Why is it important to bring along a senior executive to an international business negotiation?

In international business, global marketing strategies are almost always implemented through _____ with business partners and customers from foreign countries. 

face-to-face negotiations

Which of the following images is a cultural stereotype that is most likely attributed to American negotiators by foreign business negotiators? 

In the context of international business negotiations, labeling Americans as "cowboys" and associating the Japanese with the image of a samurai warrior are examples of: 

Which of the following statements regarding national stereotypes is true? 

Negotiations are conducted between people rather than national stereotypes.

Which of the following is an important lesson with respect to negotiation? 

Regional generalizations very often are not correct.

Which of the following is true of the four kinds of problems caused by cultural differences in international business negotiations?

Cultural differences in values are more subtle than differences in language.

On a tour to Australia in 1992, George Bush Sr. flashed the victory sign at the Australian public, with the palm facing inwards, which was considered a rude gesture. This is an example of cultural differences causing problems at the level of: 

Which of the following is considered to be the most common complaint heard from American managers in terms of the negotiation behavior of foreign clients? 

Foreign clients and partners breaking into side conversations in their native languages

Which of the following is usually the reason for side conversations among foreign negotiators in their native languages? 

Sorting out a translation problem

Which of the following statements is true regarding the decision-making processes in international business negotiations? 

Americans tackle issues such as prices, delivery, and warranty one at a time, with the final agreement being the sum of smaller agreements.

Phil, a purchasing manager at a departmental store in the United States, is engaged in negotiations with a Brazilian supplier. Which of the following signals would indicate that Phil has been making progress in the negotiations with the Brazilians? 

A softening of attitudes and positions of the Brazilians on some of the issues

Which of the following is the first step toward initiating efficient and effective international business negotiations? 

Selecting an appropriate negotiation team

Which of the following is a factor responsible for global business successes?  

Large numbers of skillful international negotiators

Which of the following traits is primarily important for marketing executives involved in international negotiations? 

In studies conducted at Ford Motor Company and AT&T, some traits were found to be important predictors of negotiator success with international clients and partners. Which of the following was one of these traits? 

Influence at headquarters

Americans often make the mistake of going it alone against a greater number of foreigners in business negotiations. Which of the following factors can be attributed to this behavior of the Americans?

In relationship-oriented cultures, _____ speaks quite loudly in both persuasion and the demonstration of interest in a business relationship. 

The single most important activity of international business negotiations is _____. 

An international business negotiator's primary job is collecting information with the goal of enhancing creativity. Which of the following steps may be taken during a meeting to ensure that the negotiator is able to do his job well? 

Assigning one team member the sole responsibility of taking careful notes and not worrying about speaking

Why is it important to bring along a senior executive to an international business negotiation?

Influence at headquarters is crucial to success.

_____ should not be used as a selection criterion for international negotiation teams.  

In the context of international business negotiations, even in countries where women do not participate in management, American female negotiators are first treated as _____. 

Which of the following statements on the roles of men and women in international business negotiations is true? 

negotiation style of American women is a lot closer to that of the Japanese than that of American men.

In the context of international negotiations, which of the following is found to be lacking in the curricula of most schools of diplomacy? 

Cultural differences in communication styles

Which of the following actions must be taken by a negotiator before international negotiations begin? 

Planning concession strategies

In the context of international business negotiations, which of the following skills tops the list of negotiator traits? 

Preparation and planning skill

In the context of international business negotiations, the notion of _____ relates to how power in negotiations is best measured.

the best alternative to a negotiated agreement

In the context of international business negotiations, even small companies can possess great power in negotiations if they have: 

many good alternatives and their large-company counterparts do not.

Which of the following aspects of the negotiation setting is an important consideration as it may eventually determine legal jurisdiction if disputes arise?

Which of the following statements regarding the physical arrangements of an international negotiation setting is true? 

Americans tend to want to get everyone together to "hammer out an agreement" even if opinions and positions are divergent.

In the context of international business negotiations, which of the following methods is the most efficient way to communicate with clients and partners in places like Mexico, Malaysia, and China?

A conversation over a long dinner

Which of the following aspects of international business negotiations is considered to be the most difficult? 

Actual conduct of the face-to-face meeting

In the context of the four stages of business negotiations, _____ includes all those activities that might be described as establishing rapport, but it does not include information related to the "business" of a meeting. An American buyer is negotiating with a British supplier for the purchase of raw materials for production of heavy machinery in the United States. Before exchanging any information pertaining to the business of the meeting, he spends a few minutes talking to the British negotiator on topics such as World Cup soccer, the recently concluded general elections, and the English weather. The American buyer is engaging in the first stage of a business negotiation known as: 

Which of the following is one of the objectives of engaging in nontask sounding? 

Determining if a client's attention is focused on business

In the context of the nontask sounding stage of business negotiations, which of the following aspects most likely differs between the Americans and the Japanese?

Duration of the nontask sounding process

Which of the following methods can be used to minimize the inevitable errors that crop up while exchanging information across language barriers? 

Using multiple communication channels during presentations

In the context of the stage of persuasion in business negotiations, the most powerful persuasive tactic is to: 

In the context of international business negotiations, which of the following steps should be taken once negotiators have "gotten to yes" in order to generate new ideas? 

Schedule a review of the agreement.

What is the importance of international business negotiation?

It allows students to learn how lawyers translate business concepts into legal agreements that meet their clients' objectives, experience the demands of working collaboratively, learn about the impact of business transactions on society, and develop their negotiating skills.

Which trait is important for marketing executives involved in international negotiations and technical experts who accompany them?

Traits such as maturity, emotional stability, breadth of knowledge, optimism, flexibility, empathy, and stamina are all important, not only for marketing executives involved in international negotiations but also for the technical experts who often accompany and support them.

What the most important factor in international negotiations?

Some of the key considerations are the culture, language most commonly spoken in a professional setting, learning who is in the negotiation team, and how the team functions with respect to time, preferred way to do negotiations, and many other factors.

What are the key reasons why effective negotiation skills are increasingly important in the business world?

Good negotiations contribute significantly to business success, as they: help you build better relationships. deliver lasting, quality solutions—rather than poor short-term solutions that do not satisfy the needs of either party. help you avoid future problems and conflicts.