All organizations have ________ which define(s) the organizations purpose and reason for existing.

Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.
a.commanding, organizing, leading, and decision making

b.planning, coordinating, leading, and monitoring

c.planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

d.planning, organizing, leading, and motivating

b. FalseAnswer:__B__13. A goal of efficiency is to maximize input costs while minimize output costs.

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14. The classical view of organizational social responsibility is that management's only socialresponsibility is to maximize profits.a. Trueb. FalseAnswer:__A__

15. How employees dress has nothing to do with an organization's culture.

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16.An organization is ________.

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17. Which of the following is a key difference between managerial and non-managerial employees?

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18. Which choice constitutes the typical first step for an organization that is "going global"?A) outsourcingB) franchisingC) licensingD) strategic allianceAnswer:__A__

19. Joint ventures are a type of ________.

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Which define s the organization's purpose and reason for existing?

An organization's goals define its purpose and reason for existing. For example, the goals of a bank might be to make money, while the goals of a church choir might to be to create beautiful music.

What is the purpose of an organization quizlet?

The purpose of any organization is to provide useful goods and/or services that return value to society and satisfy customer needs in order to justify continued existence.

What is an organization quizlet?

a body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.

What is an organization and what characteristics do organizations share quizlet?

An organization is a systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose. All organizations share three common characteristics. 1) Every organization has a purpose and is made up of people who are grouped in some fashion.