Gestalt is a term describing a general sense of a person that is either positive or negative.

"Feeling into" others' thoughts and emotions, making an attempt to both understand their perspectives and be aware of their feelings in order to identify with them

Consists of two components:
-perspective-taking: the ability to see things from someone else's vantage point without necessarily experiencing that person's emotions
-Empathie concern—becoming aware of how the other person is feeling, experiencing a sense of compassion regarding the other person's emotional state, and perhaps even experiencing some of his or her emotions yourself

We often think of empathy as an automatic process and consequently excuse ourselves from being empathic toward outgroupers

Whether we feel empathy toward others depends largely on our empathy mind-set

Experiencing empathy isn't sufficient in itself to improve your interpersonal communication and relationships. You also must convey your empathy to others.

To competently communicate the perspective-taking part of empathy, let others know that you're genuinely interested in hearing their viewpoints and tell them that you think their views are important and understandable

To communicate empathic concern, disclose to others that you care about them and their feelings. Share with them your own emotions regarding their situation. Avoid using "I know" messages.

When others believe that you are taking their perspective, they are more likely to perceive you as relatable, to like you, and to help you

When Gestalts are formed they are more likely to be positive than negative an effect known as?

The halo effect (sometimes called the halo error) is the tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one's opinion or feelings in other areas.

When something is________ it seems especially noticeable and significant?

When something is salient, it seems especially noticeable and significant. we view aspects of interpersonal communication as salient under three conditions: -if the communicator behaves in a visually and audibly stimulating fashion.

What is perception checking in communication?

Perception checking involves being able to describe what is happening in a given situation, provide multiple interpretations of events or behaviors, and ask yourself and others questions for clarification. Some of this process happens inside our heads, and some happens through interaction.

What is interpersonal impression?

Interpersonal impressions such as credibility, attraction, and social presence are often the first notions people make about others.