Why may the adolescent years constitute a difficult period of adjustment for parents?

6.What is extrusion? Brother-sister avoidance? Scarification? Be able to provideexamples.

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7.What does an initiation ceremony provide? Be able to provide examples of initiationceremonies.

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8.Why have adolescents been referred to as the “marginal man”?

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9.Compared with contemporary youth, when did adolescents living in the late 19thcentury undergo family-related transitions? School and work-related transitions?

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10. Know the difference between continuous and discontinuous transitions. How can thediscontinuity of a school-to-work transition be reduced?

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Karen, a 9th grader, was mad at Cheryl for spilling juice on Karen's shirt. Karen spread a rumor that Cheryl had gossiped about her friends. Karen is using ___ to express her aggression toward Cheryl?

Andrea, a 15 year old, is most likely to learn social skills in a ___ and develop her sense of identity in a _____

All of the following are significant changes in peer groups that occur during adolescence except:

D. a decrease in the size of their peer groups
(A.-increase time spend with friends.. B.- decrease amount of adult supervision.. C- increase in contacts with opposite sex friends... D- decrease in size of peer groups)

According to the textbook, victims of cyber bullying often report all of the following adjustment problems except:

Interventions designed to help unpopular adolescents improve their social skills have employed which of the following techniques

C. - teaching social skills like self-expression and leadership techniques

Shaquille is a jock. Consequently, we would expect him to be involved in:

A. his peer culture and in institutions valued by adults

Which of the following statements about cliques is false?

A. Cliques are typically more emotionally salient for adolescents involved in antisocial behavior

Research studying adolescent friendship networks has found all of the following except:

A. More than half of the adolescents in any given school are members of cliques

Research about contemporary adolescents is clear that these adolescents ______ than adolescents in previous times

C.- Spend more time in peer groups

All of the following changes typically occur during adolescence except:

C.- Larger groups are replaced by smaller cliques

All of the following are factors associated with higher performance of students as a result of the social capital in Catholic schools relative to other schools, except:

D.- Better use of academic tracking

Samantha attends a public school that has a great deal of freedom to set its own curriculum. This type of school is referred to as what in your text?

The process of separating students into different level of classes within the same school is called:

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that small schools offer?

C.- more varied instruction

According to evidence cited in the text, the ideal size of a school for adolescents is between:

Which boy is more likely to commit an act of lethal violence

D. It is virtually impossible to predict which student will commit a lethal crime

Some critics of No Child Left Behind Act argued that it was having the unintended consequence of:

D.- Providing incentives for schools to push low-achieving students out of school

Which of the following statements about tracking is false

A.- Teaching quality is more or less the same in different tracks

In America today, what percentage of individuals between the ages of 14 and 17 are in school

D.- virtually all individuals

Which of the following is most important in influencing adolescents' learning and psychosocial development?

As discussed in the textbook, adolescents who work more than 20 hours weekly are more likely than their peers to:

A.- Be absent from school

Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents, and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing positive attributes is known as what?

D. Positive youth development

Older students are more likely to hold ____ jobs and working teenagers in rural areas are more likely to be employed in ____ jobs.

Robert, a 15-year-old, works for a fast-food resturant. How old is Robert's supervisor most likely to be?

B- not much older than Robert

The most popular type of extracurricular activities are:

Abner works long hours on weekends and after school. Research suggests that Abner is-

C.- likely to engage in minor delinquency

According to a study by Caldwell and Darling presented in the textbook, research indicates spending time after school with friends is most problematic under which circumstance

D.- it is the combination of all of the above
(A. when they lack supervision B. when the adolescent has friends who like to party and use drugs C- when adolescent is easily susceptible to peer pressure

According to the textbook, in general, how does employment affect adolescent development?

D.- the question of how adolescents are affected by working depends on many factors including the nature of the job, the number of hours worked each week, and the aspect of development studied.

Which of the following statements is not supported by research with regard to adolescent employment

A.- working builds character, teaches adolescents about the "real world", helps them prepare adult responsibilities 

Kent has been involved in minor delinquent behavior. In order to curb this type of behavior, Kent's parents should:

D- enroll Kent in an after-school activity

Black adolescents are ___ likely to exp. their parents' divorce and ___ likely to exp their remarriage

Ethnic differences in parenting practices suggest that 

C.- even though authoritative parenting is less commonly used by ethnic minority families, its effects on adolescent development are beneficial in all ethnic groups

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that:

C.- most adolescents appear to maintain positive, supportive, and mutually respective relationships with parents

What factors would explain the fact that Dorothy and Rose, sisters who are only 1 year apart in age, have different memories of their family life as they were growing up?

B.- nonshared environment

Over the course of adolescence, relationships among siblings become more egalitarian but ____ distant and ____ emotionally intense

The identity crisis of adolescence may interact with the ____ in increasing family conflict

D.- Midlife crisis of adults

Denise's parents have both been laid off from work and are unable to pay bills. Denise's parents are likely to do all of the following except:

C- Engage in drug and alcohol abuse

One reason that the adolescent years may constitute a difficult period of adjustment is that parents:

D- may also be experiencing identity crises of their own

Cory is more responsible, more self-assured, more adaptive, more creative, and more intellectually curious than most of her peers. Nicole, on the other hand, is very dependent, more passive, less socially adept, less self-assured, and less intellectually curious than most of her peers. According to the textbook, what is the best way to explain this difference?

B.- Cory is most likely has authoritative parents and Nicole most likely has authoritarian parents

Tammy's father has absolute standards and experts Tammy to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her, and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tammy. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?

What is the most critical influence on adolescent adjustment?

Moreover, parenting has long been identified as one of the most important influential factors in children's and adolescents' psychosocial adjustment (Lengua & Kovacs, 2005; Rodríguez-Fernandez, Droguet, & Revuelta, 2012).

Which of the following changes typically occurs during adolescence?

For both boys and girls, these changes include a growth spurt in height, growth of pubic and underarm hair, and skin changes (e.g., pimples). Boys also experience growth in facial hair and a deepening of their voice. Girls experience breast development and begin menstruating.

Which of the following is a way that adolescents behavior is affected by their crowd membership?

Crowds establish social norms, values, and expectations that members strive to follow. When crowd members behave in ways that are consistent with the crowd norms, they are reinforced for doing so. (All of these statements are ways that adolescents' behavior is affected by their crowd membership.)

Which of the following did recent research discover about the personal fable?

Research has found that egocentrism increased significantly with age and that the personal fable was positively correlated with risk-taking. Male students revealed significantly higher rates of invulnerability. The correlation between the personal fable and risk taking is considered to be of utmost importance.