If you were thinking about an oven as a system which of the following represents the process?

  1. Which of the following represents the top-down (executives to analysts) organizational levels of information technology systems?

  1. Review the below list of key terms and determine which one typically occurs during operational business process improvement.

    1. Automation

  1. Transaction processing systems are primarily used to automate business processes. Automation increases efficiency and effectiveness, while reducing head count, which in turn reduces the overall operational ____________.

  1. One of the most important and challenging question confronting managers today is how to lay the foundation for tomorrow's success while competing to win in today's business environment.

  1. Efficiency MIS metrics focus on the extent to which a firm is using its resources in an optimal way, while effectiveness MIS metrics focus on ________

  1. When evaluating the six-step decision making process, what occurs during the solution implementation step?

The process will begin again if the decisions made were incorrect

  1. Sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, optimization analysis, and market basket analysis are the common DSS analysis techniques.

  1. What form of processes include loan processing for a bank, claims processing for an insurance company, reservation processing for a hotel, and baggage handling for an airline?

Industry-specific customer facing processes

Which of the followingis not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0?

Which of the below statements is correct

just putting up a website doesnt create an ebusiness

some of the benefits for a companyto operate an internal wiki are that they are great tools for all of thefollowing except:

Building software applications

What maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works together?

Social networking analysis

  1. What is the business strategy that lets a company shorten the order process and add value with reduced costs or a more responsive and efficient service, and occurs when a business sells directly to the customer online?

What is the type of knowledge that is contained in peoples heads

which of the following represents a brick-and-mortar business

Which of the following best describes web 2.0 

Social media and user-generated web content

  1. Which of the below is not considered an advantage of a content management system?

    1. Content management systems increase order entry speed

  1. Which of the below focuses on user-generated content?

  1. A DDoS stands for one of the common forms of viruses, that attacks multiple computers to flood a website until it slows or crashes. What does DDoS stand for?

    1. Distributed denial-of-service attack

  1. What are critical questions that managers should ask when determining the cost of downtime?

what can encryption technology perform

  1. The most secure procedures combine which of the following authentication and authorization techniques?

  1. What is the difference between pirated and counterfeit software?

    1. Pirated is the unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted software, where counterfeit is software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such.

  1. Which of the following represents the classic example of unintentional information reuse?

  1. What is the one of the most common forms of computer vulnerabilities that can cause massive computer damage?

Which of the below defines information security. 

If you were thinking about a washing machine as a system which of the following represents the outputs?

The output for a washing machine includes clean clothes.

Product differentiation occurs when a company develops unique differences in its products or services with the intent to influence demand.

Which of the following does not offer a good example of a system?

Which of the following demonstrates a company that has implemented a low cost, broad market strategy?

Which of the following is included as one of Friedman's 10 Forces that flattened the world?

Supplier power is one of Porter's five forces and it measures the suppliers' ability to influence the prices they charge for supplies (including materials, labor, and services).

Your boss, Kerry Miller, has asked you to analyze the soft drink industry using Porter's five forces model. Which of the following represents rivalry in the soft drink industry?

Coke and Pepsi submit bids to the owner of a football stadium for the exclusive sale of their products during games.

Your boss, Kerry Miller, has asked you to analyze the soft drink industry using Porter's five forces model. Which of the following represents a threat of a new entrant in the soft drink industry?

Zevia Natural Diet Soda begins selling directly over the Internet.

If you were thinking about an oven as a system which of the following represents the input?

Which of the following is not included as one of Friedman's 10 Forces that flattened the world?

Which of the following is not included as one of Friedman's 10 forces that flattened the world? Systems thinking.

Which of the following provides an accurate definition of systems thinking?

Which of the following provides an accurate definition of systems thinking? A way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed to produce outputs while continuously gathering feedback on each part.

Which activities belong in the operations management department?

Operations management involves managing the operations and processes of an organization. Some of the functions performed by an operations manager include supply chain management, product design, forecasting, quality control, and delivery management.

Which department manages the process of converting or transforming resources into goods or services?

The operations management department manages the process of converting or transforming resources into goods or services.