How did the French relationship with Iroquois Indians affect their position in North America quizlet?



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Terms in this set (50)

Which of these statements best summarizes the situation in North America in the mid-1700s?

A. European nations agreed to peacefully divide the continent.
B. European nations were joining forces to help each other's settlements.
C. European nations agreed with each other on boundaries for land claims.
D. European nations were competing for control of North America.

D. European nations were competing for control of North America.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The _____ allied with France during the French and Indian War.

Hurons and Algonquins

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The ______ allied with Great Britain during the French and Indian War.

Iroquois League

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The colonists allied with ______ during the war.

Great Britian

Why did the British and French want control of the Ohio River Valley?

A. to connect their land holdings
B. to control major rivers
C. to take American Indian lands

B. to control major rivers

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

George Washington _____ when he went to fight the French in the Ohio River Valley.

was defeted

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The British then sent a ______ to attack the French Fort Duquesne.

trained army

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The British ______ in the first battle of the French and Indian War.

suffered a defeat

Which of these sentences describes the message of the cartoon?
Check all of the boxes that apply.

A. The colonies should work together.
B. The Iroquois Confederacy must ally with the British.
C. Britain needs to work with all of the American Indian tribes.
D. The colonies cannot survive on their own.

A. The colonies should work together.
D. The colonies cannot survive on their own.

Why was the Albany Plan of Union important?

A. It established an alliance between the Iroquois Confederacy and the British.
B. It was the first attempt to unite the colonies.
C. It built George Washington's reputation as a heroic leader.

B. It was the first attempt to unite the colonies.

Why did the British reject the Albany Plan?

A. They were uneasy about the colonies becoming powerful.
B. They were afraid of losing their independence.
C. They were nervous about losing trade to other colonies.

A. They were uneasy about the colonies becoming powerful.

Think about what you've learned about the war, and select the correct answer that completes each sentence.

The _______ had a large and well-trained military that won several victories early in the French and Indian War.


Think about what you've learned about the war, and select the correct answer that completes each sentence.

Despite sending 15,000 troops, the _______ failed to take control of Fort Ticonderoga in 1758.


What territory did Britain gain?

A. Louisiana
B. land east of the Mississippi River
C. the port of New Orleans

B. land east of the Mississippi River

Which country lost the most land in the Treaty of Paris?

A. Spain
B. Great Britain
C. France

C. France

How did the French and Indian War affect American Indians?

A. They lost power from their alliances.
B. They gained land west of the Mississippi River.
C. They gained confidence in their ability to work together.
D. They made more money from trading.

A. They lost power from their alliances.

What was the effect of Pontiac's rebellion?

A. American Indians defeated the British.
B. American Indians failed to defeat the British.
C. American Indians regained their tribal lands.
D. American Indians gave their lands to the French.

B. American Indians failed to defeat the British.

What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

A. to claim land that the French wanted to take
B. to establish new colonies to the west
C. to prevent conflict with American Indians
D. to allow the colonists to settle wherever they wanted

C. to prevent conflict with American Indians

Which of the following reflects the colonists' view of the proclamation?

A. They supported it.
B. They wanted to change it.
C. They ignored it.
D. They believed it was helpful.

C. They ignored it.

How did the French and Indian War affect the relationship between Britain and the colonies?

A. It strengthened their ability to work together.
B. It caused new tension over paying for the war.
C. It allowed the British to pay less attention to the colonies.
D. It helped Britain realize that the colonies needed to form a union.

B. It caused new tension over paying for the war.

What was the main conflict that led to the French and Indian War?

A. competition over land in the Americas
B. trade agreements between Britain and France
C. alliances with American Indians
D. new taxes on the colonists

A. competition over land in the Americas

Choose the right word or phrase that completes this sentence.

The ______ supported the British in the war.

Iroquois Confederacy

Which area was at the center of the conflict between France and Britain?
Check all the boxes that apply.

A. the Ohio River Valley
B. Florida
C. Louisiana

A. the Ohio River Valley

The political cartoon suggests that the colonies should unite because they

A. would need to support France.
B. would be stronger together.
C. would be able to give more power to the British.

B. would be stronger together.

The Albany Plan of Union gave a grand council and president general the power to _______ .

impose taxes

Why did the colonial governments reject the Albany Plan of Union?

A. They hoped to support colonial unity.
B. They feared losing their authority.
C. They thought the needs of the colonies were already being met.

B. They feared losing their authority.

How did the colonists' rejection of the Proclamation of 1763 affect American Indians?

A. American Indians were forced to fight the colonists for control of British forts.
B. More and more settlers moved onto American Indian lands.
C. American Indians were not allowed to move west.

B. More and more settlers moved onto American Indian lands.

Which of the following battles were won by the British?
Check any of the boxes that apply.

A. Quebec
B. Fort William Henry
C. Fort Oswego
D. Montreal

A. Quebec
D. Montreal

The British sent 15,000 troops to attack _______ in 1758, but they were defeated by the French.

Fort Ticonderoga

How did the British turn the war in their favor?

A. by allowing the colonists to control the war effort
B. by ending alliances with American Indians
C. by sending more British troops into battle

C. by sending more British troops into battle

What was George Washington's role in the French and Indian War?

A. He established an alliance between the British and the Iroquois Confederacy.
B. He led militias and troops in battles that led to the start of the war.
C. He led the British to early victories at Fort Ticonderoga and Quebec.

B. He led militias and troops in battles that led to the start of the war.

Which of the following British policies increased colonists' resentment during the war?
Check all the boxes that apply.

A. taking supplies from the colonists
B. forcing colonists to serve in the army
C. preventing colonists from moving west
D. neglecting the colonies
E. having soldiers stay in colonists' homes

A. taking supplies from the colonists
B. forcing colonists to serve in the army
E. having soldiers stay in colonists' homes

How did the Treaty of Paris affect France?

A. France gave territory to Britain and Spain.
B. France gave land east of the Mississippi River to the colonists.
C. France received land from American Indians.
D. France received control of the Ohio River Valley.

A. France gave territory to Britain and Spain.

Choose the right word that completes each sentence.

The French and Indian War helped to establish ______ domination of North America.


_______ took control of the port of New Orleans as a result of the war.


What did Pontiac lead a rebellion against?

A. the British takeover of French lands
B. the colonists' plan to end settlement in the west
C. the economic profits from the war

A. the British takeover of French lands

How did American Indians benefit from the Proclamation of 1763?

A. They were given the chance to end the settlement of the west.
B. They gained back all of the territory they had lost before the war.
C. Their rights to land were officially recognized by a European nation.

C. Their rights to land were officially recognized by a European nation.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The war ____ farmers, shipbuilders, and other workers in the colonies.


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

The war helped make the several colonies ______ united.


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

After the war, many colonists were _______ moving to the lands in the west.

excited to

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

Most American Indian tribes had supported the ________ , leaving them in a weak position after the war.


The purpose of the Albany Plan of Union was to

A. divide the American colonies.
B. unite the American colonies.
C.achieve independence from Great Britain.
D. form an army to fight the French.

B. unite the American colonies.

Which of the following best describes the result of Pontiac's Rebellion?

A. The British set aside land west of the Appalachians for American Indians, and the colonists withdrew.
B. The British set aside land west of the Appalachians for American Indians, but the colonists refused to leave.
C. The Ottawa Indians regained control of their original territory, which was west of the Appalachians.
D. American Indians left the area west of the Appalachian Mountains to settle farther east.

B. The British set aside land west of the Appalachians for American Indians, but the colonists refused to leave.

Which of the following did the Treaty of Paris make possible?

A. Spanish settlement throughout Florida
B. French settlement in the Ohio River Valley
C. American Indian settlement in the east
D. British control over lands east of the Mississippi

D. British control over lands east of the Mississippi

How did the British respond to the Albany Plan of Union?

A. They opposed it because they worried that colonists would support the French.
B. They supported it because they wanted colonial military help.
C. They supported it because they wanted the colonies to be united.
D. They opposed it because they did not want the colonies to be united.

D. They opposed it because they did not want the colonies to be united.

Which location was the scene of fighting that led to the start of the French and Indian War?

A. Fort Oswego
B. Fort William Henry
C. Fort Duquesne
D. Fort Ticonderoga

C. Fort Duquesne

Why did Pontiac lead a rebellion against the British following the French and Indian War?

A. Colonists began to move west, and American Indians lost land and power.
B. The French government allowed colonists to settle American Indian lands.
C. The Albany Plan of Union was adopted, which American Indians resented.
D. The Proclamation of 1763 was adopted, which American Indians resented.

A. Colonists began to move west, and American Indians lost land and power.

Ultimately, the Albany Plan of Union was

A. rejected by the colonies and the British.
B. accepted by the colonies and put in place in 1755.
C. accepted by the colonies but rejected by Parliament.
D. rejected by the colonies but imposed by the British.

A. rejected by the colonies and the British.

Tensions that led to the French and Indian War were based on competition among

A. the French and American Indian groups.
B. European colonial powers.
C. different English colonies.
D. American Indian groups.

B. European colonial powers.

Which of the following best summarizes the effect of the French and Indian War on American Indian groups in eastern North America?

A. American Indian groups gained land but lost power.
B. American Indian groups gained land and power.
C. American Indian groups lost land but gained power.
D. American Indian groups lost land and power.

D. American Indian groups lost land and power.

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