Why did the drought have such an impact on the medium ground finch population?

The more extensive but misleading claim of Peter and Rosemary Grant is that “selection oscillates in a direction.” Even if this doubtful assertion were true, it would ultimately be irrelevant for the origin of primary species and higher systematic categories. A sieve (natural selection), after all, cannot create new grains.

One of the tenets of evolutionary biology is that it requires time, but some microevolutionary changes can occur with surprising rapidity. The Grants have studied Darwin's finches in the Galapagos for over 30 years and have observed many changes. Recently they reported a change in the beak size of the medium ground finch on Daphne Major. In 1977 a drought reduced the number of small seeds available for the birds, forcing them to rely on larger seeds requiring considerable force to open. Within a couple generations, beak size, and hence ability to open large seeds, had increased. In 2003 a second drought, combined with the presence of large ground finches with substantially larger beaks, drastically decreased the number of large seeds available. Now ability to eat small seeds became an asset. The attrition rate for large beaked birds was horrendous, leaving very few individuals with large beaks to reproduce. The beak of the medium ground finch was quickly reduced to pre-1977 size. This paper is important because it shows how fast change can occur, and it demonstrates an interplay between environmental effects (the droughts) and population numbers (presence or absence of the large ground finch) can drive evolution in different directions.


Darwin’s Finches Evolve Before Scientists’ Eyes
Goudarzi, S., LiveScience, July 13, 2006

Competition Drives Big Beaks Out of Business
Pennisi, E., Science 311, 156 (2006)

Evolution of Character Displacement in Darwin's Finches
Grant, P. R. and Grant, B. R., Science 313 , 224(2006)

Darwin’s Finches – Wikipedia

AIBS video presentation by Peter and Rosemary Grant
�What Darwin�s Finches Can Tell Us About Evolution�

Jonathan Weiner. 1994. The Beak of the Finch: A story of Evolution in Our Time. Alfred A. Knopf.


1. What trait was tracked in this study? How does this trait influence survival?

2. How long did it take for measurable changes to occur in the trait?

3. What environmental factors influenced changes in the trait?

4. Predict what would happen to the beak size of the population if there was another drought.



Natural Selection and Variation in Birds
Level: Advanced middle school, high school, introductory college
Time: Two 50 minute class periods
Overview: A single lesson to introduce students to the concept of variation within a population. Students measure a particular trait (bill size) in a collection of specimens and analyze the distribution within a population. Excellent materials and teacher guide.

Darwin thought that evolution took place over hundreds or thousands of years and was impossible to witness in a human lifetime. Peter and Rosemary Grant have seen evolution happen over the course of just two years.

The Grants study the evolution of Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands. The birds have been named for Darwin, in part, because he later theorized that the 13 distinct species were all descendants of a common ancestor. Each species eats a different type of food and has unique characteristics developed through evolution. For example, the cactus finch has a long beak that reaches into blossoms, the ground finch has a short beak adapted for eating seeds buried under the soil, and the tree finch has a parrot-shaped beak suited for stripping bark to find insects.

The Grants have focused their research on the medium ground finch, Geospiza fortis, on the small island of Daphne Major. Daphne Major serves as an ideal site for research because the finches have few predators or competitors. (The only other finch on the island is the cactus finch.) The major factor influencing survival of the medium ground finch is the weather, and thus the availability of food. The medium ground finch has a stubby beak and eats mostly seeds. Medium ground finches are variable in size and shape, which makes them a good subject for a study of evolution.

The first event that the Grants saw affect the food supply was a drought that occurred in 1977. For 551 days the islands received no rain. Plants withered and finches grew hungry. The tiny seeds the medium ground finches were accustomed to eating grew scarce. Medium ground finches with larger beaks could take advantage of alternate food sources because they could crack open larger seeds. The smaller-beaked birds couldn't do this, so they died of starvation.

In 1978 the Grants returned to Daphne Major to document the effect of the drought on the next generation of medium ground finches. They measured the offspring and compared their beak size to that of the previous (pre-drought) generations. They found the offsprings' beaks to be 3 to 4% larger than their grandparents'. The Grants had documented natural selection in action.

While beak size is clearly related to feeding strategies, it is also related to reproduction. Female finches tend to mate with males that have the same size beaks. These factors together can add to the development of new species.

The Grants return each year to Daphne Major to observe and measure finches. They have been collecting data on the finches for over 25 years and have witnessed natural selection operating in different ways under different circumstances.

How has the medium ground finch population changed after the drought?

During 1977 there was a major drought on Daphne Major and many of the plants on the island produced few or no seeds. The medium ground finch population, which depends on seeds for food, declined drastically from about 1400 individuals to a few hundred in just over two years.

What was the effect of the 1977 drought on the medium ground finch?

Recently they reported a change in the beak size of the medium ground finch on Daphne Major. In 1977 a drought reduced the number of small seeds available for the birds, forcing them to rely on larger seeds requiring considerable force to open.

Did the drought of 1977 affect the survival of medium ground finches on Daphne Major island if so how?

During the drought in 1977, the finches' main food source changed from small, soft seeds to large, hard seeds. Finches with bigger beaks were more likely to survive the drought because they were better able to use these large, hard seeds as food.

What happened to the population of medium ground finches as a result?

Geospiza fortis The population of medium ground finches has been experiencing inbreeding depression due to small population numbers. Inbreeding depression occurs when there is a decrease in fitness due to individuals mating with genetic relatives.


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