A nurse is planning care for a newly admitted school-age child who has generalized seizure disorder


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1.      A home health nurse is providing teaching about post seizure management to theparents of a school age child who has epilepsy and experiences tonic-clonic seizures. Whichofthefollowinginstructionsshouldthenurseincludeintheteaching?(Selectall that apply.)

"Hyperextend your child's head for 5 minutes following a seizure.""Immediatelyfollowingaseizure,giveyourchild 6ouncesofwater."

"Following a seizure, record the length and characteristics of your child's seizure.""Administerrectaldiazepamtoyourchildfollowingaseizure."

"Callforemergencymedicalservices ifthesize ofyourchild'spupilsareunequalafteraseizure."

2.      Anursein apediatricclinicisdiscussingthepathophysiologyofReyesyndromewithanewly licensednurse.Whichofthefollowingstatementsbythenewlylicensednurseindicatean understanding ofthedisorder?

"Reye syndrome causes fatty changes in the liver.""Reyesyndromeleads tovenous thrombusformation."


3.      A nurse is teaching the parents of a toddler about strategies to manage tempertantrums. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in theteaching?

"Honor the child's request if she holds her breath.""Establishastructureddailyroutineforthechild."

"Place the child in her room alone until the temper tantrum ends.""Comfort thechildduringthetempertantrum."

4.      A nurse is completing an assessment following suctioning of a child who has atracheostomy.Whichofthefollowing findingsshouldthenurseidentifyasanindicationthat the procedurehasbeen effective?


Decreased oxygen saturationClearbreathsoundsIncreasedoral secretions

5.      A nurse is developing a plan of care for a 4-year-old child who has hemophilia and isexperiencing acute hemarthrosis. Which of the following interventions should thenurseincludein theplan?

Have the child perform passive range-of-motion exercises.Administeraspirinas neededfor pain.


Positionthelowerextremities belowthelevel oftheheart.

6.      A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a preschooler who hasepiglottitis.Whichofthefollowing actionsshouldthenurse take?

Placethechild inaleftlateral position.

Obtain a specimen from the child's throat for a culture.Inspectthechild'sthroatwith apaddedtonguedepressor.Initiatedropletprecautions forthechild.

7.      A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a child about home care following acardiaccatheterization.Which ofthefollowingstatementsshouldthenurseinclude?

"You should give your child aspirin if they report pain at the site.""Youcanremovethepressuredressing8hoursaftertheprocedure.""Yourchildcan soakinthebathtub24hoursaftertheprocedure."


8.      A nurse is admitting a child who has pertussis. Which of the following isolationprecautionsshould thenurseinitiate?



9.      A nurse on a pediatric unit is receiving change-of-shift report for a group of clients.Whichof the following clients should thenurse seefirst?

Achild whois postoperative followingatonsillectomy andreports moderate throatpain

Achild whohad a cardiaccatheterizationusing the femoralarteryandhasblanchingofthetoesAchildwho hasbacterial pneumonia and isduefor theirinitialdoseofIV antibiotics

Achildwho hasjuvenile idiopathic arthritisandneeds assistance withapplicationofprescribedsplints

10.  A nurse in a pediatric clinic is performing a history and physical for a toddler who isscheduledtoreceiveameasles,mumps,andrubella(MMR)immunization. Whichofthefollowing findingsindicate thatthe immunizationshouldbewithheld?

Temperatureof38° C(100.4°F)

Family history of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Taking an antihistamine for seasonal allergiesReceiving prednisonefornephroticsyndrome

11.  A nurse is instilling optic drops into an 18-month-old child's ears. Which of the followingmethods should thenurseuse?


Administer the ear drops at 5.5° C (42° F).Massagethe areabehind the ear.

12.  Anurse isprovidingteaching toan adolescentwho hasanew prescriptionforcefazolin.For whichofthefollowingadverseeffectsshouldthenurseinstructtheadolescent to monitorand report to the provider?

Dry mouthConstipationBack pain


13.  A nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of a child who has sickle cellanemiaandwashospitalizedafterexperiencingavasoocclusivecrisis.Whichofthefollowing instructions shouldthe nurseincludein theteaching?

"Avoidimmunizingyourchildwiththemeningococcalvaccine.""Restrictthetimeyourchildspendsplayingoutdoors.""Increaseyour child's intakeof oralfluids."

"Provide yourchildwithahigh-proteindiet."

14.  A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a school-age child who has pediculosiscapitis.Whichofthefollowinginstructionsshouldthenurse includeintheteaching?

"Sealnowashableitemsin aplastic bagfor2days.""Soakhairbrushesinboilingwaterfor10minutes."

"Applypermethrin 1percent creamrinseevery dayfor5days."

"Afterwashingbed linens,placetheminadryeronacool setting for30minutes."

15.  A nurse is admitting a childs who has bacterial meningitis. Which of the followingactionsshouldthenursetakefirst?

Initiate antibiotic therapy for the child.Minimizethechild'senvironmentalstimuli.Placethe child inaside-lyingposition.

Administer painmedicationtothechild

16.  A nurse is assessing a 12-month-old infant who is immediately postoperativefollowingherniarepairsurgery.Whichofthefollowingpainmeasurementtoolsshouldthe nurseusetodetermine if theinfantis experiencingpain?


17.  A nurse is caring for a school-age child who has metastatic osteosarcoma. The childasks the nurse, "Am I going to die?" Which of the following responses should thenursemake?

"Whatisyourpain levelright now?"

"Yourdoctorwillbeabletoansweryourquestionstomorrow.""Itsoundslikeyouare worried.Tellmewhatyouhavebeentold."


18.  Anurseiscaring foratoddlerwhodrinks946mL(32oz)ofwholemilkperdayandhas a poor appetite. The nurse should identify the toddler as being at risk for whichofthefollowing conditions?

Iron deciency anemiaVitaminAtoxicity

Impaired carbohydrate metabolismLactoseintolerance

19.  A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a child who has a new prescription for methylphenidate.Whichofthefollowinginstructionsshouldthenurseinclude?

"Monitor your child for excessive sleepiness.""Administerthemedicationwithacaffeinatedbeverage."

"Administertheseconddose ofthemedicationatlunchtime.""Monitor your childfor weightgain."

20.  A nurse is planning care for an infant who has congenital talipes equinovarus.Whichofthefollowing referralsshouldthenurseexpecttheprovidertomake?

OphthalmologistNutrition counselorSpeech therapistOrthopedicspecialist

21.  A nurse is caring for a child who has acute glomerulonephritis. Which of thefollowing actions should thenurse take?

Obtain a daily weight.Strain the urine.

Monitorbloodglucoselevelevery4hr.Recommend strictbedrest.

22.  A nurse is teaching a school-age child and their parents about managing diabetesmellitus during illness. The nurse should determine that the teaching has beeneffectivewhentheparentsindicatetheywillprovidewhichofthefollowingwhenthechildis ill?

Decreased caloriesIncreasedfluids

Blood glucose monitoring every 8 hrUrine testing forleukocytes

23.  A nurse is assessing a toddler who is toilet-trained and has a temperature of 38.5° C(101.3° F). Which of the following findings should the nurse recognize as anindicationof a urinary tractinfection(UTI)?


24.  A nurse on a pediatric unit is reviewing the laboratory results for a group of clients.Which ofthefollowingresults shouldthenurseidentifyasthe priority?

Anadolescentwhohasiron-deciencyanemiaandanHgblevelof11mg/dLAschool-agechild who has diabetesmellitusand an HbA1cof 8%

Atoddlerwhohasmoderatedehydrationand anRBCcountof5.6/mm3

Apreschooler whohas cystic fibrosis-relateddiabetes and aWBCcount of 15,000/mm3

25.  A nurse is assessing a child who has received the first 50 mL of a blood transfusion.Whichofthefollowingfindingsindicatesthatthechildmightbeexperiencinganair embolism?

Sharp pain in middle of the chestSevere itching of the handsDistended neck veins


26.  A nurse is assessing a child who has sickle cell anemia and is experiencing avasoocclusivecrisis.Whichofthe followingclinicalmanifestationsshouldthenurseexpect?

Weight gainBradypneaPainDiarrhea

27.  A charge nurse is assisting a newly licensed nurse with the preoperative assessmentof a2-year-oldchildwhohasaWilms'tumor.Whichofthefollowingactionsbythenewlylicensednurse indicatesanunderstandingoftheneededcare?

Measuring the child's abdominal circumferencePalpating thechild's abdomen

Providing clear liquids up to 1 hr prior to surgeryContinuouslymonitoringthechild'soxygensaturation

28.  A nurse is creating a plan of care for a child who is awake and responsive following anacuteheadinjury.Whichofthefollowinginterventionsshouldthenurseinclude?

Placethechildinaroomwithbright uorescentlighting.Initiateseizureprecautions for thechild.


Suctionthechild'snarestodeterminethe presenceoffluid.

29.  A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of an infant about car seat safety. Whichofthefollowingstatementsbytheparentindicateanunderstandingoftheteaching?

"Ishouldplacetheshoulderharnessabove the levelofmybaby'sshoulders."

"Ishouldplacethecarseatrear-facinguntil mybabyis2years old.""Iwill placethe retainerclip over my baby'sabdomen."

"Ishould position mybaby ata30-degreeangle inthecarseat."

30.  A nurse is caring for a child who is experiencing status asthmaticus. Which of thefollowing actions should thenurse takefirst?

Initiatean infusion ofIVfluids.

Obtain abloodspecimen forABGanalysis.Administer a dose of an IV corticosteroid.Applyhumidifiedoxygen.

31.  A nurse is caring for a child who has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy. Theparenttellsthenursethattheywanttodiscontinuetreatmentandtakethechildhome.Whichof thefollowing responses shouldthenursemake?

"Whatare yourreasonsformakingthisdecision today?"

"You should discuss your concerns with your child's provider.""Youshouldgivethetreatmentachancetoworkbeforegivingup."

"Doyouneedassistance gatheringyourchild'sbelongingstoreturn home?

32.  A nurse is assessing an infant who has intussusception. Which of the followingmanifestationsshould thenurseexpect?


Scaphoid abdomen Gelatinous red stoolGeneralizededema

33.  Aschoolnurseisassessingthevisualacuityofaschool-agechild.Whichofthefollowingfindingsindicate thatthechildshouldbeevaluated forstrabismus?

Visual acuity 20/30 bilaterallyPeripheralvision70°downward

Movementofthe uncoveredeye duringacovertest

Lightreflectssymmetrically withineachpupilduringacorneallightreflextest

34.  A nurse is preparing an educational program about death and dying for theguardians of children who have a terminal illness. Which of the followinginformationshould the nurseinclude?


Adolescents worry more about death than the physical changes that can occur as a result of theillness.


35.  A nurse is assessing a child who has acute kidney injury. Which of the followingclinical manifestations should thenurseexpect?

Decreased respiratory ratePolyuria


36.  A nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant during a well-child visit. Which of thefollowing findingsshouldthe nursereport to the provider?

Theinfant doesnotexhibitfearofstrangers.

The infant doesnotroll overfromhisabdomentohisback.

The infant does not pick up objects from the floor with his fingers.The infantdoes notsit on thefloor unsupported

37.  A nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of a 6-month-old infantfollowingasurgicalproceduretorepairahypospadias.Whichofthefollowing instructionsshould thenurseincludein theteaching?


"Perform hourly measurements of the infant's urinary output.""Offerthe infant12to18ouncesof fruitjuice daily."


38.  A nurse is assessing a toddler who has infective endocarditis. Which of the following findingsshould thenurseexpect?

New heart murmurWeight gainBradycardia


39.  A nurse is assessing a child who has a congenital heart defect. The nurse shouldrecognizethatwhich ofthefollowingdefectsisassociatedwithincreasedpulmonaryblood ow?

Coarctation of the aortaPatent ductus arteriosusTetralogy of FallotTricuspidatresia

40.  A nurse working on an outpatient surgical unit is providing discharge teaching totheparentofapreschoolerfollowingplacementoftympanoplastytubes.Theparentasks the nurse, "What should I do if the tubes fall out?" Which of the followingresponsesshould thenursemake?


"Bringthechildtotheemergencydepartmentimmediately.""Notify theprovider thatthetubeshavefallenout."

"The tubesaresuturedinplaceandmustbesurgicallyremoved.”

41.  A nurse is caring for a school-age child who has a prescription for amoxicillin 320mg PO every 8 hr for 10 days. Available is amoxicillin suspension 400 mg/5 mL.How many mL should the nurse administer per dose? (Round the answer to thenearest whole number. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use a trailing zero.)R/4 ml

42.  Anurse is providing teachingto an adolescentwho hastype2 diabetesmellitus anda new prescription for metformin. Which of the following instructions should thenurseincludein theteaching?

"Expectthe medicationtocauseconstipationforthefirstfewdaysoftherapy.""Take themedicationat the sametimeeach day."

"This medication is used for short-term therapy until your symptoms improve.""Take this medication1 hourbefore meals."

43.  A nurse is caring for an infant who has gastroesophageal reflux (GER). Which of thefollowing actions should the nurse take to prevent regurgitation? (Select all thatapply.)

Thickentheinfant'sformulawithcereal. Avoidgivingtheinfantcitrusjuices.

Position the child with their head elevated after meals.Place the infant's head on a soft pillow while sleeping.Administeran antiemeticto theinfant.

44.  A nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parent of a school-age child who haspharyngitis caused by group A ß-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS). Which of thefollowing instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all thatapply.)

"Schedule a time for your child to receive the pneumococcal vaccine within 2 weeks.""Provide your child with their own towel for drying their face and hands at home.""Replaceyourchild'stoothbrush24hoursafter beginningantibiotictherapy."

"Your child can return to school 24 hours after their first does of antibiotics.""Replaceyourchild'sorthodonticappliances priortobeginningantibiotictherapy."

45.  A nurse is caring for a 4-month-old infant who is immediately postoperativefollowingcleftpalaterepair.Whichofthefollowingactionsshouldthe nursetake?

Givetheinfantliquidsusingasmall spoonwithalonghandle.Applyelbowrestraints to theinfant.

Gentlychecktheinfant'ssuturelineusinga paddedtonguedepressor.Placetheinfantin asupineposition.

46.  Anurse is assessinga 4-year-old childfollowing a surgicalprocedure.Whichof thefollowing painrating scalesshould thenurseuse?

Oucher pain rating scaleWord-GraphicratingscaleNumeric rating scaleVisualanalogscale

47.  A school nurse is assessing a child who fell from playground equipment and landedhead-first. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse recognize asindicatingthepresenceofincreased intracranial pressure?

Report of diplopiaHyperactivityNuchal rigidity Reportofsorethroat

48.  A nurse is assessing an infant who has hydrocephalus. Which of the followingclinical manifestations should thenurseexpect?

Depressed scalp veinsSunken anterior fontanelsBulging eyes

Separated cranialsutures

49.  A nurse is preparing a teaching plan for the parent of a school-age child who hasasthma. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse include as anindicationof an exacerbation of asthma?

Green zone reading on peak expiratory ow meterRhinitis

Axillary temperature of 37.2° C (99° F)Hacking, nonproductivecough

50.  A nurse is reviewing the laboratory values of a school-age child who reportsincreasedbruising.Whichofthefollowinglaboratoryvalues shouldthenurseexpect?

WBC count 8,000/mm3Platelets 120,000/mm 3Triiodothyronine200ng/dL

Hgb13 g/dL

51.  A nurse is caring for an infant following a cleft lip and palate repair. Which of the following…................................................. Period?

Encouragetheuseofapacifier.Provide hard toys.


52.  A nurse is providing dietary education to the mother of infant. Whatrecommendation         Dietshouldthenursemake.Selectall


Solds can be introduced between 4 and 6 months of age.Iron-fortified ricecereal should beofferedfirt.

Newfoodsshould beintroduced oneat timeovera 5to 7dayperiod toobse…………..


Milk,eggs,wheat,citrus, peanutbutterandhoneycanbe given after6months……


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