What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

1-D Statistical Data Analysis

Michel Jambu, in Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis, 1991

2.4.6 Histograms and Frequency Polygons

Histograms and frequency polygons are two graphical representations of frequency distributions:


A histogram or frequency histogram consists of a set of rectangles having:


bases on a horizontal axis (the x-axis) with centers at the class midpoint and lengths equal to the class interval sizes;


areas that are proportional to class frequencies. If the class intervals all have equal size, the heights of the rectangles are proportional to the class frequencies and it is then customary to have the heights numerically equal to the class frequencies. If class intervals do not have equal size, these heights must be adjusted.


A frequency polygon is a line graph of class frequency plotted against class midpoint. It can be obtained by joining the midpoints of the tops of the rectangles in the histogram (cf. Fig. 3.3.).

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 3.3. Frequency histogram of cars according to their prices.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080923673500071

Describing Data Sets

Sheldon M. Ross, in Introductory Statistics (Fourth Edition), 2017

2.2.1 Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, and Frequency Polygons

Data from a frequency table can be graphically pictured by a line graph, which plots the successive values on the horizontal axis and indicates the corresponding frequency by the height of a vertical line. A line graph for the data of Table 2.1 is shown in Fig. 2.1.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.1. A line graph.

Sometimes the frequencies are represented not by lines but rather by bars having some thickness. These graphs, called bar graphs, are often utilized. Figure 2.2 presents a bar graph for the data of Table 2.1.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.2. A bar graph.

Another type of graph used to represent a frequency table is the frequency polygon, which plots the frequencies of the different data values and then connects the plotted points with straight lines. Figure 2.3 presents the frequency polygon of the data of Table 2.1.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.3. A frequency polygon.

A set of data is said to be symmetric about the value x0 if the frequencies of the values x0−c and x0+c are the same for all c. That is, for every constant c, there are just as many data points that are c less than x0 as there are that are c greater than x0. The data set presented in Table 2.2, a frequency table, is symmetric about the value x0=3.

Table 2.2. Frequency Table of a Symmetric Data Set

01 4 2
22 6 1
33 0 0

Data that are “close to” being symmetric are said to be approximately symmetric. The easiest way to determine whether a data set is approximately symmetric is to represent it graphically. Figure 2.4 presents three bar graphs: one of a symmetric data set, one of an approximately symmetric data set, and one of a data set that exhibits no symmetry.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.4. Bar graphs and symmetry.

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Descriptive statistics

Sheldon M. Ross, in Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (Sixth Edition), 2021

2.2.2 Relative frequency tables and graphs

Consider a data set consisting of n values. If f is the frequency of a particular value, then the ratio f/n is called its relative frequency. That is, the relative frequency of a data value is the proportion of the data that have that value. The relative frequencies can be represented graphically by a relative frequency line or bar graph or by a relative frequency polygon. Indeed, these relative frequency graphs will look like the corresponding graphs of the absolute frequencies except that the labels on the vertical axis are now the old labels (that gave the frequencies) divided by the total number of data points.

Example 2.2.a

Table 2.2 is a relative frequency table for the data of Table 2.1. The relative frequencies are obtained by dividing the corresponding frequencies of Table 2.1 by 42, the size of the data set. ■

Table 2.2.

Starting SalaryFrequency

A pie chart is often used to indicate relative frequencies when the data are not numerical in nature. A circle is constructed and then sliced into different sectors; one for each distinct type of data value. The relative frequency of a data value is indicated by the area of its sector, this area being equal to the total area of the circle multiplied by the relative frequency of the data value.

Example 2.2.b

The following data relate to the different types of cancers affecting the 200 most recent patients to enroll at a clinic specializing in cancer. These data are represented in the pie chart presented in Figure 2.4. ■

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.4.

Type of CancerNumber of New CasesRelative Frequency
Lung42 .21
Breast50 .25
Colon32 .16
Prostate55 .275
Melanoma9 .045
Bladder12 .06

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128243466000119

Descriptive Statistics

Sheldon M. Ross, in Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (Fifth Edition), 2014

2.2 Describing Data Sets

The numerical findings of a study should be presented clearly, concisely, and in such a manner that an observer can quickly obtain a feel for the essential characteristics of the data. Over the years it has been found that tables and graphs are particularly useful ways of presenting data, often revealing important features such as the range, the degree of concentration, and the symmetry of the data. In this section we present some common graphical and tabular ways for presenting data.

2.2.1 Frequency Tables and Graphs

A data set having a relatively small number of distinct values can be conveniently presented in a frequency table. For instance, Table 2.1 is a frequency table for a data set consisting of the starting yearly salaries (to the nearest thousand dollars) of 42 recently graduated students with B.S. degrees in electrical engineering. Table 2.1 tells us, among other things, that the lowest starting salary of $57,000 was received by four of the graduates, whereas the highest salary of $70,000 was received by a single student. The most common starting salary was $62,000, and was received by 10 of the students.

Table 2.1. Starting Yearly Salaries

Starting SalaryFrequency
57 4
58 1
59 3
60 5
61 8
62 10
63 0
64 5
66 2
67 3
70 1

Data from a frequency table can be graphically represented by a line graph that plots the distinct data values on the horizontal axis and indicates their frequencies by the heights of vertical lines. A line graph of the data presented in Table 2.1 is shown in Figure 2.1.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.1. Starting salary data.

When the lines in a line graph are given added thickness, the graph is called a bar graph. Figure 2.2 presents a bar graph.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.2. Bar graph for starting salary data.

Another type of graph used to represent a frequency table is the frequency polygon, which plots the frequencies of the different data values on the vertical axis, and then connects the plotted points with straight lines. Figure 2.3 presents a frequency polygon for the data of Table 2.1.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.3. Frequency polygon for starting salary data.

2.2.2 Relative Frequency Tables and Graphs

Consider a data set consisting of n values. If f is the frequency of a particular value, then the ratio f/n is called its relative frequency. That is, the relative frequency of a data value is the proportion of the data that have that value. The relative frequencies can be represented graphically by a relative frequency line or bar graph or by a relative frequency polygon. Indeed, these relative frequency graphs will look like the corresponding graphs of the absolute frequencies except that the labels on the vertical axis are now the old labels (that gave the frequencies) divided by the total number of data points.

Example 2.2a

Table 2.2 is a relative frequency table for the data of Table 2.1. The relative frequencies are obtained by dividing the corresponding frequencies of Table 2.1 by 42, the size of the data set. ■

Table 2.2.

Starting SalaryFrequency
47 4/42 = .0952
48 1/42 = .0238
49 3/42
50 5/42
51 8/42
52 10/42
53 0
54 5/42
56 2/42
57 3/42
60 1/42

A pie chart is often used to indicate relative frequencies when the data are not numerical in nature. A circle is constructed and then sliced into different sectors; one for each distinct type of data value. The relative frequency of a data value is indicated by the area of its sector, this area being equal to the total area of the circle multiplied by the relative frequency of the data value.

Example 2.2b

The following data relate to the different types of cancers affecting the 200 most recent patients to enroll at a clinic specializing in cancer. These data are represented in the pie chart presented in Figure 2.4. ■

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.4.

Type of CancerNumber of New CasesRelative Frequency
Lung 42 .21
Breast 50 .25
Colon 32 .16
Prostate 55 .275
Melanoma 9 .045
Bladder 12 .06

2.2.3 Grouped Data, Histograms, Ogives, and Stem and Leaf Plots

As seen in Subsection 2.2.2, using a line or a bar graph to plot the frequencies of data values is often an effective way of portraying a data set. However, for some data sets the number of distinct values is too large to utilize this approach. Instead, in such cases, it is useful to divide the values into groupings, or class intervals, and then plot the number of data values falling in each class interval. The number of class intervals chosen should be a trade-off between (1) choosing too few classes at a cost of losing too much information about the actual data values in a class and (2) choosing too many classes, which will result in the frequencies of each class being too small for a pattern to be discernible. Although 5 to 10 class intervals are typical, the appropriate number is a subjective choice, and of course, you can try different numbers of class intervals to see which of the resulting charts appears to be most revealing about the data. It is common, although not essential, to choose class intervals of equal length.

The endpoints of a class interval are called the class boundaries. We will adopt the left- end inclusion convention, which stipulates that a class interval contains its left-end but not its right-end boundary point. Thus, for instance, the class interval 20–30 contains all values that are both greater than or equal to 20 and less than 30.

Table 2.3 presents the lifetimes of 200 incandescent lamps. A class frequency table for the data of Table 2.3 is presented in Table 2.4. The class intervals are of length 100, with the first one starting at 500.

Table 2.3. Life in Hours of 200 Incandescent Lamps

Item Lifetimes
1,067 919 1,196 785 1,126 936 918 1,156 920 948
855 1,092 1,162 1,170 929 950 905 972 1,035 1,045
1,157 1,195 1,195 1,340 1,122 938 970 1,237 956 1,102
1,022 978 832 1,009 1,157 1,151 1,009 765 958 902
923 1,333 811 1,217 1,085 896 958 1,311 1,037 702
521 933 928 1,153 946 858 1,071 1,069 830 1,063
930 807 954 1,063 1,002 909 1,077 1,021 1,062 1,157
999 932 1,035 944 1,049 940 1,122 1,115 833 1,320
901 1,324 818 1,250 1,203 1,078 890 1,303 1,011 1,102
996 780 900 1,106 704 621 854 1,178 1,138 951
1,187 1,067 1,118 1,037 958 760 1,101 949 992 966
824 653 980 935 878 934 910 1,058 730 980
844 814 1,103 1,000 788 1,143 935 1,069 1,170 1,067
1,037 1,151 863 990 1,035 1,112 931 970 932 904
1,026 1,147 883 867 990 1,258 1,192 922 1,150 1,091
1,039 1,083 1,040 1,289 699 1,083 880 1,029 658 912
1,023 984 856 924 801 1,122 1,292 1,116 880 1,173
1,134 932 938 1,078 1,180 1,106 1,184 954 824 529
998 996 1,133 765 775 1,105 1,081 1,171 705 1,425
610 916 1,001 895 709 860 1,110 1,149 972 1,002

Table 2.4. A Class Frequency Table

Class IntervalFrequency (Number of Data Values in the Interval)
500–600 2
600–700 5
700–800 12
800–900 25
900–1000 58
1000–1100 41
1100–1200 43
1200–1300 7
1300–1400 6
1400–1500 1

A bar graph plot of class data, with the bars placed adjacent to each other, is called a histogram. The vertical axis of a histogram can represent either the class frequency or the relative class frequency; in the former case the graph is called a frequency histogram and in the latter a relative frequency histogram. Figure 2.5 presents a frequency histogram of the data in Table 2.4.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.5. A frequency histogram.

We are sometimes interested in plotting a cumulative frequency (or cumulative relative frequency) graph. A point on the horizontal axis of such a graph represents a possible data value; its corresponding vertical plot gives the number (or proportion) of the data whose values are less than or equal to it. A cumulative relative frequency plot of the data of Table 2.3 is given in Figure 2.6. We can conclude from this figure that 100 percent of the data values are less than 1,500, approximately 40 percent are less than or equal to 900, approximately 80 percent are less than or equal to 1,100, and so on. A cumulative frequency plot is called an ogive.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 2.6. A cumulative frequency plot.

An efficient way of organizing a small- to moderate-sized data set is to utilize a stem and leaf plot. Such a plot is obtained by first dividing each data value into two parts—its stem and its leaf. For instance, if the data are all two-digit numbers, then we could let the stem part of a data value be its tens digit and let the leaf be its ones digit. Thus, for instance, the value 62 is expressed as

and the two data values 62 and 67 can be represented as

Example 2.2c

Table 2.5 gives the monthly and yearly average daily minimum temperatures in 35 U.S. cities.

Table 2.5. Normal Daily Minimum Temperature—Selected Cities

[In Fahrenheit degrees. Airport data except as noted. Based on standard 30-year period, 1961 through 1990]

StateStationJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Annual avg.
AL Mobile 40.0 42.7 50.1 57.1 64.4 70.7 73.2 72.9 68.7 57.3 49.1 43.1 57.4
AK Juneau 19.0 22.7 26.7 32.1 38.9 45.0 48.1 47.3 42.9 37.2 27.2 22.6 34.1
AZ Phoenix 41.2 44.7 48.8 55.3 63.9 72.9 81.0 79.2 72.8 60.8 48.9 41.8 59.3
AR Little Rock 29.1 33.2 42.2 50.7 59.0 67.4 71.5 69.8 63.5 50.9 41.5 33.1 51.0
CA Los Angeles 47.8 49.3 50.5 52.8 56.3 59.5 62.8 64.2 63.2 59.2 52.8 47.9 55.5
Sacramento 37.7 41.4 43.2 45.5 50.3 55.3 58.1 58.0 55.7 50.4 43.4 37.8 48.1
San Diego 48.9 50.7 52.8 55.6 59.1 61.9 65.7 67.3 65.6 60.9 53.9 48.8 57.6
San Francisco 41.8 45.0 45.8 47.2 49.7 52.6 53.9 55.0 55.2 51.8 47.1 42.7 49.0
CO Denver 16.1 20.2 25.8 34.5 43.6 52.4 58.6 56.9 47.6 36.4 25.4 17.4 36.2
CT Hartford 15.8 18.6 28.1 37.5 47.6 56.9 62.2 60.4 51.8 40.7 32.8 21.3 39.5
DE Wilmington 22.4 24.8 33.1 41.8 52.2 61.6 67.1 65.9 58.2 45.7 37.0 27.6 44.8
DC Washington 26.8 29.1 37.7 46.4 56.6 66.5 71.4 70.0 62.5 50.3 41.1 31.7 49.2
FL Jacksonville 40.5 43.3 49.2 54.9 62.1 69.1 71.9 71.8 69.0 59.3 50.2 43.4 57.1
Miami 59.2 60.4 64.2 67.8 72.1 75.1 76.2 76.7 75.9 72.1 66.7 61.5 69.0
GA Atlanta 31.5 34.5 42.5 50.2 58.7 66.2 69.5 69.0 63.5 51.9 42.8 35.0 51.3
HI Honolulu 65.6 65.4 67.2 68.7 70.3 72.2 73.5 74.2 73.5 72.3 70.3 67.0 70.0
ID Boise 21.6 27.5 31.9 36.7 43.9 52.1 57.7 56.8 48.2 39.0 31.1 22.5 39.1
IL Chicago 12.9 17.2 28.5 38.6 47.7 57.5 62.6 61.6 53.9 42.2 31.6 19.1 39.5
Peoria 13.2 17.7 29.8 40.8 50.9 60.7 65.4 63.1 55.2 43.1 32.5 19.3 41.0
IN Indianapolis 17.2 20.9 31.9 41.5 51.7 61.0 65.2 62.8 55.6 43.5 34.1 23.2 42.4
IA Des Moines 10.7 15.6 27.6 40.0 51.5 61.2 66.5 63.6 54.5 42.7 29.9 16.1 40.0
KS Wichita 19.2 23.7 33.6 44.5 54.3 64.6 69.9 67.9 59.2 46.6 33.9 23.0 45.0
KY Louisville 23.2 26.5 36.2 45.4 54.7 62.9 67.3 65.8 58.7 45.8 37.3 28.6 46.0
LA New Orleans 41.8 44.4 51.6 58.4 65.2 70.8 73.1 72.8 69.5 58.7 51.0 44.8 58.5
ME Portland 11.4 13.5 24.5 34.1 43.4 52.1 58.3 57.1 48.9 38.3 30.4 17.8 35.8
MD Baltimore 23.4 25.9 34.1 42.5 52.6 61.8 66.8 65.7 58.4 45.9 37.1 28.2 45.2
MA Boston 21.6 23.0 31.3 40.2 49.8 59.1 65.1 64.0 56.8 46.9 38.3 26.7 43.6
MI Detroit 15.6 17.6 27.0 36.8 47.1 56.3 61.3 59.6 52.5 40.9 32.2 21.4 39.0
Sault Ste. Marie 4.6 4.8 15.3 28.4 38.4 45.5 51.3 51.3 44.3 36.2 25.9 11.8 29.8
MN Duluth –2.2 2.8 15.7 28.9 39.6 48.5 55.1 53.3 44.5 35.1 21.5 4.9 29.0
Minneapolis-St. Paul 2.8 9.2 22.7 36.2 47.6 57.6 63.1 60.3 50.3 38.8 25.2 10.2 35.3
MS Jackson 32.7 35.7 44.1 51.9 60.0 67.1 70.5 69.7 63.7 50.3 42.3 36.1 52.0
MO Kansas City 16.7 21.8 32.6 43.8 53.9 63.1 68.2 65.7 56.9 45.7 33.6 21.9 43.7
Sr. Louis 20.8 25.1 35.5 46.4 56.0 65.7 70.4 67.9 60.5 48.3 37.7 26.0 46.7
MT Great Falls 11.6 17.2 22.8 31.9 40.9 48.6 53.2 52.2 43.5 35.8 24.3 14.6 33.1

Source: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climatography of the United States, No. 81.

The annual average daily minimum temperatures from Table 2.5 are represented in the following stem and leaf plot.

7 0.0
6 9.0
5 1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 5.5, 7.1,7.4,7.6,8.5,9.3
4 0.0, 1.0, 2.4, 3.6, 3.7,4.8,5.0,5.2,6.0,6.7,8.1,9.0,9.
3 3.1, 4.1, 5.3, 5.8, 6.2,9.0,9.5,9.5
2 9.0, 9.8

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Patricia A. Urban, E. Christian Wells, in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis is concerned with visual displays of data, rather than with summary statistics and statistical significance tests that are based on deductive reasoning; this is discussed by Tukey. The aim of this approach is purely inductive: to explore the data set for patterning (“smooth data”), as well as deviations from that patterning (“rough data”), relevant to some problem. One of the basic ways in which archaeologists have operationalized this approach for examining univariate and bivariate data is by constructing histograms and stem-and-leaf diagrams, box-and-whisker plots, frequency polygons, and cumulative curves. More complex considerations involving multivariate data include Tukey-line regression, k-means cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and correspondence analysis, to name a few. These graphic displays, especially when combined with computer visualization tools, such as geographic information systems, computer-aided design programs, and mapping software, have prompted archaeologists to work inductively and to become more intimately acquainted with their data. The new archaeology of the 1960s and 1970s required archaeologists to work within a hypothetico-deductive framework, with a priori models, theories, and assumptions, which were then evaluated with data. Today, with incredible advancements in computer-based imaging and graphic quality, research often begins with the discovery of patterns in graphically displayed data, which leads archaeologists to formulate new questions and to discover new relationships in an interactive process between hypothesis testing and graphic displays. The end result is that models of past human behavior often are built from the ground up, in contrast to “theory-down” approaches of the previous decades.

One example of the exploratory data analysis approach in archaeology is correspondence analysis. Pertinent works are by J. M. Greenacre (Theory and Application of Correspondence Analysis) and J. M. Greenacre and J. Blasius (Correspondence Analysis in the Social Sciences). Originally developed by Jean-Paul Benzecri in the 1960s and 1970s for linguistic applications, this multivariate analytical technique is designed to analyze data consisting of frequencies of occurrence in a two-way contingency table, with the aim of showing a graphical representation of the two-dimensional relationships (viewed on a scatterplot) between cases, those between variables, and those between cases and variables. The analysis produces a graphical display of the rows and columns of the data matrix, illustrating clusters within the rows and within the columns, as well as the association between them. Here, both cases and variables are plotted together. Importantly, the analysis reduces domination by frequency counts and focuses on relationships between groups of objects and their context. This capability helps to overcome the fact that in situations in which some variables have significantly higher frequencies than others, such as in artifact assemblages representing different activity areas, the variation in the former will tend to dominate the analysis and the variation in the latter will have very little effect on it. For interpreting the plot, if two sets of cases are similar, then they will appear close to one another on the scatterplot. Likewise, if a case and a variable are similar, then these will tend to appear close to one another on the plot as well. In this way, the relationships among cases can be compared to one another, as well as their relationships to variables. Thus, this analysis can determine the relative strength of a relationship between cases as well as the ways in which the cases are similar.

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Introduction to Descriptive Statistics

Oliver C. Ibe, in Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes (Second Edition), 2014

8.5 Graphical and Tabular Displays

One of the methods of data analysis is to organize the data into a graphical or tabular form so that a trend, if any, emerging out of the data can be seen easily. Different graphical methods are used for this purpose and they include dot plots, frequency distribution, bar charts, histograms, frequency polygon, pie charts, and box and whiskers plot. These methods are discussed in this section.

8.5.1 Dot Plots

A dot plot, also called a dot chart, is used for relatively small data sets. The plot groups the data as little as possible and the identity of an individual observation is not lost. A dot plot uses dots to show where the data values (or scores) in a distribution are. The dots are plotted against their actual data values that are on the horizontal scale. If there are identical data values, the dots are “piled” on top of each other. Thus, to draw a dot plot, count the number of data points falling in each data value and draw a stack of dots that corresponds to the number of items in each data value. The plot makes it easy to see gaps and clusters in a data set as well as how the data spreads along the axis. For example, consider the following data set:


Since the value 50 occurs three times in the data set, there are three dots above 50. Similarly, since the value 65 occurs twice, there are two dots above 65. Thus, each dot in the plot represents a data item; there are as many dots on the plot as there are data items in the observation set. The dot plot for the data set is shown in Figure 8.4.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.4. Example of a Dot Plot

8.5.2 Frequency Distribution

A frequency distribution is a table that lists the set of values in a data set and their frequencies (i.e., the number of times each occurs in the data set). For example, consider the following data set X:

35,48,50,50,50,54, 56,65,65,70,75,80

The frequency distribution of the set is shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2. Example of Frequency Distribution

35 1
48 1
50 3
54 1
56 1
65 2
70 1
75 1
80 1

Sometimes a set of data covers such a wide range of values that a list of all the X values would be too long to be a “simple” presentation of the data. In this case we use a grouped frequency distribution table in which the X column lists groups of data values, called class intervals, rather than individual data values. The width of each class can be determined by dividing the range of observations by the number of classes. It is advisable to have equal class widths, and the class intervals should be mutually exclusive and non-overlapping.

Class limits separate one class from another. The class width is the difference between the lower limits of two consecutive classes or the upper limits of two consecutive classes. A class mark (midpoint) is the number in the middle of the class. It is found by adding the upper and lower limits and dividing the sum by two. Table 8.3 shows how we can define the group frequency distribution of the following data set:

Table 8.3. Example of Group Frequency Distribution

ClassFrequencyClass Marks
34 to 40 1 37
41 to 47 0 44
48 to 54 5 51
55 to 61 1 58
62 to 68 2 65
69 to 75 2 72
76 to 82 1 79

35,48,50,50,50,54,56,65,65,70,75 ,80

From the table we find that the class width is 41 − 34 = 47 − 40 = 7. The table also shows the class marks (or the midpoints of the different classes). Observe that the class marks are also separated by the class width.

8.5.3 Histograms

A frequency histogram (or simply histogram) is used to graphically display the grouped frequency distribution. It consists of vertical bars drawn above the classes so that the height of a bar corresponds to the frequency of the class that it represents and the width of the bar extends to the real limits of the score class. Thus, the columns are of equal width, and there are no spaces between columns. For example, the histogram for the Table 8.3 is shown in Figure 8.5.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.5. Histogram for Table 8.3

8.5.4 Frequency Polygons

A frequency polygon is a graph that is obtained by joining the class marks of a histogram with the two end points lying on the horizontal axis. It gives an idea of the shape of the distribution. It can be superimposed on the histogram by placing the dots on the class marks of the histogram, as shown in Figure 8.6, which is the frequency polygon of Figure 8.5.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.6. Frequency Polygon for Table 8.3

8.5.5 Bar Graphs

A bar graph (or bar chart) is a type of graph in which each column (plotted either vertically or horizontally) represents a categorical variable. (A categorical variable is a variable that has two or more categories with no intrinsic ordering to the categories. For example, gender is a categorical variable with two categories: male and female.) A bar graph is used to compare the frequency of a category or characteristic with that of another category or characteristic. The bar height (if vertical) or length (if horizontal) shows the frequency for each category or characteristic.

For example, assume that data has been collected from a survey of 100 ECE students to determine how many of them indicated that Probability, Electronics, Electromechanics, Logic Design, Electromagnetics, or Signals and Systems is their best subject. Let the data show that 30 students indicated that Probability is their best subject, 20 students indicated that Electronics is their best subject, 15 students indicated that Electromechanics is their best subject, 15 students indicated that Logic Design is their best subject, 10 students indicated that Electromagnetics is their best subject, and 10 students indicated that Signals and Systems is their best subject. This result can be displayed in a bar graph as shown in Figure 8.7.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.7. Example of a Bar Graph

Because each column represents an individual category rather than intervals for a continuous measurement, gaps are included between the bars. Also, the bars can be arranged in any order without affecting the data.

Bar charts have a similar appearance as histograms. However, bar charts are used for categorical or qualitative data while histograms are used for quantitative data. Also, in histograms, classes (or bars) are of equal width and touch each other, while in bar charts the bars do not touch each other.

8.5.6 Pie Chart

A pie chart is a special chart that uses “pie slices” to show relative sizes of data. For example, consider the survey discussed earlier of ECE students to find out their favorite subjects. We noted that the survey result is as follows:


Probability 30%


Electronics 20%


Electromechanics 15%


Logic Design 15%


Electromagnetics 10%


Signals and Systems 10%

The result can be displayed in the pie chart shown in Figure 8.8. The size of each slice is proportional to the probability of the event that the slice represents.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.8. Example of a Pie Chart

Sometimes we are given a raw score of a survey and are required to display the result in a pie chart. For example, consider a survey of 25 customers who bought a particular brand of television. They were required to rate the TV as good, fair or bad. Assume that the following are their responses:

Good, good, fair, fair, fair, bad, fair, bad, bad, fair, good, bad, fair, good, fair, bad, fair, fair, good, bad, fair, good, fair, bad, and bad.

To construct the pie chart we first create a list of the categories and tally each occurrence. Next, we add up the number of tallies to determine the frequency of each category. Finally, we obtain the relative frequency as the ratio of the frequency to the sum of the frequencies, where the sum is 25. This is illustrated in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4. Construction of Relative Frequencies

CategoryTallyFrequencyRelative Frequency
Good  6 0.24
Fair 11 0.44
Bad  8 0.32

With this table we can then construct the pie chart as shown in Figure 8.9.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.9. Pie Chart for TV Example

8.5.7 Box and Whiskers Plot

The box and whisker diagram (or box plot) is a way to visually organize data into fourths or quartiles. The diagram is made up of a “box,” which lies between the first and third quartiles, and “whiskers” that are straight lines extending from the ends of the box to the maximum and minimum data values. Thus, the middle two-fourths are enclosed in a “box” and lower and upper fourths are drawn as whiskers. The procedure for drawing the diagram is as follows:


Arrange the data in increasing order


Find the median


Find the first quartile Q1, which is the median of the lower half of the data set; and the third quartile, Q3, which is the median of the upper half of the data set.


On a line, mark points at the median, Q1, Q3, the minimum value of the data set and the maximum value of the data set.


Draw a box that lies between the first and third quartiles and thus represents the middle 50% of the data.


Draw a line from the first quartile to the minimum data value, and another line from the third quartile to the maximum data value. These lines are the whiskers of the plot.

Thus the box plot identifies the middle 50% of the data, the median, and the extreme points. The plot is illustrated in Figure 8.10 for the rank-order data set that we have used in previous sections:

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.10. The Box and Whiskers Plot


As discussed earlier, the median is M = Q2 = 55, the first quartile is Q1 = 49, and the third quartile is Q3 = 73. The minimum data value is 12, and the maximum data value is 90. These values are all indicated in the figure.

When collecting data, sometimes a result is collected that seems “wrong” because it is much higher or much lower than all of the other values. Such points are known as “outliers.” These outliers are usually excluded from the whisker portion of the box and whiskers diagram. They are plotted individually and labeled as outliers.

As discussed earlier, the interquartile range, IQR, is the difference between the third quartile and the first quartile. That is, IQR = Q3 − Q1, which is the width of the box in the box and whiskers diagram. The IQR is one of the measures of dispersion, and statistics assumes that data values are clustered around some central value. The IQR can be used to tell when some of the other values are “too far” from the central value. In the box-and-whiskers diagram, an outlier is any data value that lies more than one and a half times the length of the box from either end of the box. That is, if a data point is below Q1 − 1.5 × IQR or above Q3 + 1.5 × IQR, it is viewed as being too far from the central values to be reasonable. Thus, the values for Q1 − 1.5 × IQR and Q3 + 1.5 × IQR are the “fences” that mark off the “reasonable” values from the outlier values. That is, outliers are data values that lie outside the fences. Thus, we define


Lower fence = Q1 − 1.5 × IQR


Upper fence = Q3 + 1.5 × IQR

For the example in Figure 8.10, IQR = Q3 − Q1 = 24 ⇒ IQR × 1.5 = 36. From this we have that the lower fence is at Q1 − 36 = 49 − 36 = 13, and the upper fence is at Q3 + 36 = 73 + 36 = 109. The only data value that is outside the fences is 12; all other data values are within the two fences. Thus, 12 is the only outliner in the data set.

The following example illustrates how to draw the box and whiskers plot with outliers. Supposed that we are given a new data set, which is 10, 12, 8, 1, 10, 13, 24, 15, 15, 24. First, we rank-order the data in an increasing order of magnitude to obtain:


Since there are 10 entries, the median is the average of the fifth and sixth numbers. That is, M = (12 + 13)/2 = 12.5. The lower half data set is 1, 8, 10, 10, 12 whose median is Q1 = 10. Similarly, the upper half data set is 13, 15, 15, 24, 24 whose median is Q3 = 15. Thus, IQR = 15 − 10 = 5, the lower fence is at 10 − (1.5)(5) = 2.5 and the upper fence is at 15 + (1.5)(5) = 22.5. Because the data values 1, 24 and 24 are outside the fences, they are outliers. The two values of 24 are stacked on top of each other. This is illustrated in Figure 8.11. The outliers are explicitly indicated in the diagram.

What kind of graph consist of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

Figure 8.11. Example of Box and Whiskers Plot with Outliers

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What kind of graph consists of tabular frequencies shown as adjacent rectangles erected over intervals?

A histogram is a representation of tabulated frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles or squares (in some of situations), erected over discrete intervals (bins), with an area proportional to the frequency of the observations in the interval.

What graph is used to show frequencies of data within equal intervals?

A Histogram is a bar graph that shows data in intervals.

Which of the following graph is a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data?

Histograms. A histogram is a graphic version of a frequency distribution. It helps to display the shape of a distribution. The graph consists of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other and has both a horizontal axis and a vertical axis.

Is a graph that displays the frequencies wherein the observation?

Frequency Histograms A graph that displays the classes on the horizontal axis and the frequencies of the classes on the vertical axis. The frequency of each class is represented by a vertical bar whose height is equal to the frequency of the class.