical care to the indigent?
    A. special districts
    B. city government
    C. county government
    D. federal government


    Which of the following officials has primary responsibility for county-wide law enforcement?
    A. police officer
    B. sheriff
    C. constable
    D. county attorney


    Which of the following officials is primarily responsible for serving subpoenas for justice of the peace courts?
    A. police officer
    B. sheriff
    C. constable
    D. county attorney


    Which of the following officials is a county's legal adviser?
    A. county clerk
    B. sheriff
    C. constable
    D. county attorney


    Which of the following governing entities provides a specific service to a limited geographic area in Texas?
    A. county government
    B. special district
    C. municipality
    D. state government


    A community college district in Texas is created under the authority of __________.
    A. a county
    B. a municipality
    C. the state legislature
    D. the independent school district in the area of the community college


    What is the most common form of special district in Texas?
    A. community college districts
    B. water conservation districts
    C. soil conservation districts
    D. independent school districts


    A superintendent manages a __________.
    A. city
    B. county
    C. community college
    D. public school system


    To prevent duplicating unnecessary work, local governments __________.
    A. ask the Texas legislature for a report of their services
    B. participate in a council of government
    C. act jointly to create an independent special government
    D. have been prevented from duplicating services by the state legislature


    Which federal agency is responsible for collecting national crime statistics?
    A. Federal Bureau of Investigation
    B. National Security Administration
    C. Central Intelligence Agency
    D. Department of Defense


    __________ is the most common form of crime in Texas.
    A. Robbery
    B. Rape
    C. Property crime
    D. Aggravated assault


    __________ is the most common form of violent crime in Texas.
    A. Robbery
    B. Rape
    C. Property crime
    D. Aggravated assault


    Which statement explains why arrest rates in Texas are rising but the crime rate is decreasing?
    A. Texas has a young population.
    B. Criminals are released from prison too soon.
    C. The illicit drug trade continues to increase.
    D. There are now more police officers than in the past.


    Why do retailers keep certain cold remedies behind their counters?
    A. People have been overdosing on it.
    B. Retailers don't want people to use them to produce particular drugs.
    C. State legislature requires them to do so.
    D. Pharmaceutical companies have a high moral stand and have implemented this policy on their own.


    What is the maximum jail time for being convicted of having a connection to the manufacture of methamphetamine?
    A. 10 years
    B. 15 years
    C. 20 years
    D. 25 years


    How many people are arrested in Texas each year for committing major crimes?
    A. 10,000
    B. 100,000
    C. 500,000
    D. more than 1 million


    Which of the following is the age range of people who are considered to be most prone to committing crime?
    A. 12-16
    B. 17-24
    C. 25-35
    D. 36-49


    What percentage of adult male Texans are currently incarcerated or on probation or parole?
    A. 5 percent
    B. 10 percent
    C. 15 percent
    D. 20 percent


    Nearly __________ people in Texas are either in jail, in prison, on probation, or on parole.
    A. 10,000
    B. 100,000
    C. 500,000
    D. 1 million


    Which of the following states executes the largest number of criminals?
    A. Texas
    B. Oklahoma
    C. California
    D. New Mexico


    Why does Texas have a high execution rate?
    A. Texas's political culture supports executions for crimes.
    B. Texas has a high level of poverty, which leads to the commission of capital crimes.
    C. Most of the people convicted of a capital crime were framed by prosecutors.
    D. Police get promoted if they make an arrest for a capital crime, so more police officers work those cases.


    Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment?
    A. First Amendment
    B. Fourth Amendment
    C. Fifth Amendment
    D. Eighth Amendment


    Which statement best describes jurors' option(s) for sentencing for a person convicted of a capital crime?
    A. The jury is required to sentence that person to death.
    B. The jury can sentence that person to prison for life with chance of parole after 40 years.
    C. The jury is required to sentence that person to life without possibility of parole.
    D. The jury can choose to sentence that person to death or to life with the possibility of parole.


    The __________ regulates the manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages throughout Texas.
    A. TABC
    B. Texas Rangers
    C. DPS
    D. DEA


    Who is responsible for maintaining each of Texas's county jails?
    A. county sheriff
    B. Texas Rangers
    C. city police
    D. constable


    Which of the following is an elected official in Texas?
    A. an agent of the TABC
    B. a Texas Ranger
    C. a city police
    D. a constable


    Which of the following peace officers provides services to the justices of the peace?
    A. sheriff
    B. Texas Ranger
    C. city police
    D. constable


    Which city has the largest police department in Texas?
    A. Dallas
    B. San Antonio
    C. Houston
    D. Ft. Worth


    Glenn has been convicted of simple assault. What is his potential sentence?
    A. no sentence
    B. 180 days in the city jail
    C. 180 days in the county jail
    D. 1 year in the county jail


    Glenn has been convicted of simple assault. What is his potential fine?
    A. $250
    B. $500
    C. $750
    D. $950


    Christie has been convicted of assault causing injury. What is her potential sentence?
    A. 180 days in the city jail
    B. 180 days in the county jail
    C. 1 year in the county jail
    D. 2-4 years in the county jail


    What is the maximum fine for a felony conviction in Texas?
    A. $2,000
    B. $4,000
    C. $5,000
    D. $10,000


    What is the maximum fine for a violation of a city ordinance in Texas?
    A. $2,000
    B. $4,000
    C. $5,000
    D. $10,000


    What type of crime is sexual assault?
    A. Class A misdemeanor
    B. Class B misdemeanor
    C. State Jail felony
    D. 2nd Degree felony


    In Texas, misdemeanor sentences are served in the __________.
    A. city jail
    B. county jail
    C. state jail
    D. state penitentiary


    In Texas, the sentence for attempted capital murder is __________.
    A. the death penalty
    B. life without parole
    C. 2-20 years
    D. 5-99 years


    The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution asserts the right __________.
    A. against unreasonable searches and seizures of property
    B. of due process
    C. of double jeopardy
    D. to an attorney even if a person can't afford one


    Police officers would call fingerprints or blood splatters found at the scene of a crime __________.
    A. fruits of a crime
    B. mere evidence
    C. contraband
    D. tools of a crime


    Who decides the amount of time that someone convicted of a crime will serve?
    A. grand jury
    B. trial jury
    C. prosecutor
    D. attorney general


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