In what kind of recovery does the DBMS use the log to undo any changes made to a database during a certain period?

43.In a(n) ____ recovery, the DBMS uses the log to reenter changes made to a database since the last saveor backup.a.instantc.integratedb.baselined.forwardANS: DPTS:1REF:532

44.In a log, a DBMS places ____.

In what kind of recovery does the DBMS use the log to undo any changes made to a database during a certain period?

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In what kind of recovery does the DBMS use the log to undo any changes made to a database during a certain period?

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Principles of Information Systems


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b.the actual change to a recordd.all of the aboveANS: DPTS:1REF:53245.More complex DBMSs maintain a(n) ____, which is a listing of activities that change the contents of adatabase.PTS:1REF:532

46.A DBMS that creates a log usually provides a(n) ____ utility that uses the logs and/or backups torestore a database when it becomes damaged or destroyed.PTS:1REF:532

47.In a(n) ____ recovery, the DBMS uses the log to undo any changes made to a database during a certainperiod.a.backwardc.undob.restoratived.modelANS: APTS:1REF:532

48.____ backup is a backup plan in which all data is backed up whenever a change is made.PTS:1REF:532

49.A(n) ____ model consists of rules and standards that define how a database organizes data.PTS:1REF:533

50.Some databases are called ____ databases because they combine features of the relational and object-oriented data models.PTS:1REF:533

51.Popular data models in use today include all of the following EXCEPT ____.a.relationalc.object-orientedb.hierarchicald.multidimensionalANS: BPTS:1REF:533

52.In a relational database, each row ____.

d.and each column has a unique nameANS: CPTS:1REF:53353.A user of a relational database, such as that pictured in the accompanying figure, refers to a file as a____.

b.columnd.relationshipANS: APTS:1REF:53354.A user of a relational database, such as that pictured in the accompanying figure, refers to a record as a____.PTS:1REF:533

55.A user of a relational database, such as that pictured in the accompanying figure, refers to a field as a____.a.tablec.rowb.columnd.relationshipANS: BPTS:1REF:533

What database term is used to describe a request for specific data from the database?

A database query is either an action query or a select query. A select query is one that retrieves data from a database.

What are the techniques to restore the database to a usable form in case it is damaged or destroyed?

A DBMS that creates a log usually provides a recovery utility. A recovery utility uses the logs and/or backups to restore a database when it becomes damaged or destroyed and a Continuous backup which is a backup plan in which all data is backed up whenever a change is made.

Which is an aspect of a DBMS that is not true for a file processing system?

In DBMS there is no redundant data. It doesn't provide backup and recovery of data if it is lost. It provides backup and recovery of data even if it is lost. There is no efficient query processing in the file system.

What is the process that is used to find patterns and relationships among data in large databases?

Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships that can help solve business problems through data analysis. Data mining techniques and tools enable enterprises to predict future trends and make more-informed business decisions.