In which of the following dissociative disorders does an individual develop more than one self or personality?

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Dissociative identity disorder is not a personality disorder. It is the result of a natural way of coping with sustained childhood trauma. Our page on the causes of dissociative disorders has more information.

1) When an individual is unaware that they present different personalities to the world this is known as

a)b)c)d)Correct! Dissociative identity disorder: A Dissociative disorder characterised by the individual displaying two or more distinct identities or personality states that take turns to control behaviour (formerly known as 'multiple personality disorder').Incorrect.

2) Dissociative amnesia normally manifests itself as a retrospectively reported gap or series of gaps in the individual's ability to verbally recall aspects of their life history, and these gaps are often related to

a)b)c)d)Correct! Dissociative amnesia: An inability to recall important personal information that is usually of a stressful or traumatic natureIncorrect.

3) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is usually associated with several types of memory disturbances. Generalised amnesia is when

a)b)c)d)Correct! Generalised amnesia: A memory disturbance where there is a failure of recall that encompasses the person's entire life, and such individuals may suddenly report to police stations or to hospitals as a result of this disorientationIncorrect.

4) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Continuous amnesia is

a)b)c)d)Correct! Continuous amnesia: A memory disturbance where there is an inability to recall events from a specific time up to and including the presentIncorrect.

5) When an individual has Dissociative amnesia it is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Systematic amnesia is

a)b)c)d)Correct! Systematic amnesia: A memory disturbance where there is a loss of memory that relates to specific categories of information, such as family history.Incorrect.

6) The basic feature of dissociative fugue is that the individual

a)b)c)d)Correct! Dissociative fugue: The instance of an individual suddenly and unexpectedly travels away from home or work, and is unable to recall some or all of their past historyIncorrect.

7) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a disorder where

a)b)c)d)Correct! Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Dissociative disorder characterised by the individual displaying two or more distinct identities or personality states that take turns to control behaviour (formerly known as 'multiple personality disorder').Incorrect.

8) In Dissociative Identity Disorder the host identity refers to

a)b)c)d)Correct! Host identity: The identity that existed before the onset of Dissociative Identity Disorder.Incorrect.

9) In Dissociative Identity Disorder the alter host identities refers to

a)b)c)d)Correct! Alter identities: The identities that develop after the onset of Dissociative Identity DisorderIncorrect.

10) Persistent or recurrent episodes of depersonalization are the central features of Depersonalization Disorder These symptoms are characterised by

a)b)c)d)Correct! Depersonalization Disorder: Feelings of detachment or estrangement from the self (such as living in a dream or standing outside of themselves, watching themselves).Incorrect.

11) According to (Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban et al., 1986), the factors for dissociative disorders include a history of anxiety and depression that pre-dates the disorder and a history of

a)b)c)d)Correct! Childhood abuse: The physical or psychological maltreatment of a child.Incorrect.

12) Most psychodynamic theorists believe that dissociative symptoms are caused by which of the following?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Repression: One of the most basic of the ego defence mechanisms according to psychodynamic theorists.Incorrect.

13) State-dependent memory is a well-established cognitive phenomenon in which the individual is more likely to remember an event if they are:

a)b)c)d)Correct! State-dependent memory: A well-established cognitive phenomenon in which the individual is more likely to remember an event if they are in the same physiological state as when the event occurred.Incorrect.

14) Reconstructive memory is stored as a series of discrete elements associated with which of the following elements of the experience?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Reconstructive memory: A concept of a cognitive theory of dissociative symptoms which argues that an individual autobiographical memory is stored as a series of discrete elements associated with that experience (e.g. context, emotional state, sensory and perceptual features, etc.).Incorrect.

15) Being unable to recall the relevant elements of an autobiographical experience from memory is known as a deficit in:

a)b)c)d)Correct! Source-monitoring ability: The ability to recall the relevant elements of an autobiographical experience from memoryIncorrect.

16) A deficit in which of the following types of monitoring may lead individuals to doubt that they have actually had a particular experience?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Reality monitoring: A form of source monitoring required to distinguish mental contents arising from experience from those arising from imaginationIncorrect.

17) When an individual recovers repressed childhood memories of trauma which did not occur, this is known as:

a)b)c)d)Correct! False recovered memories of trauma: The recovery of repressed childhood memories of trauma that did not actually occurIncorrect.

18) Which of the following might provide evidence of alter identities in Dissociative Identity Disorder?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Alter identities: The identities that develop after the onset of Dissociative Identity Disorder.Incorrect.

19) Which of the following might present a problem when treating dissociative disorders ?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Dissociative fugue: The instance of an individual suddenly and unexpectedly travels away from home or work, and is unable to recall some or all of their past history.Incorrect.

20) When an individual is dealing with recovered memories it is often a severely traumatic experience for the client, and may involve the intense re-experiencing of traumatic events. This is known as:

a)b)c)d)Correct! Abreaction: The intense re-experiencing of traumatic eventsIncorrect.

21) Which of the following is not one of the most commonly used therapies for dissociative disorders?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Psychoanalysis: The method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts..Incorrect.

22) An individual with Dissociative Identity Disorder, may produce multiple personalities and these appear to serve a coping function in allowing which of the following?:

a)b)c)d)Correct! Alter identities: The identities that develop after the onset of Dissociative Identity DisorderIncorrect.

23) A therapeutic method that is used relatively regularly with those who suffer dissociative disorders is hypnotherapy because:

a)b)c)d)Correct! Hypnosis: A therapeutic technique in which the patient is placed in a tranceIncorrect.

24) Which of the following drugs can be used concurrently with hypnotherapy to help the client with dissociative disorder to recall past events?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Sodium amobarbital: A drug which can be used concurrently with hypnotherapy to help clients recall past eventsIncorrect.

25) The hypnotherapy approach helps individuals to recall events during earlier stages of their life and is often used in dissociative disorders. This is known as which of the following?:

a)b)c)d)Correct! Age regression: In hypnotherapy, the recreation of the physical and mental state that a client was in prior to experiencing any trauma which will help the individual to recall events during earlier stages of their lifeIncorrect.

26) In depersonalization disorder there is some evidence for abnormalities in which of the following systems ?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Depersonalization Disorder: Feelings of detachment or estrangement from the self (such as living in a dream or standing outside of themselves, watching themselves).Incorrect.

27) According to researchers vthere are good incentives for a criminal to fake symptoms of amnesia for a criminal act. It is estimated that about what percentage of criminals fake amnesia?

a)b)c)d)Correct! Selective amnesia: A memory disturbance where an individual can recall some, but not all, of the events during a specific time period (e.g. a combat veteran may be able to recall some events during a violent military encounter, but not others).Incorrect.

28) In the laboratory procedure, measuring proness to false recognition, participants are presented with lists of words, and each list is composed of words associated to a single non-presented 'theme word'. For example, a list may consist of words associated with sweet (such as sour, sugar, bitter, candy, etc.). After hearing the lists, participants are then given a recognition test where they are presented with words:

a)b)c)d)Correct! False recovered memories of trauma: The recovery of repressed childhood memories of trauma that did not actually occur.Incorrect.

29) Sometimes Dissociative amnesia is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Localised amnesia is when

a)b)c)d)Correct! Localised amnesia: A memory disturbance when an individual is unable to recall events that occurred during a specific time period (e.g. memory loss for a period of 2 days following a serious car accidentIncorrect.

30) Clinicians believe that Dissociative amnesia is associated with several types of memory disturbances. Selective amnesia is when

In which of the following dissociative disorders does an individual develop more than one cell for personality?

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior.

In which dissociative disorder does an individual develop more than one self typically in response to some psychological trauma?

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental health condition. People with DID have two or more separate identities. These personalities control their behavior at different times.

What mental disorder gives you multiple personalities?

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Dissociative identity disorder used to be called 'multiple personality disorder'. If you have dissociative identity disorder you will experience severe changes in your identity.

What is dissociative multiple personality disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder. Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, this disorder is characterized by "switching" to alternate identities. You may feel the presence of two or more people talking or living inside your head, and you may feel as though you're possessed by other identities.