How does the use of the Internet intranets and extranets support the companies for their business processes and activities?

Lesson 3 The Internet, intranets, and extranets
Objective How Businesses use the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets.

Business uses of the Internet

Given its capabilities and widespread use, the Internet is a powerful business tool. Companies can communicate efficiently and cost-effectively with employees and potential customers worldwide.

As the figure below shows, businesses use the Internet to:
  1. Sell their products and services online
  2. Generate brand or name awareness
  3. Reach new audiences with product information
  4. Improve customer service and support
  5. Reduce printing costs
  6. Automate internal processes
  7. Conduct surveys and market studies online

Business uses of the Internet

Intranets explained

An intranet is a private TCP/IP-based network of computers on an organization's secure local area network (LAN).
An intranet typically contains confidential and sensitive company documents. Each intranet is custom-designed to meet an organization's needs. As such, only an organization's employees have access to it. The employees access the intranet using the same Web browser they use to access the Internet (for example, Firefox or Microsoft's Internet Explorer).

Extranets explained

An extranet is a special portion of an intranet to which only authorized users may send and receive information or conduct transactions. Think of an extranet as an intranet that allows a company's clients to access it. Extranets can be completely outside a company's network or they can be attached through secure measures.
The Slide Show shows examples of how businesses might use intranets and extranets.

Intranet Extranet Features
In the next lesson, you will learn how businesses use other types of networks.

How does the use of the Internet intranets and extranets support the companies for their business processes and activities?

2. How does the use of the Internet, intranets, and extranets by companies today support their business processes and activities?

In order to succeed today, organizations that are competing in global markets are increasing rapidly. The increased use of technologies such as the Internet, intranets, and extranets will definitely revolutionize how businesses will operate and how they will use computers to compete. The Internet and related technologies and applications have changed the ways companies operate their businesses processes and activities. For example, companies can network their offices and share data to be more effective and efficient. However, excessive use of the Internet, intranets, and extranets also create intense competition daily in the marketplace for companies. Therefore, in order to be a successful company, these technologies alongside with computers will transform their roles in the business world to lead to a more effective and powerful standing company.

Enterprise collaboration systems involve the use of software tools to support communication, coordination, and collaboration among the members of networked teams and workgroups. A company may use intranets, the Internet, extranets, and other networks to implement such systems. For example, employees and external consultants may form a virtual team that uses a corporate intranet and the Internet for e-mail, videoconferencing, electronic discussion groups, and Web pages of work-in-progress information to collaborate on business projects.

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. Through Internet, organization can connect directly with

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How does the use of internet intranet and extranet by companies today support their business processes and activities?

An intranet is a private - internal - business network that enables your employees to share information, collaborate, and improve their communications. An extranet enables your business to communicate and collaborate more effectively with selected business partners, suppliers and customers.

How does internet intranet and extranet technology work?

The internet is a global collection of computer networks known as the world wide web. On the other hand, an intranet is an online network only company employees can access. An extranet is an extension of an intranet. It lets approved third parties (such as vendors or customers) access restricted information.

How do businesses use extranets to manage information?

Companies can use extranets to communicate information or to give customers access to certain online products that the company manages. Intranets are designed to communicate within a company. For example, a web design firm may offer an extranet website to clients to preview or discuss ongoing projects.

What role is played by intranets and extranets in e commerce application explain by using an example?

Extranet is used to check status, access data, send mail, place order etc. 1. Intranet is a tool for sharing information throughout the organization. Whereas Extranet is a tool for sharing information between the internal members and external members.