At what rate percent per annum simple interest will a sum double itself in 8 years 4 months?


Indian Post Postman 2020: Full Mock Test

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Latest India post Postman Updates

Last updated on Sep 22, 2022

The Indian Post has started inviting applications for the post of Postman. The recruitment of Indian Post Postman is done region-wise. The official notification for the recruitment is to be released. There is a total vacancy of 59099. The age limit to apply for the post of Indian Post Postman is from 18 to 27 years. Anyone with a qualification of Class 12 or its equivalent is eligible to fill up the application form. The candidates should go through the Indian Post Postman salary and job profile to have a clear idea about the job in detail.

Stay updated with the Quantitative Aptitude questions & answers with Testbook. Know more about Interest and ace the concept of Simple Interest.

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The correct option is A12.5%Explanation for the correct option:Consider that sum is invested under simple interest.The formula for the simple interest SI is given as SI=P×R× N100Where , P is the principal amount, R is the percentage rate of interest per annum,N is the number of years for which the sum is invested.The amountA is given as A=P+SIAccording to given condition it is known that the amount is doubled.⇒A=2P⇒2P =P+SI⇒SI=PSubstituting the values in the formula of simple interest we get⇒P=P× R×8100⇒R=1008⇒R=12.5%Thus the given amount will double in 8 years at 12.5%per annum.Hence, option(A) i.e. 12.5% is the correct answer.


Question Papers


At what rate of simple interest per annum will a sum double itself in 8 years?

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The correct option is C12.5% Let the sum invested be P, and the rate of interest be R. Given in 8 years, Amount=2P ⇒P+SI=2P ⇒SI=P ⇒P×T×R100=P ⇒T×R=100 ⇒R=100T=1008=12.5%

At what rate of interest pa will a sum double itself in 8 years?

Hence, the rate of interest to double a money in 8 years will be 12.5% per annum.

At what rate a sum triples itself in 8 years 4 months?

R=12. 5%

At what simple interest rate shall a sum of money double itself in 4 years?

Therefore, r=12100=831percent.

At what rate percent per annum of simple interest will a sum of money double itself in 12 years?

Let the principal be x. Then, the amount after 12 years be 2x. Let the rate of interest be R. ∴ The rate of interest is 25/3%.