Identify the examples of laissez-faire economic doctrine during the late nineteenth century.

Fill in the -

The development of such massive fortunes as those of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller required a great deal of business prowess and -, but it took more than that. To become one of the tycoons of Big Business required government -.

To ensure the prosperity of their enterprises, corporations purchased government influence by -. In return, the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government adopted - economic policies. This meant that the government did not impose significant - or meaningfully monitor the - of wage laborers.

-working conditions
-performing charitable acts
-individual genius
-corporate taxes

How did laissez

Entrepreneurs fueled industrialization and helped spur innovation in the late 1800s. They benefited from laissez-faire policies, which allowed business to work under minimal government regulation. Congress enacted protective tariffs to encourage the buying of American goods.

What late

What late-nineteenth-century development led to a growing class-consciousness in the United States? The growing gap between the rich and the poor.

What is laissez

The term laissez faire refers to the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference . This policy favors a free market unregulated by government.

Which of the following best describes the concept of laissez

Which of the following BEST describes a laissez-faire economic policy? The government should leave business alone.


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