Why did Progressives see the expansion of governmental powers in wartime an opportunity to reform American society?

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1. Explain the role of the United States in the global economy by 1920.

2. What were the assumptions underlying the Roosevelt Corollary? How did the doctrine affect U.S. relations with European nations and those in the Western hemisphere?

3. What did President Wilson mean by “moral imperialism,” and what measures were taken to apply this to Latin America?

4. How did the ratification of both the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments suggest both the restrictive and democratizing nature of Progressivism?

5. Why did Progressives see in the expansion of governmental powers in wartime an opportunity to reform American society?

6. What were the goals and methods of the Committee on Public Information during World War I?

7. What are governmental and private examples of coercive patriotism during the war? What were the effects of those efforts?

8. What were the major causes–both real and imaginary–of the Red Scare?

9. How did World War I and its aftermath provide African-Americans with opportunities?

10. Identify the goals of those pressing for global change in 1919, and of those who opposed them.

In what ways did the Progressive presidents promote the expansion of American power overseas quizlet?

In what ways did the Progressive presidents promote the expansion of American power overseas? The Progressive presidents of the United States were not reluctant to project American power outside the country's borders, established foreign policies, and dispatched U.S. marines to create a welcoming economic environment.

How did Progressives feel they could improve society?

Progressives were interested in establishing a more transparent and accountable government which would work to improve U.S. society. These reformers favored such policies as civil service reform, food safety laws, and increased political rights for women and U.S. workers.

How did the role of government change during the Progressive Era quizlet?

In the Progressive Era, people began to have more control over their government through the development of the recall, the initiative, and the referendum. However, the most important development was the 17th Amendment, which allowed people to vote for their Senators.

How did Progressives plan to improve government quizlet?

They wanted to encourage the government to enact social policies to improve work on crime, illiteracy, alcohol abuse, child labor, and the health and safety of Americans. They pushed for laws that would alleviate these issues.