Which of the following influence tactics involves using flattery praise or friendly behavior prior to making a request?

What is the ____________ of engaging in politicking?

Sometimes we engage in political behavior for little good reason.

Major league baseball player Al Martin claimed he played football at USC when in fact he never did. As a baseball player, he had little to gain by pretending to have played football.

Outright lies like this may be a rather extreme example of impression management, but many of us have distorted information to make a favorable impression. One thing to keep in mind is whether it's really worth the risk.

ethics of behaving politically

What are the 3 types of influence tactics?

Among these tactics, inspirational appeal, consultation and rational appeal* were found to be the most effective influence methods (with inspirational appeal being the most effective among all three); coalition and pressure were found to be the least effective influence methods (these tactics tend to be not only ...

Which of the following influence tactics uses flattery and friendly behavior before making a request?

Ingratiation. A tactic that emphasizes on getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request. It includes being friendly, helpful, and using praise or flattery. Personal appeals.

Which influence tactic relies on your authority position or saying a request accords with organizational policies or rules?

Legitimacy. Relying on your authority position or saying a request accords with organizational policies or rules.

Which influence tactic involves presenting logical arguments and evidence to show that a request is reasonable?

Chapter 12 in 115.