How do succession planning and workforce planning compare in terms of the targeted employee groups answers?

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Terms in this set (47)

How do succession planning and workforce planning compare in terms of targeted employee groups?

a) succession planning focuses on middle- and upper-level management.
b) both planning methods focus on all employees
c) succession planning focuses on exempt employees
d) both planning methods focus on exempt employees


What practice helps to avoid problems with pay compression?

a) providing the same raises to all employees
b) paying high performers larger raises than other employees
c) paying new hires higher starting salaries
d) capping to top salary for each job category


An economical shift from value created by manufacturing to value created by knowledge results in a noticeable increase in the use of what type of worker?

a) telecommuting
b) contingent
c) part-time
d) temporary


What is a good strategy to use a localization approach to global HR management?

a) when there are too many laws and political issues that require compliance in the host country
b) when an organization conducts business in countries experiencing political and economic instability
c) when there are many extraterritorial laws that apply
d) when a sudden change is anticipated in the home country


What is the impact that a service level agreement has when an organization moves from licensing software to software as a service (SaaS)?

a) it does not define concerns over users' pay-per-use
b) it eliminates the need for clarification on who is the customer and who is the client
c) the organization will not need to implement or customize software
d) the organization will need to provide real-time monitoring only after the installation


Which policy represents a pre-departure retention method that could be used to mitigate expatriate turnover?

a) maintain strong, regular lines of communication
b) provide practical, repatriation assistance
c) require home visits and encourage expatriates to use them in network
d) set realistic expectations about post assignment career advancement


Which step of Kotter's change management model is in use if a CEO asks several senior executives to assemble a group of managers and employees from all areas of the organization to lead a new change effort?

a) establishing a sense of urgency for the transformation
b) empowering others to act cohesively on a vision
c) forming a guiding coalition
d) planning for and creating guiding coalition


What information is likely to have the most significant effect on the demand analysis step of workforce planning?

a) estimates of the amount of time it takes to fill open positions
b) projections of the return on investment from a high potential employee development program
c) forecasts of revenue and expenditures associates with a new product line
d) classifications of staff members by demographic category


What will most likely be achieved through adopting a transnational model?

a) a high level of local responsiveness
b) convergence of management practices
c) tight central control of operations
d) simplified coordination of business operations


What is the crucial starting point for an organization that is implementing a shared value program?

a) reporting and analyzing
b) measuring the shared value
c) understanding stakeholder's needs and motivations
d) understanding how operations impact those outside the organization


Which action best supports compensation plans to ensure equal pay?

a) conduct a job evaluation to provide objective justification
b) designate a point factor system for pay grades and ranges
c) review annual performance appraisals that are directly tied to performance
d) describe explanation of benefits and opportunities for bonuses

A (job eval is intertwined with org's concern for pay equity)

What is one of the most common criticisms of the 360-degree feedback system?

a) it is difficult to use for all positions in an organization
b) it is difficult to use the instruments to create a developmental plan
c) the feedback comes from a number of individuals so it is difficult to validate
d) raters are not likely to be honest if they feel their comments may be used to punish the person being rated.


Which type of conflict improved a group's performance?

a) intragroup
b) functional
c) dysfunctional
d) dyadic


How can a manager best use HRM policies and practices to align employees' skills and behaviors with the organization's strategic goals?

a) perform job analyses to ensure employees understand their job tasks, duties, and responsibilities
b) implement employee benefit programs through benchmarking to ensure the competitiveness of offerings
c) measure attrition and conduct exit interviews to identify patterns and recommend solutions
d) develop incentive plans where individual and group goals and objectives are tied to organization profitability

(a or d)

Which action would be most important in building trust with a colleague?

a) socializing outside work more frequently
b) acting consistently in line with shared values
c) clarifying roles and authority
d) developing one's professional expertise


Which HR metric is most relevant to an organization concerned with tracking labor costs?

a) time to fill
b) revenue per employee
c) human capital value added
d) training costs per employee

d (a metric for ROI)

According to the balanced scorecard approach, which key performance indicator falls under the internal business processes area?

a) mystery shopper score of 80& for the branch
b) ISO 9001 certification by year-end
c) Appropriate certification of all the staff in wealth management by midyear
d) increase profit of 10% by year-end

b (ISO 9001 is the international standard for providing products that meet regulatory requirements for quality)

After completing a balanced scorecard for the HR function, a leader proposed revising the performance management system to require evidence of completed certifications and/or training every year. What area of the balanced scorecard is the leader focusing on?

a) learning and growth
b) financial
c) internal business processes
d) customers


Which is an example of a leader demonstrating emotional intelligence through self-management?

a) remaining calm under pressure
b) understanding personal strengths and weaknesses
c) being self-assured in one's ability
d) showing empathy

a (through self-management)

Which is the best example of a benchmarked job?

a) a position serving as the basis of the salary structure
b) a position requiring unusual knowledge, skills, and experience
c) a unique and important position shown on the career paths of many employees
d) a position found on the organizational charts of a variety of organizations


Which example best describes how supervisors use politics in performance appraisal?

a) evaluating an employee's performance without taking into account a noticeable decline in the employee's loyalty
b) giving a poor rating to an employee who appears uncommitted in hopes of motivating improved performance
c) attending a training session designed to improve accuracy in the performance appraisal process
d) rating each employee on every dimension and combining all the dimensional ratings into an overall evaluation

b (activities within an organization that are aimed at improving someone's status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive)

Which is a challenge in implementing the shared services model approach to HR?

a) increasing dedicated HR resources
b) addressing relationship issues
c) increasing duplication of HR services
d) lowering levels of inefficiency and customer service


Which is the most effective way for HR professionals to align organizational effectiveness and development (OED) interventions with their organization's goals?

a) Involving managers in the development of training activities
b) Reducing learning time for mastery of critical skills
c) Increasing the budget for training and development activities
d) Connecting the organization's strategy and the intervention activities


What would indicate a cultural shift as a result of an OED change initiative?

a) Number of cultural assessments collected
b) Fewer product returns due to quality issues
c) Consensus on key cultural issues
d) Summarized focus group data for management


Based on an analysis of future skills needed, an organization implements two new training courses. What type of intervention is this?

a) task
b) individual
c) functional
d) organizational


Which best describes the situation most likely to use a narrow span of control?

a) Significantly experienced subordinates
b) Complexity of tasks
c) Skilled manager shortage
d) No requirement of team effort


HR is asked to advise on ways to help a development team become fully functional as quickly as possible. The team is dispersed geographically and faces very short deadlines. What team-building solution would you prioritize?

a) Face-to-face socialization meetings
b) Cross-cultural communications training
c) Development of a roles and responsibilities chart
d) Training on stress management


Which is an advantage of a best-of-breed (BOB) HRIS solution over an integrated solution?

a) BOB solution features a common look and feel across applications, making learning and transitions easier.
b) A BOB solution provides greater ease of integrating data from multiple HR functions.
c) A BOB solution provides quicker implementation because the system is simpler and affects fewer employees
d) A BOB solution reduces the complexity of vendor management, because there is only one vendor.


other options are integrated solution.

T/F. Weingarten does not apply to nonunion employees, so employers are not required to allow union representation at an investigatory interview of a nonunion member. Weingarten does not cover unfair labor practices or participation in picket lines.


What data analysis tool should be used to show the relationship between employees' formal education and job performance ratings?

a) Pie chart
b) Pareto chart
c) Scatter diagram
d) Trend analysis

C. scatter diagrams

Scatter diagrams are used to show relationships between two variables-in this case, education level and performance rating.

Which type of HR structure allows organizations with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit's specific strategic needs?

a) Dedicated
b) Decentralized
c) Centralized
d) Functional

A - dedicated.

A dedicated HR structure meets this need and allows the business unit HR staff to develop local policies and practices. This is in some ways a "corporatized" HR, with an HR function at headquarters and separate HR functions located at (or "embedded") in separate business units.

Which solution would best resolve a growing problem with absenteeism?

a) Focusing on results, not behaviors, of employees
b) Using focus groups to determine root problems
c) Administering the organization's attendance policy consistently
d) Using strong disciplinary procedures that result in termination


Administration of the attendance policy will remind employees that absenteeism is not acceptable. Applying the policy consistently will be evidence that the organization holds each employee to the same standard. Focus groups are not an effective forum in which to discuss noncompliance with basic attendance policies. Although it is important to focus on results, results are not always visible and do not replace the need for a consistent attendance policy.

When administered in the same way in different countries, which assessment approach would provide the most consistent results in collecting information on job candidates?

a) One-on-one interviewing
b) Evaluation of work samples
c) Panel interviewing
d) Standardized measures of psychological traits


The evaluation of work samples will probably provide the most consistent results because of the direct relationship between the test situation and the work situation. The interviewing approaches may be very effective, but they are likely to be inconsistent because of the different perspectives of the observers. Responses to psychological tests are likely to be very much affected by cultural differences.

When designing a training program, which should a global HR professional consider first?

a) Local differentiation and stakeholder support
b) Standardization and translation considerations
c) Budget and ethical considerations
d) Local regulations and formal agreements


Local differentiation and stakeholder support have implications for all aspects of the training analysis, design, development, and evaluation process. These precede the other issues mentioned.

An HR director is creating a talent acquisition strategy. What should the director do first to incorporate risk management into the plan?

a) Evaluate the effectiveness of current risk controls.
b) Establish risk management objectives for the strategy.
c) Create risk-monitoring mechanisms and key risk indicators (KRIs)
d) Understand the organization's risk appetite and tolerance.


The first step in creating a strategy with a risk management component is to understand the organization's willingness to take on risk (e.g., by hiring candidates with unconventional qualifications) and tolerance to possible loss (e.g., hiring candidates who may decide to move on quickly). Identifying and analyzing risks and developing risk controls are most effectively performed after risk managers understand the context of risk in the organization.

Leadership has tasked HR with outlining an effective change management plan. What is the first thing HR should do to help manage the change in the organization?

A. Communicate the change management plan to all of the employees.
B. Measure the effectiveness of the change.
C. Consult with the organization's leaders to identify potential gaps in culture and processes.
D. Conduct a survey of the industry, asking specific questions about merger activity successes.

c., because HR needs to first ensure that it understands the direction leadership wants for the company.

A is incorrect bc HR must first work with leadership to fully understand what the new direction of the organization will be and what specific changes will be made.

T/F. Pay increases do not encourage long-term engagement. They are a short-term solution and do not usually encourage employees to stay.


Which action should an HR director recommend that leaders take that would proactively support a union avoidance strategy?

A. Tracking employee engagement scores, looking for and addressing the issues as they arise
B. Instilling a culture of trust and teamwork between employees and management
C. Ensuring that managers are trained to implicitly communicate the negative impact of unions
D. Conducting a communication campaign to remind employees of the growth-stifling impact of unions

B. Building and sustaining a culture of trust between employees and management is one of the most successful strategies for avoiding unionization.

A is incorrect. This is a reactive rather than proactive strategy for union avoidance. Engagement scores will identify that a problem exists, whereas the intent of a proactive strategy is to prevent the problem from developing.
C is incorrect. This could have ethical and legal implications in some countries.
D is incorrect. This can be viewed as a veiled threat against unionizing activity, and it is unethical and illegal in some countries.

After careful research, the HR director learns that many similar organizations have successfully implemented a shared services model with focused HR business partners, centers of excellence, and a centralized HR service center. Which approach is best for the HR director to take to determine the viability of this option?

A. Define new roles based upon a shared services model and present the information to the leadership team.
B. Partner with an external consultant to develop and implement a pilot of the shared services model.
C. Develop a business case for the shared services model, including cost implications, and present it to the CEO.
D. Send out an announcement about the intent to move to a shared services model and request feedback.

C. Developing a business case for this potential change will help to guide HR's research and prepare a data-based discussion with the CEO and the leadership team.

A manager has been assigned to lead a team of employees in organizing corporate-wide participation for a community event next month. The manager knows that in order to meet the goals of the effort, she must make sure that the tasks and expectations are clear and that she provides plenty of direction. What leadership theory is the manager following?

a) Fiedler's contingency theory
b) Blake-Mouton's managerial theory
c) Transformational leadership theory
d) Trait theory


How is a growth-share matrix used in a large organization?

a) To analyze the concept of systems thinking across the organization
b) To understand the competitive position and value of each sector of the business
c) To monitor growth in each business line to develop a year-over-year comparison
d) To provide an overview of internal strengths and opportunities

B. The growth-share matrix is used in large organizations to assess what type of value their divisions, investments, or products produce. The vertical axis measures the rate of growth, and the horizontal axis measures the market share or competitive position in the market.

Which of the following employment practices would an HR director recommend to increase employees' behavioral engagement levels?

a) Implement delegation training for managers.
b) Have final candidates complete an assessment measuring self-initiative.
c) Implement an employee recognition program to reinforce faster completion of tasks.
d) Select applicants with an interest in solving problems and ensure challenging work.

d. Behavioral engagement occurs when both trait engagement (possessing traits like initiative, curiosity, and risk taking) and state engagement (for example, increasing autonomy and control over work) exist and are manifested in how employees approach their jobs.

Which recruitment metric can help to assess the economic value of filling an open position?

cost per hire

What legal principle is followed by national policies requiring affirmative action to prevent discrimination?

a) Equal opportunity
b) Positive action
c) Reservation
d) Workforce nationalization

c. Reservation is often based on the concept that historic national discrimination against a given minority requires counterbalancing favorable affirmative action.

Which is an advantage of having job descriptions in a global environment?

a) They reduce payroll costs because all salaries are set.
b) They reduce cross-border transfers because in-country candidates are easier to find.
c) They eliminate the need for career paths.
d) They expedite forecasting of current and projected staffing.

Global management of information about numbers of various jobs and current and projected openings is based on consistent job descriptions.

What challenge to effective cross-cultural communication is faced by an organization that believes that its way is the best way and that lacks interest in other ways of reaching a goal?

a) Cultural determinism
b) Cultural ethnocentrism
c) Cultural relativism
d) Cultural stereotyping


Which legal process requires proof of employment law violation before the government can impose a fine?

a) Conflict of laws
b) Due process
c) Rule of law
d) Jurisdiction


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