A positive correlation between self-esteem and academic success would indicate that

D)all of these statements are correct.294.A positive correlation between self-esteemand academic success would indicate thatA)a positive self-concept contributes toacademic success.B)academic success contributes to a favorableself-image.C)those with high self-esteem are moreacademically successful than those with lowself-esteem.D)all of these statements are correct.

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A positive correlation between self-esteem and academic success would indicate that

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Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior


A positive correlation between self-esteem and academic success would indicate that
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295.Incorrectly interpreting a correlationbetween two factors as evidence of causationis best avoided by making use ofA)experiments.B)survey research.C)case studies.D)naturalistic observation.296.A research method in which an investigatormanipulates factors that potentially producea particular effect is called a(n)A)survey.B)experiment.C)case study.D)correlation.297.The experiment is a research method inwhichA)a random sample of individuals arequestioned about their opinions andbehaviors.B)individuals are carefully observed in theirnatural environment.C)a researcher manipulates one or more factorsthat might affect behavior.D)an individual is studied in great depth.298.To maximize control over the factors theyare studying, researchers engage inA)case studies.B)correlational research.C)experimentation.D)surveys.

299.Which of the following research methodswould most effectively demonstrate thatwatching TV violence causes children to actaggressively?A)experimentB)naturalistic observationC)surveyD)case study300.Experimentation is more useful thancorrelational research for testing the claimthatA)children who view a great deal of televisionviolence are also likely to be unusuallyaggressive.B)people who exercise frequently are lesslikely to suffer from depression thaninfrequent exercisers.C)people's friendliness and feelings ofhappiness are increased by the consumptionof alcohol.D)people who drink higher-than-averageamounts of coffee are also likely to drinkhigher-than-average amounts of tea.301.Unlike correlational studies, experimentsinvolveA)operationally defining research procedures.B)manipulating the factors of interest.C)studying observable behaviors.D)replication of previous research.302.The most effective way of assessing theimpact of hormone replacement therapy onwomen's health is by means ofA)case studies.B)experiments.C)correlational measurement.D)naturalistic observations.

303.In an experiment, the experimental group isthe group thatA)receives a placebo.B)is informed about which treatment they arereceiving.C)is exposed to the treatment being tested bythe experiment.D)is not fully debriefed following thecompletion of the experiment.304.In an experiment, the group that is notexposed to the treatment being tested iscalled the ________ group.A)standardizedB)naturalisticC)placeboD)control305.

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