Applicants react most favourably when employers use which of the following selection methods?

Related Questions

  • Q52:

    The central requirement for any selection tests or assessment procedures is that they accurately assess the individual's performance, or capacity to perform, the essential components of the job in question safely, efficiently, and reliably.

  • Q53:

    Despite the popularity of drug testing, there is no clear evidence that applicants who score positive on drug tests are less reliable or productive employees.

  • Q54:

    The Human Rights Commission will not accept being free from HIV/AIDS as a bona fide occupation requirement unless it can be proven that such a requirement is essential to the safe, efficient, and reliable performance of the essential functions of a job or is a justified requirement for receiving programs or services.

  • Q55:

    Applicants react most favourably when employers use which of the following selection methods A)work samples and personality tests B)references and résumés C)interviews and work samples D)skill tests and informal interviews

  • Q56:

    Psychological testing is a standardized procedure used to obtain a sample of a person's behaviour and to describe the behaviour with the aid of some measurement scale.

  • Q58:

    The employer's goal for employment testing is to select those candidates who best possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes that lead to successful job performance.

  • Q59:

    Which term refers to testing procedures that require job candidates to produce behaviours related to job performance under controlled conditions and that approximate those found on the job A)proficiency B)aptitude test C)realistic job preview D)work sample

  • Q60:

    Which of the following is NOT a guideline for balancing validity and diversity in selection A)Use job analysis to carefully define the nature of performance on the job. B)Enhance applicant reactions. C)Use well-established predictor measurement methods when feasible. D)Decrease the cognitive loading of predictors and minimize verbal ability and reading requirements.

  • Q61:

    Employers have an obligation to accommodate all workers who have a medical or physical condition.

  • Q62:

    Testing as a stand-alone program doesn't provide employers with the best results.

Related Questions

  • Q54:

    The Human Rights Commission will not accept being free from HIV/AIDS as a bona fide occupation requirement unless it can be proven that such a requirement is essential to the safe, efficient, and reliable performance of the essential functions of a job or is a justified requirement for receiving programs or services.

  • Q55:

    Applicants react most favourably when employers use which of the following selection methods A)work samples and personality tests B)references and résumés C)interviews and work samples D)skill tests and informal interviews

  • Q56:

    Psychological testing is a standardized procedure used to obtain a sample of a person's behaviour and to describe the behaviour with the aid of some measurement scale.

  • Q57:

    Being very intelligent can be a disadvantage for an employee working at a low-skilled job.

  • Q58:

    The employer's goal for employment testing is to select those candidates who best possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes that lead to successful job performance.

  • Q60:

    Which of the following is NOT a guideline for balancing validity and diversity in selection A)Use job analysis to carefully define the nature of performance on the job. B)Enhance applicant reactions. C)Use well-established predictor measurement methods when feasible. D)Decrease the cognitive loading of predictors and minimize verbal ability and reading requirements.

  • Q61:

    Employers have an obligation to accommodate all workers who have a medical or physical condition.

  • Q62:

    Testing as a stand-alone program doesn't provide employers with the best results.

  • Q63:

    Applicants react most favourably to tests that allow them to demonstrate their creativity.

  • Q64:

    Situational exercises assess aptitude or proficiency in performing important job tasks by using tasks that are abstract and less realistic than those performed on the actual job.

What type of test would you use to assess construction worker applicants?

If construction laborers are going to be working with heavy machinery, equipment, or tools, it may also be appropriate to administer the Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude (WTMA). This is a test that assesses a candidate's aptitude for learning and working with machinery, tools, and equipment.

What are physical fitness and medical examinations designed to do?

Physical exams are a routine part of healthcare. Doctors and nurses use them to check on a person's general health, look for potential medical issues, and monitor specific signs. If a doctor suspects an underlying health condition, they will usually recommend further diagnostic testing.

Which concept is referred as a specific narrow ability or skill that may be used to predict job performance?

An individual's degree of proficiency or competency on a given task, which develops through performing the task. Aptitude. A specific, narrow ability or skill that may be used to predict job performance. Cognitive abilities. Intelligence, general mental ability, or intellectual abilityDefinition.

Which of the following refers to the stable trait or ability to accurately perceive and appraisal affects oneself and others properly regulate and express those feelings?

The term 'Emotional Intelligence', first coined by psychologists Mayer and Salovey (1990), refers to one's capacity to perceive, process and regulate emotional information accurately and effectively, both within oneself and in others and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions and to influence those ...


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