In what type of study do researchers replicate their original experiment and add variables to test additional questions?





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Terms in this set (13)

Conceptual replication

A replication study in which researchers examine the same research question (the same conceptual variables) but use different procedures for operationalizing the variables. See also direct replication, replication-plus-extension.

Cultural psychology

A subdiscipline of psychology concerned with how cultural settings shape a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and how these in turn shape cultural settings.

Direct replication

A replication study in which researchers repeat the original study as closely as possible to see whether the original effect shows up in the newly collected data. Also called exact replication. See also conceptual replication, replication-plus-extension.

Ecological validity

The extent to which the tasks and manipulations of a study are similar to real-world contexts. Also called mundane realism.

Experimental realism

The extent to which a laboratory experiment is designed so that participants experience authentic emotions, motivations, and behaviors.

Field setting

A real-world setting for a research study.

File drawer problem

The idea that reviews and meta-analyses of published literature might overestimate the support for a theory, because studies finding null effects are less likely to be published than studies finding significant results, and are thus less likely to be included in such reviews.

Generalization mode

The intent of researchers to generalize the findings from the samples and procedures in their study to other populations or contexts. See also theory-testing mode.


A way of mathematically averaging the effect sizes of all the studies that have tested the same variables to see what conclusion that whole body of evidence supports.


Pertaining to a study whose results have been obtained again when the study was repeated.


A replication study in which researchers replicate their original study but add variables or conditions that test additional questions. See also conceptual replication, direct replication.

Scientific literature

A series of related studies, conducted by various researchers, that have tested similar variables. Also called literature.

Theory-testing mode

A researcher's intent for a study, testing association claims or causal claims to investigate support for a theory. See also generalization mode.

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In what type of study do researchers replicate their original?

Conceptual replications– Conceptual replication is when research is conducted by using different methods to repeat the original study. Despite difference in methods, the new data is similar to the original study findings.

What does it mean to replicate a research study?

Replication is a study for which any outcome would be considered diagnostic evidence about a claim from prior research. This definition reduces emphasis on operational characteristics of the study and increases emphasis on the interpretation of possible outcomes.

What are the two types of replications research methods?

At least two key types of replication exist: direct and conceptual. Conceptual replication generally refers to cases where researchers 'tweak' the methods of previous studies [43] and when successful, may be informative with regard to the boundaries and possible moderators of an effect.

What is replication in experimental research?

Replication is a term referring to the repetition of a research study, generally with different situations and different subjects, to determine if the basic findings of the original study can be applied to other participants and circumstances. 1