How many key legal sources influence Canadian recruitment and selection employment practices?

-Males or females to fill in different applications
-About pregnancy, childbearing plans, or child care arrangements

Can ask applicant if the attendance requirements can be met

During the interview or after selection, the applicant, for purposes of courtesy, may be asked which of Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms. is preferred

Chapter 3: Legal IssuesLegal Sources Affecting Recruitment and SelectionFour legal sources affect Canadian employment practices inrecruitment and selection.o(1) Constitutional law: is the supreme law of Canada. It has a pervasiveimpact on employment practices, as it does on all spheres of Canadiansociety.BASICALLY ITS THE SUPREME LAW OF CANADA THAT AFFECTS ALLSPHERES OF CANADIAN SOCIETYo(2) Human rights legislationacross Canada prohibits discrimination inboth employment and the provision of goods and servicesBASICALLY DISCRIMINATION INVOLVNIG EMPLOYMENT OR THEPROVISION OF GOODS ISNT ALLOWEDDiscrimination: in employment, any refusal to employ or tocontinue to employ any persons, or to adversely affect any currentemployee,based on that individual’s membership in a protectedgroup. All Canadian jurisdictions prohibit discrimination at least basedon race or colour, religion or creed, age, sex, marital status, andphysical or mental disability.BASICALLY YOU ARE NOT EMPLOYING SOMEONE BASED ON HOWTHEY LOOKAll Canadian jurisdictions prohibit discrimination at least on thebasis of race or colour, religion or creed, age, sex, marital status,and physical or mental disability.o(3) Employment equity programsare administrative mechanisms setup in many Canadian organizations in response to federal employmentequity legislation initiatives and cover nearly 2 million working Canadians.BASICALLY THESE PROGRAMS ARE CREATED IN RESPONSE TOFEDERAL EMPLOYEE EQUITY LEGISLATIONEmployment equity programs are intended to promote the entry andretention of people from designated groups (including women, visibleminorities, Aboriginal peoples, and people with disabilities).BASICALLY ITS TO PROMOTE ENTRY AND RETENETION FORCERTAIN GROUPS OF PEOPLE

According to Gunderson & Taras (2009), the major legislations that regulate the recruitment and selection of the employees both in the public and private sector in Ontario province of Canada include; the common law of contract, the legislation that governs the collective bargaining and the primary employment statutes ( ...

Which legislation has the most profound impact on Canadian recruitment and selection?

The most important piece of employment legislation to bear in mind is the Equality Act 2010. The Act prevents employers from discriminating against employees and job applicants on the basis of protected characteristics.

What are the major categories of legislation that affect recruitment and selection?

The major types of legislation are constitutional law, human rights law, employment equity and labour law, employment standards and any other related legislation.

Which of the following laws regulate hiring practices?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Prohibits discrimination in hiring, compensation, and terms, conditions, or priveleges of employment based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin.