A nurse is assessing a client using light palpation. how does a nurse perform light palpation?

A Palpation
Respiratory fremitus is felt when the nurse places hands on the client's back and palpates for presence of vibrations or fremitus during respiratory effort. During palpation, a nurse touches a client's body to feel for vibrations and pulsations, to locate body structures, and to assess such characteristics as size, texture, temperature, tenderness, and mobility. During auscultation, the nurse uses a stethoscope to listen for sounds. During inspection, the nurse uses her critical observation skills. During percussion, she taps the client's body sharply with her fingers or hands to elicit sounds

In a care conference, the social worker is asking if a psychosocial assessment has been completed. Which areas would the nurse report on as part of this assessment?

a) Rest and sleep patterns, activity and exercise patterns, and coping and stress tolerance
b) Breathing patterns, circulation patterns, and responses to hospitalization
c) Health habits, family relationships, affect, and thought patterns
d) General survey results, eating habits, and ability to perform activities of daily living

Sets with similar terms

What is light palpation?

Light palpation depresses the abdomen to a depth of about 1 cm. It is often performed first and is used to detect tenderness in a particular region or quadrant. Deep palpation depresses the abdomen to a depth of about 4–5 cm. It is often performed second and is used to detect masses and organomegaly.

When would a nurse use light palpation?

Light palpation is appropriate for the assessment of surface characteristics, such as texture, surface lesions or lumps, or inflamed areas of skin. Moderate palpation should be used to assess the size, shape, and consistency of abdominal organs. Pressure is firm enough to depress approximately 1 to 2 cm in depth.

What is a nurse assessing during palpation?

Palpation: The nurse performs a complete breast examination using the finger tips to determine if any lumps are felt. The lymph nodes in the axillary areas are also palpated for any enlargement or swelling.