Which patient problem do nurses most commonly encounter in the emergency department quizlet?

Identify and categorize patients to treat the most critical patients first- Triage

Identify life-threatening conditions so correct interventions can begin- Primary survey

Identify all injuries via history, head-to-toe assessment, and inspection- Secondary survey

Involves ongoing monitoring and evaluation of nursing interventions- Patient care and evaluation

Make a decision regarding the next step for the patient once discharged- Disposition

What is the primary goal of a triage system used by the nurse with patients presenting to the emergency department quizlet?

The primary goal of the triage system is to facilitate the ED nurse's ability to prioritize care according to the acuity of the patient, having the clients with the more severe illness or injury seen first. Airway, breathing, and circulation are part of the primary survey.

When an unexpected death occurs in the ED which of the following tasks is most appropriate to delegate to the nursing assistant?

When an unexpected death occurs in the emergency department. which task is the most appropriate to delegate to a nursing assistant? Help the family to collect belongings.

Which intervention is the highest priority prehospital intervention for a client bitten by a snake?

Which intervention is the highest priority prehospital intervention for a client bitten by a snake? The priority nursing intervention for a client bitten by a snake is to immobilize the affected extremity using a splint because this may limit the spread of venom.