Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not quizlet?

Asked by: Ebony Thiel

Score: 4.8/5 (9 votes)

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), characteristics of nontraditional students are one or more of the following1: financially independent, enrolled part- time, delayed enrollment after high school, full-time employment, having one or more dependents, single-parent classification, and not ...

What is a nontraditional student in college?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, non-traditional students are usually 24 and older. ... Some of these students may actually hold down full-time jobs and only attend school part-time or on an occasional basis. Unlike younger, more traditional students, they do not often live on campus.

What makes a student nontraditional?

A student who did not receive a standard high school diploma, but reported completing high school either through passing a General Education Development (GED) exam or other equivalency exam, or receiving a certificate of high school completion was considered nontraditional.

Which of the following students are known as non-traditional student?

The NCES categorized anyone who satisfies at least one of the following as a nontraditional student: Delays enrollment (does not enter postsecondary education in the same calendar year that he or she finished high school) Attends part-time for at least part of the academic year.

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not quizlet?

Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not? They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning. Why does substance use tend to decline in the 30's? Because young adults become parents and transition into new family roles.

23 related questions found

What is the number one reason nontraditional college students report as their reason to return to college Group of answer choices?

What do nontraditional college students report as their number-one reason to return to college? a. They are looking to be eligible for higher-paying careers.

What percentage of first generation students will not earn a bachelor's within six years quizlet?

"More than 40 percent of first-time, full-time students who enroll in a bachelor's degree program don't graduate within 6 years.

What is the difference between traditional and nontraditional students?

College campuses across the country use the terms “traditional” and “non-traditional,” referring to the age of students. Non-traditional tends to be 24 years old and up, while traditional is those right out of high school.

What are older students called?

An adult learner or, more commonly, a mature student, is a person who is older and is involved in forms of learning. Adult learners fall in a specific criterion of being experienced, and do not always have a high school diploma.

How do you succeed as a non-traditional student?

Here are 5 tips I believe can help online and non-traditional students as they work toward the completion of their degrees.

  1. Start thinking with the end in mind. ...
  2. Take the long view. ...
  3. Be realistic about your lifestyle, time, and resources. ...
  4. Plan ahead for times when you cannot plan ahead. ...
  5. Be accountable for your own path.

What percentage of students are nontraditional?

People over 25 or those with children are enrolling in college classes — so many that nearly 74 percent of American undergraduate students are "nontraditional." They're compelled by a recession that especially hurt less-educated employees, along with the worry that advancing technology could leave them without a job.

What percentage of students are non traditional?

As table 1 shows, about 74 percent of all 2011–12 undergraduates had at least one nontraditional characteristic. Moreover, this result is consistent over recent decades: since 1995–96, at least 70 percent of undergraduates possessed at least one nontraditional characteristic.

What is 1st generation student?

First-generation can be defined in different ways, Whitley says, but generally speaking, the term refers to students from families in which their parents did not earn a four-year degree. According to an NCES report from 2018, recent figures show a third of college students are first-generation.

What is the average age for college students?

The average college student is 26.4 years of age.

How old are traditional college students?

While the plurality of students at both four-year and public two-year institutions are between the ages of 18 and 24, students at for-profit institutions tend to be older: almost half are age 30 or older. Nonetheless, more than 20 percent of undergraduate students at four-year institutions are over the age of 24.

What percentage of college students are freshmen?

69.1% of high school completers attend college in the fall after they graduate. 63.1% of them attend 4-year schools while 36.9% attend 2-year institutions. Among first-time, first-year college students, 82.7% are full-time students.

What is a nontraditional law student?

The general idea is that a nontraditional law school applicant is one who hasn't followed the typical high school-to-college-to-law-school track, and so is a bit older and probably with a little more experience – work and otherwise – than a typical “traditional” law school applicant.

What do you call an advanced student?

ahead, avant-garde, extreme, foremost, forward, higher, late, leading, precocious, progressive.

What do you call a new student?

In the United States, we would say the following: Freshmen (first year) Sophomore (second year) Junior (third year) Senior (fourth year)

What is considered a traditional student?

In the United States, it is used to refer to post-secondary students between under 25 years old who enroll directly from high school, attend full-time, and do not have major life and work responsibilities (e.g., full-time job or dependents). ...

What is the definition of nontraditional?

: not following or conforming to tradition : not adhering to past practices or conventions : not traditional a nontraditional family nontraditional students nontraditional menu items Many use nontraditional teaching techniques, and they deliberately draw their students from beyond traditional neighborhood boundaries …—

What is a non-traditional program?

Non-traditional degrees are more commonly known as life experience degrees. ... In a non-traditional degree program, students earn college credit from work experience, employer-sponsored training, military training, volunteer activities, industry training, examinations such as the CLEP and other life endeavors.

Which factor plays the largest role in how long a person lives?

Subjective life expectancy: statistical measure of the average time a human is expected to live, based on demographic factors. This factor plays the largest role in the assumption factor of retirement planning.

Who is most at risk of dropping out of college?

College Dropout Rate: Population Demographics

Students under the age of 19 are the least likely to drop out of college, followed by those 30 or older. Students between the age of 20 and 29 are the most likely to drop out at either a 4 or 2-year institution.

What is the rate of unemployment for high school graduates compared to bachelor's degree holders quizlet?

-Individuals with only a high school degree have an unemployment rate about 70 percent higher than the unemployment rate for individuals with a bachelor's degree.

What is an advantage that nontraditional college students have over traditional students?

Advantage: Problem solving skills A nontraditional student advantage comes from solving problems on the job and in their careers. Nontraditional students have skills that younger students may not have. They better manage the stress that comes with unexpected situations and roadblocks.

Why are nontraditional students better at making meaning of theoretical concepts?

42. Why are nontraditional students better at making meaning of theoretical concepts? c. Because they have life experience and knowledge of multiple roles that help.

Why are nontraditional students better at making meaning of theoretical concepts quizlet?

Why are nontraditional students better at making meaning of theoretical concepts? Because they have life experience and knowledge of multiple roles that help.

Which characteristic is typical of a nontraditional college student?

To be considered a nontraditional undergraduate, you: Do not immediately continue your education after you graduate from high school. Attend college only part time. Work full time (35 hours or more per week)


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