What individuals and organizations that determine what products and services will be available for sale?

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Basic vocabulary for chapter 1

Terms in this set (46)


Things you can see and touch


Activities that are consumed the same time they are produced


things that are required in order to live

economic system

Nations plan for awnsering the three economic questions

command economy

resources are owned and controlled by the goverment

market economy

resources are owned and controlled by the people of the country

Traditional economy

goods and services are produced the way it has always been done

mixed economy

combines elements of command and market economies


the private ownership of resources by individuals, rather than by the goverment


a person who buys and uses goods and services


individuals and organizations that determine what products and services will be available for sale


the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy


the quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide

Market Price

the point where supply and demand are equal


the rivalry among businesses to sell thier goods and services

Gross domestic product(GDP)

the total dollar value of all final goods and services produced in a country during one year

GDP per capita

another way to measure economic growth

unemployment rate

the number of people in the workforce that are unemployed


the production output in relation to a unit of input

personal income

reffering to salaries and wages as well as investment income and goverment payments to individuals

Retail sales

the sales of durable and non durable goods bought by consumers

business cycle

the movement of the economy from one condition to another and back again


a period in which most people who want to work are working,wages are good,and GDP growth increases


a period in which demand begins to decrease,businesses lower production,unemployment begins to rise,and GDP growths slows for two or more quarters of the calendar year


a phase marked by a prolonged period of high unemployment


the phase in which unemployment begins to decrease,demand for goods and services increases, and GDP begins to rise again


an increase in the general level of prices

price index

a number that compares prices in one year with some ealier base year.


a decrease in the general level of prices

Capital projects

invole spending by businesses for items such as land,builing,equipment,and new products


represents ownership in a corporation


represents debt for an organization

Budget surplus

When a goverment spends less than it takes in

Budget deficit

a goverment may spend more than it takes in

National Debt

the total amount owed by the federal goverment


items bought from another country


goods and services sold to other countries

balance of payments

the difference between the amount of money that comes into a country and the amount that goes out

Exchange rate

the value of a currenct in one country compared with the value in another


refers to a nations transportation,communication,and utility systems

Trade barrier

restrictions to free trade


a set limit on the quantity of a product that may be imported or exported within a given period


a tax that the goverment places on certain imported products


To stop the export or import of a product completely

multinational company

an orginization that does business inseveral countries

joint venture

an agreement between two or more companies to share a business project

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