How does the Integrated Marketing Communications IMC plan approach differ from traditional approaches to promotion *?

How does the integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan approach differ from traditional approaches to promotion?

A. IMC puts more emphasis on advertising and less on sales promotion.

B. IMC puts more emphasis on sales promotion and less on advertising.

C. IMC recognizes that marketers must be able to use a wide range of marketing and promotional tools to present a consistent image to target audiences.

D. IMC places barriers around the various marketing and promotional functions and requires that they be planned and managed separately.

E. IMC predominately makes use of mass media communications in order to attract and retain customers.

Answer: C

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Why is integrated marketing communications IMC approach a better way of marketing communications than the traditional approach to marketing communications?

Integrated marketing communication scores over traditional ways of marketing as it focuses on not only winning new customers but also maintaining long term healthy relationship with them. Integrated marketing communication ensures two way dialogue with customers - a must in all business.

What is marketing communication compare traditional marketing communication and IMC?

Marketing communications include advertising, direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotions. IMC is a concept of bringing together separate aspects or elements of marketing and communication to consumers to buy their products or services as a whole as one strategy.

What is the difference between promotion and integrated marketing communication?

The key difference between IMC and promotional mix is that IMC refers to conveying a brand message to its targeted audience to lure customers for purchases whereas promotional mix refers to the integration of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing to lure target audience ...

What is integrated marketing communication IMC )? Discuss the differences between integrated marketing communication and integrated brand promotion IBP?

Difference between marketing communication and IBP: IMC emphasizes the communication effort and the need for coordinated and synergistic messages. IBP also emphasizes coordination and synergy of communication but goes beyond the parameters of IMC.