What effect did the creation of the Dominion of New England and the Navigation Acts have on the relationship between the British government and the colonists quizlet?


James is unpopular in Great Britain. He has little respect for Parliament.


James flees the country, and William and Mary (favored by Parliament) take over.

Effects in Regime Change
In England:

Parliament passed a series of laws, making them more powerful.

In the Colonies:

The colonists saw this as an opening, staged a rebellion, arrested Andros and sought to remove British restrictions.

What effect did the creation of the Dominion of New England and the Navigation Acts have on the relationship between the British government and the colonists?

The Dominion formed a megacolony and accomplished three purposes: Strengthened colonial defense from Native American attacks. Collected taxes more efficiently by enforcing the Navigation Acts. Established more direct control over the New England colonies.

What effects did the Navigation Acts have on Britain and its colonies?

Navigation Acts prevented the colonies from shipping any goods anywhere without first stopping in an English port to have their cargoes loaded and unloaded; resulting in providing work for English dockworkers, stevedores, and longshoremen; and also an opportunity to regulate and tax, what was being shipped.

What was one of the effects of the Navigation Acts on the colonies quizlet?

How did the Navigation Acts Affect the colonists? it directed the flow of goods between England and the colonies. It told colonial merchants that they could not use foreign ships to send their goods, even if it was less expensive.

How did the creation of the Dominion of New England Impact colonies in New England and eventually those in New York and New Jersey quizlet?

How did the creation of the Dominion of New England impact colonies in New England (and eventually those in New York and New Jersey)? It limited the authority of the colonists by increasing British authority to enforce laws.